Items Tagged with 'proved'


EIA Says Crude Reserves Highest Since 1975, North Dakota Passes GOM

U.S. proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate exceeded the 36 billion bbl threshold for the first time since 1975, while North Dakota surpassed the federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and is now second only to Texas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Read More

EIA Says NatGas Reserves Up 10%; North Dakota Passes GOM in Crude

U.S. natural gas proved reserves increased nearly 10% and reached a record 354 Tcf in 2013, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Meanwhile, North Dakota's crude oil and lease condensate proved reserves surpassed those of the federal Gulf of Mexico (GOM), ranking it second only to Texas among U.S. states. Read More

Panhandle Proved Reserves Up 36%, Thanks to Eagle Ford

Panhandle Oil & Gas Inc. said its total proved reserves had increased 36% at the end of the third quarter, thanks in part to its acquisition of producing properties and drilling locations in the Eagle Ford Shale last June. Read More

With Appalachian Reserves Growing, Magnum Hunter Inches Closer to Pure-Play

Magnum Hunter Resources Corp. said Monday the Appalachian Basin now accounts for approximately 80% of its total proved reserves, up from 70% at the end of last year as it continues to divest non-core assets to focus on developing nearly 200,000 net Marcellus/Utica acres. Read More

NatGas Reserves Stumbled, Crude Oil Surged in 2012, EIA Says

U.S. crude oil reserves in 2012 surged to their highest level since 1976, but low natural gas prices drove down gas proved reserves for the first time since 1998, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said Thursday. Read More

Low Prices Gave NatGas Reserves a Haircut in 2012

 U.S. crude oil reserves in 2012 surged to their highest level since 1976, but low natural gas prices drove down gas proved reserves for the first time in 14 years, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said Thursday. 

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ExxonMobil Turn to Liquids Shows in Proven Reserves Estimates

ExxonMobil Corp. replaced its proved oil and natural gas reserves in 2013 by 1.6 billion boe, a 103% replacement overall and a 153% jump in crude and liquids. However, total proved reserves, which now stand at 25.2 billion boe, are flat from a year ago. Read More

Consol Added 1.63 Tcfe to Proved Reserves in 2013

Consol Energy Inc. added 1.63 Tcfe to its proved reserves through extensions and discoveries in 2013, which the company said on Thursday marks the fifth consecutive year that drillbit finding and development costs were less than 50 cents per Mcfe. Read More

Antero Lifts Reserves Significantly, Expects Numbers to Climb Higher

Antero Resources Corp. continues to grow its holdings in the Appalachian Basin, reinforcing its position as one of the region's most active drillers by reporting on Tuesday a 78% increase in proved reserves and a 62% increase in proved, probable and possible (3P) reserves at the end of last year. Read More