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Thank President Obama for historic action to curb climate change pollution

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President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China announced an historic joint plan to curb climate pollution! As part of the deal, the US committed to more aggressive goals for reducing carbon emissions and China agreed to stop its carbon emissions from increasing by 2030.

As the world's two largest carbon emitters, this agreement has a huge impact. Next year, representatives from countries from across the globe will meet in Paris to set worldwide targets for reducing climate pollution. With the ambitious goals from the U.S. and China leading the way, other countries will be more likely to follow suit.

It's only been hours since the announcement was made but already climate deniers in Congress, like future U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, are criticizing the president's actions.

Let's show President Obama we've got his back. Help us send 50,000 thank you messages and let him know we support climate action.

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