Category: Exploration

New Mexico county passes strict drilling rules as state judge considers wider ban

The new ordinance supersedes a moratorium on oil and gas development that had been in place since 2010.  More »

Halcón to pull back from Tuscaloosa Marine Shale

The decision underscores the wide disparity between the economics of established shale plays and younger ones.  More »

Marathon’s profit falls 24 percent on crude price slump

Marathon Oil reported a 24 percent drop in third-quarter profit, as lower crude prices offset higher production.  More »

Shell seeks five more years for Arctic oil-drilling drive

Shell, which has spent eight years and $6 billion to explore the Arctic’s Beaufort and Chukchi seas, said in letter to the Interior Department that “prudent” exploration before leases expire is now “severely challenged.”  More »

New Mexico audit finds $3 million in uncollected Apache royalties

Land Commissioner Ray Powell says the assessment of Apache Corp.’s production in Lea County turned up royalties going back to January 2009.  More »

Shell makes deepwater gas discovery in Gabon

Royal Dutch Shell today announced a discover off the coast of Gabon but says it will need to conduct further analysis to determine just go much gas is present.  More »

David Stover moves into top job at Noble Energy

David Stover has been named Noble Energy CEO, under succession plan announced in April.  More »

Statoil announces Tanzania gas discovery

The Norwegian energy company has had a presence in Tanzania since 2007.  More »

Exxon, Pemex sign cooperation agreement

The companies agreed to analyze exploration, drilling and refining opportunities.  More »

N.D. oil boom widens wage gap between the sexes

North Dakota’s unprecedented oil bonanza has boosted salaries throughout the state, though the male-dominated, high-paying energy industry also is widening the wage gap between men and women.  More »

Noble Energy plans Falkland Islands exploration wells

Noble Energy will resume exploration drilling in the Falkland Islands next year, the company announced Wednesday, following evaluation of seismic imaging over its 10 million acres off the cost of the islands east of Argentina.  More »

West Virginia opens bids on drilling under Ohio River

Noble Energy, Gastar Exploration and Statoil submitted bids with 20 percent royalty rates. State officials plan to pick winners in the next week or two.  More »
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