A new economic impact study titled: “The Adverse Impact of Banning Hydraulic Fracturing In The City of Denton on Business Activity and Tax Receipts in the City and State” will be presented to Denton City Council on Tuesday.

Fort Worth, Texas, Monday, July 14, 2014 – A hydraulic fracturing ban in Denton would cost the city and...

There are many myths circulating that natural gas wells are not regulated. It is also believed that they have some how been made exempt from various regulations. In actuality, federal and state laws and regulations heavily regulate natural gas drilling and production. This chart shows the federal laws...

Manufactured issues relating to the natural gas and oil industry are unending. The industry is constantly defending itself against improper information that is either out of context or inaccurate. Case in point, in a recent press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney...

The state budget prospects laid out recently by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs in the Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) were rosy, thanks to the natural gas and crude oil industries. Taxes from natural gas and oil...

Hydraulic fracturing is a hot topic these days. If you Google “hydraulic fracturing,” you get just under 1 million results, most of which are positive, informational pieces explaining what the process is and how it works. If you Google “fracking,” however – the invented word that has become a shorthand description for gas shale development in general – you get more than 3 million results, many...

The war between Texas and the EPA escalated on dual fronts on Friday. Read more.

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec. 3 -- The American Petroleum Institute’s two top officials expressed concern over the White House’s apparent omission from its Dec. 3 jobs forum of chief executives from the oil and gas industry. ...

Weatherford, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

In a significant victory for oil and gas producers and processors in the Barnett Shale, Lillard Wise Szygenda (LWS) obtained a jury verdict declaring that Crosstex Energy Services, L.P.’s Azle gas processing facility did not constitute a nuisance to surrounding homeowners....

To Whom It May Concern:

On July 24, 2009 your companies presented an independent natural gas leak survey to the Town of DISH, TX. This survey was in response to the town’s repeated complaints of odor surrounding the natural gas compression station that your respective companies owns and operates in and around the town of DISH. This survey did not address the concerns that the town has...

On a national basis, the two worries that rise to the top of my list (among many others) are the twin dangers of our growing dependence on imported oil and on imported money to fund government spending. Even worse, we import both from countries that are not our friends.


"I've got a proposition for President Obama. How would you like to champion an issue that will do the following:

Be important to the general population, impacting virtually everyone, in all walks of life Drastically improve our energy independence and significantly loosen the Mid-East oil restraints that drag down our economy"...

The Railroad Commission of Texas, which oversees oil and gas production in the state, recently reorganized some of its staff to improve efficiency and pave the way for a possible, future increase in the use of compressed natural gas as a transportation fuel.

Read more.