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Sierra Club: Youthful, Diverse, Enthusiastic

People of every age and background embrace the Sierra Club's motto to "explore, enjoy and protect the planet." The Club works hard to include everyone in its mission. Check out the programs below to see the many faces of the Sierra Club. Our diversity statement follows. Also, visit EcoCentro: Sierra Club en Español.

Mission Outdoors

Building Bridges To The Outdoors
Mission Outdoors works to give every child in America an outdoor experience.

Military Families and Veterans

Military Families and Veterans Initiative
Military Families and Veterans Initiative connects military families with the healing powers of nature.

Population and the Environment

Sierra Sportsmen
The Global Population and Environment Program works with youth to promote reproductive health and sustainability.

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice and Community Partnerships connects environmental quality and social justice.

Puerto Rico Chapter

Puerto Rico
¡Bienvenidos a la Isla del Encanto! Visita Sierra Club de Puerto Rico.

Sierra Student Coalition

Sierra Student Coalition
Sierra Student Coalition is our youth-led chapter, comprised of students.

Inner City Outings

Inner City Outings
Each year, Inner City Outings takes 12,000 urban youth on safe and fun wilderness excursions.

Sierra Magazine

Sierra magazine's Cool Schools 2013
Sierra magazine chronicles America's greenest colleges in its annual Cool Schools issue.

Water Sentinels

Water Sentinels
Water Sentinels donated fishing rods to 50,000 kids so they could get outside and fish.

Sierra Club Diversity Statement, Inclusion and Equity Statement
(Board of Directors, April 2013)

The Sierra Club embraces, values and respects a variety of social and cultural characteristics including, but not limited to race, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental/physical ability, religion and age. In order for the Sierra Club to fulfill its mission and be a leader in the progressive movement, we commit to celebrating diversity, ensuring inclusion and working towards equity in all we do. We believe diversity, inclusion and equity are essential to our mission because:

  • Diversity is a conservation necessity and social imperative that will enable the Club to remain a leader in the environmental movement.
  • Inclusion fosters involvement of all persons and organizations that share our vision for a healthy planet.
  • Environmental equity ensures that everyone has the right to experience nature and access to clean water, clean air, clean soil and a safe environment.

We acknowledge that in order to be a truly diverse and inclusive organization we will exercise commitment to these goals within issue advocacy, the way we do business and how we interact with one another and our external partners. In support of the mission of the Sierra Club, we strive to be accessible and inclusive, and to recruit, engage, support and cultivate leadership from all communities in our work and activities. Our vision is for our volunteers, leaders, members, staff and supporters to reflect the diversity of our nation's communities. In an ongoing effort, we will build and integrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion into our conservation initiatives, program strategies, membership, workforce, structure, budget, business practices, communications and overall culture of the Sierra Club.

Sierra Club® and "Explore, enjoy and protect the planet"® are registered trademarks of the Sierra Club. © 2014 Sierra Club.
The Sierra Club Seal is a registered copyright, service mark, and trademark of the Sierra Club.