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Published on November 8th, 2014 | by Jake Richardson


Clean Energy For 14 Years In Germany

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November 8th, 2014 by  

It’s well known that Germany is a world leader in solar and wind power. There’s a fair amount of unwarranted criticism levied at renewables, and generally it seems there is not nearly as much positive press. For that reason, it might be surprising to hear that an energy cooperative in Germany has been providing clean energy to the country for 14 years. (It will be 15 in January 2015.)

Greenpeace 2

Inside Greenpeace Energy’s headquarters in Hamburg, Germany. This is supposedly the greenest building in Europe.

The cooperative, Greenpeace Energy, was founded in 1999 and started supplying clean electricity in 2000. Today, it has over 100,000 customers and 9,000 of those are businesses.

It also supports the construction of renewable energy plants — 11 wind farms and 3 photovoltaic systems, so far. These 14 facilities have a power capacity of 65 MW. Most of this capacity is from wind power.

There are 23,000 members in the cooperative and the cost to join is €55. Total revenue in 2012 was €95 million. 70 employees work for the organization. The sources for its electricity are hydro and wind power.


A Greenpeace tugboat inside Greenpeace Energy’s headquarters in Hamburg, Germany.

Energy storage is also an interest of the cooperative’s. In particular, it is interested in something called windgas, or using electricity to produce hydrogen which can be stored for months and supplied to the gas grid for heating homes, cooking, running gas-powered cars, and so forth. “This technical constraint is, however, expected to be eased in the future. But even while the constraint applies, the storage capacity for renewable energy in the gas grid is enormous: 45 times the total capacity of all pumped-storage hydroelectricity in Germany today.”

So, what is the capacity of all pumped-storage hydroelectricity in Germany today? A research paper published in 2011 said that number is about 7 GW. The pumped storage capacity in Germany might have changed since then. 45 multiplied by 7 GW is 315 GW of potential storage for renewable energy in the gas grid.

These figures may not be all that accurate today, but they do show the cooperative’s interest in energy storage — not just clean energy production. Renewable energy storage lately seems to be in the form of larger and larger battery systems, but windgas, as the Greenpeace cooperative calls it, is an intriguing alternative and has key benefits. Battery storage is competitive for short timeframes, perhaps up to a day, while hydrogen storage works well for much longer periods of time. Battery storage is likely to win out for short-term needs, while hydrogen storage is one of the only seasonal storage options that is being considered in Germany (perhaps the only one being seriously considered).

Image Credit: Zachary Shahan | CleanTechnica (CC BY-SA 4.0 license)

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About the Author

Hello, I have been writing online for some time, and enjoy the outdoors. If you like, you can follow me on Google Plus.

  • Peter T from Oz

    Thanks for the article. I have read with considerable interest some of the comments below and I would like to throw in a sidewinder for the reader’s consideration if I may.
    Thinking outside the square, there is perhaps another form of energy storage that should be considered here … and its not what you might think. The form of Renewable Energy I am speaking of is ocean wave power, which as it happens has now been proven to provide continual base load power. The company I am speaking of is an Australian outfit called Carnegie Wave Energy and they not only have the capacity to produce base load power, they can also deliver desalinated water from the same pressurised water at almost zero cost as compared to traditional desalination.
    How do they do this you might ask? Well it is all to do with taking already pressurised water (i.e. the natural energy stored at an ocean depth) and pumping it up into a land based generation and water treatment plant. Check it out … you might be surprised.

  • globi

    The maximum storage capacity of the Swiss power lakes is 8.8 TWh. The reservoir levels drop in the winter and raise in the summer: link.
    Germany doesn’t have much storage capacity but plenty of wind resources and Norway on the other hand has even 84 TWh of storage capacity.

    Germanys wind power can save water in the Alpine and Scandinavian countries and their hydro power plants can provide peak power during dark dead calm periods.

  • Jenny Sommer

    Posted an answer upthread….

    Additional info:
    Austria’s biggest utilitie (over 40% market share) is also one of the cleanest in Europe (90% hydro). They just sold their French nat gas plants too.

    • Ulenspiegel

      The Austrian Verbund generates most of its electricity with running water power plants, the storage plants contribute much less in Austria.

      Greetings from Graz! :-)

      • Jenny Sommer

        Still 4GW vs 7GW for Germany with Austria 10 times smaller.
        And the loadfactor is rather low at ~10%.
        I will still change again…they still run Dürrenrohr and some cleaner utilities are cheaper also.

        • Ulenspiegel

          You are correct, the capacity of Austrian pumped storage is quite high and underused, the only problem I see is that there is more competition for these resources. Scandinavia is quite remote for France or Italy.

  • Jenny Sommer

    Austria got most of the hydro resources and is also a net importer (40%!). It is cheaper to import (and reexport pumped hydro) than to produce when renewables are producing cheap surplus.
    We also know that there is 6% nuclear in the mix which Austria wants to get rid of over the next years. Household energy is already nuclear free (utilities only buy renewable power).
    New pumped hydro is not really economic though and there is indeed little new pumped hydro built.

  • Vensonata

    Seasonal storage is particularly obvious with pv rather than wind. Overproduction occurs off grid ( which is really micro grid) about 6 months per year. As mentioned battery storage is good for 3-5 days but is too expensive for longer durations. One could eliminate batteries and invest in hydrogen production and even at 40% efficiency still be elegantly solar powered year round even in cloudy Germany or say, Seattle.

    • Larmion

      You want to use hydrogen for long term storage? A material that is corrosive and slowly diffuses through most storage tank materials? A material that has to stored carefully and in expensive containment structures because of its rapid oxidation?

      Electricity to hydrogen doesn’t facilitate storage. However, it can play in a role in reducing the need for storage: a small but significant amount of excess electricity can be turned into hydrogen, injected into the gas grid and burned off right away. Power to gas is an inefficient process and will always remain so due to thermodynamic constraints, but it can be economical because it bypasses the storage step.

      If long term storage is your goal, some sort of pumped hydro is the best bet. Pumping hydro behind a dam where possible, more exotic forms such as offshore storage lagoons elsewhere. Alternatively, falling prices for vanadium and other flow batteries could make them a solid long term storage option (though they still have a long way to go).

      Oh, and do note that most excess renewable energy is wind. Solar production still pales in comparison to the huge volumes of wind energy produced each and every day around the world.

      • Bob_Wallace

        We’re discussing future storage. The fact that there is more wind than solar generation right now has nothing to do with the future.

        • Larmion

          a) Solar growth in Germany has slowed to a crawl, while wind is growing at a healthy pace – in fact, the government expects wind to exceed its ‘growth corridor’ (target) and solar to stay significantly below them. Any convergence thus would be years away.

          b) I’ve yet to see a single study that predicts solar becoming cheaper than wind in the forseeable future, especially in cool and humid climates.

          c) Even if solar technology would advance by leaps and bounds and wind would remain stagnant technologically (neither of which is a realistic assumption), there’ll always be this simple fact: Germany is windy but not sunny. The capacity factor of a solar panel will always be low due to intense cloud cover for most of the year, while wind turbines are already achieving a 40% capacity factor and moving towards 50% in some places.

          • Bob_Wallace

            d) Germany is connected to the rest of Europe and will be even more so.

            e) Right now is not the future. The future is very hard to predict.

          • Larmion

            Of course. But if you are discussing future storage today, you can only discuss the forseeable future (a few decades at most). In that period, wind will remain the dominant renewable and possibly increase its lead over solar, hydro and biomass further.

            That means that storage will mainly be driven by the needs of wind. And since wind is less variable throughout the year than solar, Vensonata’s point about long term storage is less significant than it may seem: wind needs mainly short term storage, not the seasonal storage solar would need in a climate like Germany’s.

            As for Germany being connected: yes, but many of its neighbors (the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and most of all Denmark) have a similar renewable profile to Germany: lots of wind, some solar and biomass. Even France and Spain are betting mainly on wind for now. And the Benelux, Denmark and northern France all have a remarkably similar wind spatio-temporal wind distribution compared to the northern Germany.

            Europe is a wet and windy continent. As such, solar will be a fairly minor player in the energy mix for the forseeable future and any storage planning must work from that.

          • Bob_Wallace

            Wind became affordable/cheap a few years ago. Solar is still working its way down. One can’t make too many assumptions on how much of each will be built in the future based on the amounts installed now. Wind got a head start.

            We don’t know how cheap solar will get. It might drop lower than wind. This question won’t be answered for a few more years.

            The distance from Tunis to Munich is about 1,295 km. The Pacific Intertie is 1,360 km long. Northern Europe does have better wind resources. Some of that wind might end up being traded for North African solar.

          • Larmion

            Wind became affordable years ago and is still becoming cheaper – at pretty much the exact same rate models predicted. Solar will need years upon years before it comes close to wind according to most pricing models (at least in cloudy climates).

            That is of course assuming that crystalline silicon (and CdTe/CIGS to a lesser extent) will continue their dominance. However, no other technique offers any prospect of swift commercialization, let alone mass production.

            The Pacific intertie runs through a single, stable polity and doesn’t have to cross a single stretch of sea. Compare that to a hypothetical link to North Africa, which would several different countries with widely different legal frameworks (and constantly changing legislation), run under the Mediteranean Sea and over the Alps and would have to tie in with a North African electricity grid that is still in its infancy.

            Oh, and do note that much of North Africa is actually fairly windy too. Countries like Morocco seem to be rather fond of wind as well – possibly because even in the Sahara wind achieves a higher capacity factor.

          • Bob_Wallace

            In the windy parts of the US wind is now about 4 cents/kWh. In the sunny parts of the US solar is now about 6.5 cents/kWh. Those are non-subsidized prices.

            Squeezing another penny out of wind is likely to be harder than squeezing a couple of pennies out of solar.

            HVDC lines already run under oceans. Tunnels get bored through mountains. As Europe strengthens it’s grid the route from NA to Germany might be more Algiers to Marseilles, skirting the Alps.

            Why do you keep trying to discuss the future in terms of today’s conditions? Do you not grasp the concept of “later”?

          • Larmion

            And those prices are significantly lower than those reached in Europe, for various reasons that don’t really matter here.

            Laying subsea cables has been possible for over a century, that’s not the issue. Cost is the issue: subsea cable is significantly more expensive than terrestrial cabling and tunnel boring is more expensive still.

            A connection from Algiers to Marseille has two drawbacks: it crosses the Med almost at its widest and it goes through the French grid. France is unwilling to allow large export currents through its own grid, a grid that was designed for a steady stream of nuclear power and can’t take much more without upgrades. Upgrades that would mainly benefit others but would have to paid for by France – something the country isn’t too keen on.

            Also, Algeria isn’t exactly the most stable or safe country in the region. Realistically, only Morocco and Tunesia are stable enough for a long term, high risk project such as massive, export-oriented solar.

            A cheaper option would be to install more solar in southern Italy and Sicily. The Italian grid is already well connected to the rest of Europe and solar resources are almost comparable to those found in North Africa.

            As for your last point: I discuss the future based on today’s models. That’s how every company, university and government department I’ve come into contact with does long term planning.

            You can’t make a long term plan that assumes that X will drop in price massively if Y or that Z might happen. You base yourself on known quantities and use an appropriate regression model to make assumptions about the future. And those models all indicate that wind will remain the dominant renewable across Europe and probably beyond.

            But all that is academical. The only realistic option is gradual, local progress that doesn’t involve any pie-in-the-sky projects like North African solar or massive storage in Germany.

            Let the market grow organically and choose its path; when storage becomes an issue, market forces will push it to the front – as seems to be happening in sparsely populated regions of countries like Australia already. When solar becomes more attractive than wind, investment will gravitate towards it.

          • Bob_Wallace

            Solar is very close to catching up with the cost of wind when one compares good resource areas for both. A significant increase in panel efficiency would quickly close the gap. Panasonic has already demonstrated efficiency over 25%.

            It may or may not make sense to import solar into Germany from North Africa, Italy, or Saudi Arabia. That’s going to depend on things we can’t predict such as the cost of storage.

            North Africa may or may not continued to be a troubled region.

            Obviously the market will grow and morph as time goes along. No one, except you, is making firm predictions about the future. The rest of us are speculating.

          • Ulenspiegel

            If you read studies like Matthias Popss Dissertation (TU Braunschweig) on storage demand in Germany then you find that the demand is much higher in PV heavy scenarios.

            The “optimal” RE mix for Germany looks like 50% on-shore wind, 30% offfshore wind, 20% PV.

            The reason for this is that the demand peaks in winter, when PV does not deliver, and that the difference between daytime and nighttime demand is smaller in Germany than in the USA, here onshore wind shines.

            I think Larmion’s assessment is correct.

          • eveee

            If I may interject a note. There is quite a bit of activity in undersea cables between UK, Germany, and Norway.


            Its always a problem dealing with multiple jurisdictions, and EU is a good example. Even in the US, states and regions do not always cooperate.

            Here is a link on how France is sabotaging efforts to link grids, in an effort to protect its nuclear industry.


            Its hard to say what will happen. Even solar in Spain and Portugal is blocked, much less Africa. There is solar potential in Italy.

          • Ronald Brakels

            Larmion, point of use solar provides electricity to consumers at a lower cost than wind power right now in Australia. And this is also the case in Europe.

          • Larmion

            Yes, solar has reached retail parity. However, since the discussion was about grid level storage, it seems reasonable to talk only about utility scale solar. And that is still uncompetitive with wind or hydro even in sunny places.

          • Ronald Brakels

            Well, Larmion, around noon on weekends in South Australia over a third of total electricity consumption can come from rooftop solar. Since we also have wind power and currently an operating coal power station, their combination can result in negative electricity prices during the day. If we had a pumped storage reservoir, which we don’t, it would definitely take advantage of those negative electricity prices to charge itself so it could sell power in the evening. So if we did have utility scale storage, it would definitely make use of distributed grid tied solar when ever it charged itself during hours of daylight.

      • Vensonata

        An interesting case study for hydrogen storage combined with pv is Mike Strizki hydrogen house project”. Storage is in propane cylinder under low pressure. He has been running 100% solar hydrogen for some years now including his car and all heating for his large house. He now markets a little package of solar panels storage tank and hydrogen producer in a little shed for your backyard. Check him out on Google and YouTube. You see I have an 11.4 kWh solar array off grid which vastly over produces 8 months of the year. I have a few days of battery storage, but seasonal storage is the key. There is no wind, no hydro, no pump up so it comes down to diesel or self produced hydrogen. If it is economical hydrogen is the choice.

      • globi

        The Scandinavian and the Alpine countries have a day demand of over 40 GW. This demand has to be covered before there’s any need to pump.
        Storage lakes work well as seasonal storage but they don’t need to be provided with pumps – they eventually just need larger turbines. (They just let the water where it’s at when there’s plenty of excess wind power to import.)

        The electrification of the hot water and heating sector with heat pumps is necessary anyway to get rid of fossil fuels and this provides plenty of flexibility and short term storage at practically no additional costs.

        • Ulenspiegel

          You can only work with “dispatchable” hydropower, the number for this is much lower, e.g. in Austria most hydro power is running water.

          IIRC between 15 GW and 30 GW couldd be substituted during daytime, not that bad.

          • globi

            In Switzerland about 10.5 GW is dispatchable power (dammed lakes) and 3.5 GW is run-of-river power. link

            Norway has an installed capacity of over 30 GW hydro power, of which almost all is dispatchable. link

            However, it’s important to note that power on existing dams can be increased several fold – if necessary.

          • Ulenspiegel

            In a recent study from Norway the authors admitted that the number for dispatchabel hydro is a little bit unclear, they reported a spectrum of 15-30 GW. OTOH Sweden could also contribute. :-)

            From a German POV: Capacity in Austria and Switzerland is highly contested, in contrast, Scandinavia is claerly hinterland for the competitors from France and Italy but quite ok for German utilities.

          • Bob_Wallace

            Has anyone yet modeled a ~100% renewable Europe?

            Taken real world demand and wind/solar/hydro/tidal production and figured out how much of each and how much storage it would take to make things work?

            It seems to me that something like that could be extremely useful. Set up the model based on what is in place now and what sorts of solar, etc. resources are available. Update the current state every quarter or so.

            And then allow runs using new prices for solar or adding some transmission between sunny and windy areas, ….

            A simplified version for regular people to play with could be very educational.

          • globi

            According to this study Germany requires 7 TWh of storage and 18 GW of flexible power at 80% renewable share. link
            (A 100% renewable share only makes sense once the entire heating and hot water sector is electrified).

            Tiny Switzerland has only 10% of the German population and 2017 will have an installed hydro capacity of 16 GW. With a nuclear capacity of 3.3 GW, a thermal power capacity of 1.6 GW and an average demand of 6.8 GW, a dispatchable capacity of approximately 13 GW remains. This is fact: link, page 40. Also, the storage capacity of the Swiss hydro power lakes is 8.8 TWh. This is also fact: link
            And Europe has a total storage capacity of 200 TWh.

            The crucial point is this: One tiny country in the year 2017 can in principal already solve the notorious storage conundrum of Europe’s largest economy post 2050.
            I’m sure there are models for entire Europe but the conclusion above makes it simply superfluous.

    • Bob_Wallace

      The question becomes whether it’s cheaper to store, to import, or to build more of what does produce in that season.

      I’m extremely doubtful that seasonable storage will play an important role in our energy future, with the exception of possibly using some biomass.

      • Ronald Brakels

        I’ll mention that one good thing about having sufficient energy storage available is that any dispatchable generating capacity that might be required to meet seasonal variation need not be very large, as rather than being built to meet peak demand it can be run more or less continuously when needed and used to charge storage. This makes something like biomass more suitable than it would be otherwise.

  • JamesWimberley

    Storage capacity has to be measured in Gwh (energy) as well as GW (power). The “315 times pumped storage” number must relate to the latter: the instantaneous power the gas grid can deliver. But for how long? The thing with pumped hydro storage is that it can often run for a week at rated power.

    • Jan Veselý

      Germans say that their gas grid can store eneough gas to cover a half of the year of current consumption where heating is the main consumer. So, by the rule of thumb – a month?
      And when there are pipes already, you can sell surplus to Russia :-)

      • JonathanMaddox

        “sell surplus to Russia”

        You have heard the phrase, “coals to Newcastle”, haven’t you? :D

        • Ulenspiegel

          Pumped hydro is around 7 GW in Germany, the storage are good for only 8 hours, so we are talking about 60 GWh energy, that’s a fart in the wind.

          The storage facilities for NG are good for around 90 days, therefore, would be together with P2G a approach for long-term storage. Question is, a good one?

          We have on average 14 days without wind and sun in Germany per year. Therefore long term-storage demand is at least 14 days, or 14 * 1.7 TWh = 21 TWh, with a little bit buffer around 30 TWh.

          The last number is the argument for more transmission line to Sweden and Norway. :-)

          • Bob_Wallace

            Do mean that you have a total of 14 days per year without meaningful wind and solar or that you have as much as fourteen days in a row without meaningful wind and solar?

          • Ulenspiegel

            We have 14 days without meaningful wind and solar per year, of which 9 or 10 days could be in a row.

            The posiitive aspect is, that only in a scenarios with more than 80% RE long-term storage is essential. In all other cases cheap open gas turbines could be the solution, esp. when around 40% of the back-up will only have less than 300 FLH.

        • Jan Veselý

          I did not :D. Is is something like “bring the wood to the forest”, “or owls to Athens”?

          • JonathanMaddox


  • Matt

    While wind to gas is a good research project, and might be needed 10-20 down the line. Its current efficiency does not make it a good candidate for short term balancing of wind. It isn’t clear yet what the best approach for seasonal or even weekly shifting will be. They deployment focus right now should be on:
    1) very short time (frequency and phase regulation)
    2) Short balancing (15 mins), to drop out spin reserve
    3) peak shifting with the day
    As we move out you might see shifting from weekend (normally lowest load) to week day. But when we get to taking seasonal it isn’t clear what the cheapest path will be, maybe just over production.

    • globi

      Better than wind to gas is wind to flexible heat pump with a COP of 4 (a heat pump which replaces a gas furnace).

      The heat pump approach essentially produces 4 kWh of gas per kWh of wind power while wind to gas only produces 0.7 kWh of gas per kWh of wind power.

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