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This article is part of the supplement: The 2010 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP 2010): Systems Biology

Open Access Highly Accessed Research article

An integrative analysis of DNA methylation and RNA-Seq data for human heart, kidney and liver

Linglin Xie, Brent Weichel, Joyce Ellen Ohm* and Ke Zhang*

BMC Systems Biology 2011, 5(Suppl 3):S4  doi:10.1186/1752-0509-5-S3-S4

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Editor's Note - Error in published abstract

Simon Harold PhD   (2012-08-13 13:35)  Biomed Central Ltd

On 23/7/12 it was brought to our attention that an error had appeared in the published version of the Abstract of this article. The original first line of the Results section read:

"In this study, we have used (insert statistical method here) to compile unique DNA methylation signatures from normal human heart, lung, and kidney using the Illumina Infinium 27K methylation arrays and compared those to gene expression by RNA sequencing."

This was subsequently corrected on 24/7/12 to the following:

"In this study, we compiled unique DNA methylation signatures from normal human heart, lung, and kidney using the Illumina Infinium 27K methylation arrays and compared those to gene expression by RNA sequencing."

BioMed Central would like to thank all our readers who highlighted this error, and would like to apologise for any confusion caused by this mistake.

Competing interests

None declared


Error in published abstract

Tim Sands   (2012-07-23 17:54)  BioMed Central

Thank you for alerting us to this problem. A correction to this abstract has been requested from the authors. The statistical methods used are described in the main article. BioMed Central regrets that this omission was not picked up prior to publication.

Competing interests

None declared


(insert statistical method here)

Daniel Mietchen   (2012-07-23 14:44)  EvoMRI Communications

Why is this phrase in the published abstract?

Competing interests

I work on providing the scientific literature with a public version history.


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