American Family Association

American Family Association

The American Family Association (AFA) has been a long-time promoter of "traditional moral values" in the media, particularly television. AFA built its reputation on organizing boycotts against sponsors of TV shows with "anti-Christian" messages and ideas, or against companies it claims support the so-called "homosexual agenda" or marriage equality.

AFA News Director: Demanding Public Trials For Police Officers 'Sounds A Whole Lot Like Lynching'

Bryan Fischer was out sick yesterday, so the American Family Association's news director, Fred Jackson, filled in as guest host on Fischer's "Focal Point" radio program where he interviewed the ACRU's Robert Knight about the protests that have erupted after two separate grand juries failed to indict police officers for killing unarmed black men.

Knight declared that the activists who have protested these decisions are "trying desperately to start a race war" and blamed President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder for fanning the flames by supposedly suggesting that all police officers are racist.

"They really need to be take to the woodshed for this," Knight said, which prompted Jackson to declare that those who are demanding that these police officers face trial for their actions are really calling for them to be lynched.

"Somebody was saying this morning, 'we ought to have public trials,'" Jackson said. "What do you mean by a public trial? That sounds a whole lot like lynching to me":

Sandy Rios: Chokehold Victim Eric Garner 'Knew The Drill'

American Family Association radio host Sandy Rios reacted to a Staten Island grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer responsible for the death of Eric Garner by warning that the move will be used by “the horrendous agitators among us to make the situation as bad as possible.”

Rios said that while she was “sad to see Eric Garner get arrested like that,” he should’ve knew better.

“He resisted arrest again. I don’t understand,” Rios said while reflecting on how a police officer taught her young son always obey the police. “Why Eric didn’t do that, I don’t know. They said he had been arrested 32 times prior to that so he certainly knew the drill. So it’s a sad, it’s very, very sad and it’s really sad to know now that this will be an occasion for more violence and more of the evil that loves this stuff and comes in and loves to stir it up and make a situation worse than it already is.”

The AFA spokeswoman then likened people demonstrating over Garner’s death to Chinese dictator Mao Zedong in their inclination to “agitate and to make matters worse.”

“That’s what the evil, dark center of the left does, and that’s certainly what they’re going to do,” she said.

Bryan Fischer Does Not Like/Understand The Phrase 'A Nation Of Immigrants'

Bryan Fischer spent a good portion of his radio program today voicing his opposition to "amnesty" and any effort to pass immigration reform legislation, at one point going off on an incoherent tangent to complain about the phrase "a nation of immigrants."

The phrase is generally used to make the point that most American citizens today are descendants of ancestors who immigrated to America in previous generations, but Fischer apparently doesn't understand that. 

"Eighty-five to 87% of the people that live in the United States were born here," Fischer argued. "You know what that makes us? That makes us native Americans. We are Americans by birth."

Things then became even more confusing when Fischer began to argue that the Native Americans who inhabited this land when the settlers arrived where themselves immigrants from Eurasia.

"It means that Native American tribes are immigrants too!" Fischer proclaimed. "If we're a nation of immigrants, to use their expression, that has to apply to the Indian Nations that were here when European settlers arrived. Everybody here is an immigrant. Everybody here is a descendant of those who immigrated to these shores."

Ummm, yes. That is exactly what the phrase "a nation of immigrants" means.

Sandy Rios: Obama Inspired Fatal Hammer Attack By Condemning Violence

Sandy Rios of the American Family Association made the case on her radio show today that President Obama’s repeated condemnations of violence in Ferguson, Missouri, actually proved that Obama wanted to encourage violence.

In fact, Rios believes that Obama, along with Attorney General Eric Holder and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, inspired the murder of a Bosnian-American in St. Louis: “I guess a bunch of teens near Ferguson must have been listening, or at least they took to heart the message of the race haters like Louis Farrakhan and I believe like Eric Holder and I believe like Barack Obama because outside, not far from Ferguson, Missouri, an immigrant who was Bosnian but of course he looks white, he was in his car driving, he came up to a stop sign, black young men came to the car, started hitting his car with a hammer, he got out of his car to stop them and they beat him to death.”

“The president is saying publicly, ‘oh we shouldn’t be violent,’ wink-wink, nod-nod, and yet he stokes it constantly, we know that he actually met with protesters in Ferguson,” Rios said.

She also criticized Professor Christopher Emdin for writing a blog post on “5 Ways to Teach About Michael Brown and Ferguson in the New School Year,” warning that he and others are “stoking the fires.”

AFA Does Not Support Effort To Establish Christianity As Mississippi's Official Religion

Recently, a pro-Confederacy group in Mississippi launched an effort to get a measure on the ballot in 2016 that, if passed, will establish a "Confederate Heritage Month" in the state, as well as designate English as the official state language. Among the provisions contained in the measure are requirements that whenever an American flag is displayed on a public building, a state flag of the same size must also be displayed and "whenever the pledge of allegiance to the national flag is recited, the state flag salute shall be recited immediately thereafter." On top of that, "whenever the national anthem is played in a public venue or at a public event in Mississippi, either 'Dixie' or 'Go, Mississippi' shall be played immediately thereafter."

Perhaps the most controversial provision of the measure is the requirement that Christianity be recognized as the official state religion, which is just the sort of thing one would expect the Mississippi-based American Family Association to embrace and support. After all, the AFA's leading spokesman, Bryan Fischer, has repeatedly said that the Constitution was not designed to protect any religion other than Christianity and that states have every right to establish an official religion.

But, amazingly, Fischer and the AFA are not supporting the effort:

Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, told CP that he questioned the need for Initiative 46.

"I'm not clear who is behind this initiative or exactly what problems they're trying to solve," said Fischer of the AFA.

"I will be surprised if the organizers are able to get the number of signatures they need since most Mississippians aren't going to see the need for it. Mississippians like the state just fine as it is."

Fischer added that many "of the provisions in the initiative would be more appropriately handled at the state legislative level if they are to be handled at all."

"Constitutional remedies should be reserved for issues of primary importance. The issue of school mascots, for instance, doesn't rise to that level," said Fischer.

"Our main concern here at AFA is for religious liberty to be preserved in Mississippi, and we believe that our state constitution and the recently passed religious freedom restoration act provide adequate protection for religious freedom here in the Magnolia State."

Ben Carson: Women's Lib Movement Created 'Me Generation' That Helped Lead To Ferguson

Conservative activist Ben Carson was a guest on America Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” last week, where he expounded on his previous comments that young African American men like Michael Brown are getting killed by the police because they “never really learn how to relate to authority in the proper way.”

“Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities, where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. Usually the father figure is where you learn how to respond to authority. So now you become a teenager, you’re out there, you really have no idea how to respond to authority, you eventually run into the police or you run into somebody else in the neighborhood who also doesn’t know how to respond but is badder than you are, and you get killed or you end up in the penal system,” Carson said.

“If the so-called leaders were really interested in the community, they would be trying to deal with that problem, because that’s happening every single day,” he added.

When host Lauren Kitchen Stewards broke in to tie his remarks to young people’s “sense of entitlement,” Carson traced it all back to the women’s liberation movement.

“I think a lot of it really got started in the '60s with the ‘me generation.’ ‘What’s in it for me?’ I hate to say it, but a lot of it had to do with the women’s lib movement. You know, ‘I’ve been taking care of my family, I’ve been doing that, what about me?’ You know, it really should be about us,” he said.

Bryan Fischer Does Not Understand The Concept Of Double Jeopardy

On his radio broadcast yesterday, noted constitutional scholar Bryan Fischer made the absurd argument that Ferguson, Missouri, police office Darren Wilson cannot face federal charges in the shooting death of Michael Brown after a grand jury failed to indict him, on the grounds that such charges would violate the Constitution's protections against "double jeopardy."

Citing the Fifth Amendment's language that no person shall "be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb," Fischer laughably claimed that meant that Wilson can never be prosecuted for possible crimes related to Michael Brown's killing.

"He was just put in jeopardy of life or limb," Fischer argued. "No indictment was returned. He cannot be subject to the process a second time."

Unfortunately for Fischer, this clause only applies to individuals who have faced trial, as it is designed to protect people from being tried multiple times for the same crime. Wilson, of course, was never "put in jeopardy of life or limb" since he never faced a trial for his actions precisely because the grand jury failed to return an indictment.

Bryan Fischer Says Michael Brown Was Possessed By A Homicidal Demon

On his radio program today, Bryan Fischer reacted to a grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, seizing upon Wilson's testimony that he felt like he was facing "a demon" during his confrontation with Brown.

Fischer absolutely agreed, saying that "the chances are very good" that Wilson was literally locked in battle with a homicidal demon that was possessing Brown during the altercation.

"I think that at this point there was a demonic presence that was operating inside Michael Brown's body," Fischer said, "activating him, energizing him, driving him forward in this homicidal rage. So when he says he looked like a demon, I think that's because he was looking into the eyes of a demon that was driving Michael Brown to do what he did":

AFA Spox Says 'Entitled' Michael Brown Received Justice: 'God Says There Will Be Consequences'

American Family Association news director Fred Jackson spoke today about a St. Louis County grand jury’s decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of unarmed African American teenager Michael Brown, declaring that Brown had a “mentality of entitlement” and ultimately paid the price for his alleged role in the theft of cigars from a convenience store earlier that day. Apparently stealing cigars comes with the penalty of death!

Jackson made the comments while guest-hosting American Family Radio’s “Sandy Rios in the Morning”:

We have to get back to the reality, there are moral truths and when people break those moral truths and decide to violate them, there are consequences. On that day, August 9th in Ferguson, Missouri, when Michael Brown went into that convenient store and stole that box of cigars, he was making a moral decision. Now no one knows what was in Michael Brown’s head that day but one could speculate that he believed he was above being told he should not steal, he was above getting any consequences for his actions. He went on to assault police officer Darren Wilson. He believed, Michael Brown, apparently, that he was allowed to do that. It is that mentality of entitlement, that mentality that says ‘you have your truth, I have mine,’ that I believe is at the core of this.

Later in the program, Jackson said Brown disobeyed the absolute truths laid out by God and had to face the consequences for his actions because “God says there will be consequences.” He added that Brown’s death was also the result of “the breakdown of the family.”

What we’ve been talking about this morning: the existence of absolute truth, and that is what’s under attack today. Absolute truth is defined by scripture, the Bible, God’s word, that’s how it’s defined and when you violate that, there are consequences. Now you may get away with it for a while, for a period, but God says there will be consequences. Both our callers, I think, addressing the crux of the problem here this morning is the family, is the breakdown of the family. When you do not have a dad figure around there is not someone there in authority to demonstrate there are consequences to violating the rules. If you don’t have that presence in the family, you’re going to have problems.

Fischer: Banning 'Stop And Frisk' Is 'A Hate Crime Against Black Citizens'

On "Meet The Press" yesterday, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson had a heated exchange on the issue of police violence in black communities. On his radio show today, Bryan Fischer predictably sided with Giuliani on the issue, declaring that banning the use of "stop and frisk" policing was committing a hate crime against black people.

Fischer, whose love of black men is well established, asserted that since most of those arrested under "stop and frisk" were black, the people who were most protected by "stop and frisk" were other black people.

"These areas were riven with black-on-black crime," Fischer said. "Stop and frisk started to bring those numbers down. When you go away from stop and frisk ... you are endangering black citizens. It's like a hate crime against black citizens. You are exposing them to risk by removing a law enforcement tool":


Fischer: Impeachment Campaign Should Copy The Gay Rights Movement

On his Friday radio broadcast, Bryan Fischer said that conservatives need to keep talking about impeaching President Obama over his executve action on immigration in order to bring about the "social change" necessary to make it acceptable, just like gay activists did with the issue of homosexuality.

"I'll give you a perverse example," Fischer said. "The homosexual lobby, they said we want to overhaul straight America. We want to turn them into thinking this is not aberrant sexual deviant behavior. We want them to think this is wonderful. How do we do that? Well, number one, we just use the word 'homosexual' over and over and over again. We just keep talking about homosexual, homosexual, homosexual, homosexual. We get people accustomed to it. We get them used to it, so we get past the shock factor of what the word homosexual actually means. They say don't let them think about what homosexuals actually do, that will gross them out, just use the word homosexual over and over and over again and eventually people will get used to it. It will become normal, it will become part of kind of the lingo."

"Well that's exactly, I believe, in a positive sense, what we need to do with impeachment," he said. "Let's just keep talking about impeachment all the time. Let's make it a normal part of the political discourse to consider impeachment":

Right Wing Round-Up - 11/21/14

Heritage Fellow: Obama Will Use Government 'Goodies' To Replace Americans With Latino Immigrants

Discussing President Obama’s likely executive action on immigration with the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios today, Heritage Foundation senior fellow Mike Gonzalez suggested that the president wants to swap freedom-loving Americans with government-worshiping Latinos as part of his plan to weed out liberty from the country.

After Rios read an excerpt from a Federation for American Immigration Reform report claiming that an executive action would “open up federal and state benefits to individuals that are illegal immigrants,” Gonzalez said “Obama’s calculus” is to use undocumented immigrants to breed support for “big government.”

(Noncitizens under the Obama administration’s current deferred action program — which would be expanded under the proposed executive action — are not eligible for any federal benefits and do not have a path to citizenship and voting rights.)

“The reason he wants to do this is because he believes that these people, when they become voters, will support Big Government,” Gonzalez said. “For them to be assimilated into the ‘new America’ that the president and the progressives around him are trying to create, they need to be acclimated right away to being on government services, to liking government services, to think of the government as being a benevolent dispenser of goodies.”

He added that Obama plans to undermine the country’s “experiment in human freedom and prosperity” by replacing native-born Americans with immigrants who want a bigger government: “In order to change it, they need to create a people that like and look upon government as benevolent and a provider.”

Rios agreed, saying that Latino immigrants are “accustomed to government sort of being the ruler, they’re not used to self-rule or self-decisions.” She insisted that the “poison pill” of government will weaken Latino families just as she believes it damaged the black community.

Fischer Proposes Religious Right Conclave To Pick The Next GOP Presidential Nominee

On his radio broadcast today, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer called for Religious Right leaders to gather together for what would amount to a political papal conclave designed to pick the next Republican presidential nominee.

Worrying that the Religious Right may have too many excellent choices among the crop of 2016 GOP presidential hopefuls and may end up diluting its power by splitting its support among various candidates as a result, Fischer suggested that Religious Right leaders ought to organize a summit where they would all gather and relentlessly "grill [the candidates] one after another."

"Probe them and challenge them and test them and ask them really hard questions about what they would do as president of the United States with this issue or that issue," Fischer said. "And get some promises from these guys."

After said grilling, Religious Right leaders would then collectively decide "on one candidate that you as a group of leaders would recommend that the entire evangelical community gather behind."

"It's kind of like picking a Pope," he said:

AFA Kicks Off 'War On Christmas' Season With PetSmart Boycott

Last week, the American Family Association kicked off the “War on Christmas” season with the release of its annual “Naughty or Nice” list rating major retailers on whether their holiday advertising uses the word “Christmas.”

Today, the AFA announced the company that it would be picking on especially this Christmas season, urging members to abide by a “limited one-month boycott” of the pet supply store PetSmart because of “the company’s censorship of the word ‘Christmas.’”

AFA is calling for a limited one-month boycott of PetSmart over the company's censorship of the word "Christmas."

For years, PetSmart has refused to use the word Christmas on its website, in television commercials, newspaper ads and in-store promotions, despite tens of thousands of consumer requests to recognize Christmas and in spite of repeated requests from AFA to do the same.

Sign the Boycott PetSmart Pledge Now!

Want proof? Go to and type "Christmas" in the search bar. As of today, the website brings up zero results, although the company’s website is clearly marketing to "Christmas" shoppers.

At PetSmart, you'll find a "Holiday Shop," a "holiday" wish list and plenty of "holiday" items, but you won't find "Christmas."

Ironically, PetSmart had no problem with saying Halloween though. They promoted their "Halloween Shop" very heavily for weeks in October. So why are they so afraid of Christmas?

PetSmart is censoring the word Christmas, pure and simple. Yet the company wants all the people who celebrate Christmas to do their shopping at its stores.

Until PetSmart proves it recognizes Christmas by using it in their newspaper, radio and television advertising or in-store signage, the boycott will be promoted throughout this Christmas season.

AFA has successfully influenced almost all of the nation's largest retailers to embrace the use of Christmas in their advertising. But at PetSmart, it's "Bah, Humbug!"

Fischer: Muslim Prayer Service At National Cathedral Was 'Spiritual Sabotage'

On Friday, a Muslim prayer service that was held at the National Cathedral was predictably interrupted by a right-wing Christian activist. Just as predictably, Bryan Fischer is now praising that activist as a modern-day Elijah for taking a stand against this prayer rally, which he called a "desecration" and "spiritual sabotage."

Fischer, who was already on record as opposing the prayer service, said on his radio show today that allowing Muslims to gather to pray to a "demon god who goes by the name of Allah" was a desecration of the National Cathedral, asserting that it is all part of Islam's attempt to destroy America from within.

"This was an act of spiritual and national sabotage," Fischer said. "It's as if they had dug some tunnels under the floor of the National Cathedral and filled them with explosives to completely obliterate our spiritual history and our spiritual traditions":

Fischer: God 'Quickened The Campaigns' Of Republicans In Response To Our Prayers

While appearing on Jerry Newcombe's "Vocal Point" radio program last week, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer doubled down on his assertion that the prayers of anti-gay activists at the recent "I Stand Sunday" event caused God to help Republican candidates win their races for elected office in the last election.

"A good part of that evening, the pastors and the people in that congregation and all those across the country got down on their faces before God to repent of our sins, to seek God's favor over this land because of the threat to religious liberty," Fischer said. "And on Tuesday, we saw these resounding election results and I have to think there was a connection. When God's people got on their faces in repentance in faith over the issue of religious liberty, how threatened it is in our land, how important it is, I think God heard those prayers and I believe he quickened the campaigns of those who are willing to stand for religious liberty and Tuesday, I think, was part of the fruit of those prayers and that repentance":

Fischer: People Recoil At Transgenderism Because God Does

Bryan Fischer kicked off his radio broadcast today with a discussion of Deuteronomy 22, in particular the prohibition against women wearing men's clothes or men wearing women's clothes, asserting that this is God's way of saying that He does not approve of transgenderism, which is why people recoil upon seeing transgender individuals.

Deuteronomy 22: 5 states:

A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

Fischer assured his audience that this does not apply to people who are just "fooling around" by dressing up as the opposite sex or prohibit unisex styles of clothing, but rather it is a prohibition on people presenting themselves as members of the opposite sex, because doing so in "an abomination."

"What the word 'abomination' refers to is this just internal kind of glitch that we get when we see that," Fischer said. "That comes from God because God reacts to that the same way that we do. We see transgenderism on display and there's something inside us that recoils against that. There's something inside us that says that is not normal. There's something inside us that says that is not right. And God feels exactly the same way about that as we do. That inner recoil that we experience when we see that on display, we got that capacity from God because we are made in his image":

Just last week, Fischer made a very similar argument for why people supposedly recoil at the thought of "homosexual behavior."

Sandy Rios: Impeach 'Socialistic' Obama For Immigration Action

The American Family Association’s Sandy Rios today called on conservatives to voice their support for impeaching President Obama over his upcoming executive action on immigration reform, telling listeners that “the president has committed many impeachable offenses but impeachment cannot take place unless the will of the people is behind it.”

“The word that no one wants to talk about is the word ‘impeachment,’” Rios said on her daily radio show, insisting that Obama “is far more dangerous than Bill Clinton ever was.”

“Bill Clinton was immoral, selfish, a narcissist with a leftist view, but nothing, nothing, nothing compared to the bizarre, out-of-control, narcissistic, leftist, socialistic leader that we have right now who is running amok,” she said.

At least one of her listeners seems to think that Obama may cancel the next presidential election, telling Rios that the president “is a Muslim and believes in the Muslim life” who is “trying to bankrupt this nation so that he can declare martial law and therefore there will be no more elections.”

Rios replied that the caller is right to believe that “part of his goal is bankrupting the country, I don’t know how you can argue otherwise because that is exactly what he is doing and I think whether he is waiting for martial law to be declared or not I don’t know, I hear from people in the know here that he is trying to divide and cause tremendous dissension in the Republican Party.”

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American Family Association Top Posts

The American Family Association (AFA) has been a long-time promoter of "traditional moral values" in the media, particularly television. AFA built its reputation on organizing boycotts against sponsors of TV shows with "anti-Christian" messages and ideas, or against companies it claims support the so-called "homosexual agenda" or marriage equality. MORE >

American Family Association Posts Archive

Kyle Mantyla, Friday 12/05/2014, 1:20pm
Bryan Fischer was out sick yesterday, so the American Family Association's news director, Fred Jackson, filled in as guest host on Fischer's "Focal Point" radio program where he interviewed the ACRU's Robert Knight about the protests that have erupted after two separate grand juries failed to indict police officers for killing unarmed black men. Knight declared that the activists who have protested these decisions are "trying desperately to start a race war" and blamed President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder for fanning the flames by supposedly... MORE >
Brian Tashman, Thursday 12/04/2014, 3:55pm
American Family Association radio host Sandy Rios reacted to a Staten Island grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer responsible for the death of Eric Garner by warning that the move will be used by “the horrendous agitators among us to make the situation as bad as possible.” Rios said that while she was “sad to see Eric Garner get arrested like that,” he should’ve knew better. “He resisted arrest again. I don’t understand,” Rios said while reflecting on how a police officer taught her young son always obey the police.... MORE >
Kyle Mantyla, Wednesday 12/03/2014, 4:48pm
Bryan Fischer spent a good portion of his radio program today voicing his opposition to "amnesty" and any effort to pass immigration reform legislation, at one point going off on an incoherent tangent to complain about the phrase "a nation of immigrants." The phrase is generally used to make the point that most American citizens today are descendants of ancestors who immigrated to America in previous generations, but Fischer apparently doesn't understand that.  "Eighty-five to 87% of the people that live in the United States were born here," Fischer... MORE >
Brian Tashman, Tuesday 12/02/2014, 3:45pm
Sandy Rios of the American Family Association made the case on her radio show today that President Obama’s repeated condemnations of violence in Ferguson, Missouri, actually proved that Obama wanted to encourage violence. In fact, Rios believes that Obama, along with Attorney General Eric Holder and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, inspired the murder of a Bosnian-American in St. Louis: “I guess a bunch of teens near Ferguson must have been listening, or at least they took to heart the message of the race haters like Louis Farrakhan and I believe like Eric... MORE >
Kyle Mantyla, Monday 12/01/2014, 2:45pm
Recently, a pro-Confederacy group in Mississippi launched an effort to get a measure on the ballot in 2016 that, if passed, will establish a "Confederate Heritage Month" in the state, as well as designate English as the official state language. Among the provisions contained in the measure are requirements that whenever an American flag is displayed on a public building, a state flag of the same size must also be displayed and "whenever the pledge of allegiance to the national flag is recited, the state flag salute shall be recited immediately thereafter." On top of that... MORE >
Miranda Blue, Monday 12/01/2014, 11:38am
Conservative activist Ben Carson was a guest on America Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” last week, where he expounded on his previous comments that young African American men like Michael Brown are getting killed by the police because they “never really learn how to relate to authority in the proper way.” “Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities, where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. Usually the father figure is where you learn how... MORE >
Kyle Mantyla, Wednesday 11/26/2014, 10:27am
On his radio broadcast yesterday, noted constitutional scholar Bryan Fischer made the absurd argument that Ferguson, Missouri, police office Darren Wilson cannot face federal charges in the shooting death of Michael Brown after a grand jury failed to indict him, on the grounds that such charges would violate the Constitution's protections against "double jeopardy." Citing the Fifth Amendment's language that no person shall "be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb," Fischer laughably claimed that meant that Wilson can never be... MORE >
Kyle Mantyla, Tuesday 11/25/2014, 4:50pm
On his radio program today, Bryan Fischer reacted to a grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, seizing upon Wilson's testimony that he felt like he was facing "a demon" during his confrontation with Brown. Fischer absolutely agreed, saying that "the chances are very good" that Wilson was literally locked in battle with a homicidal demon that was possessing Brown during the altercation. "I think that at this point there was a demonic presence that was operating inside Michael... MORE >