All the Young Jews: In the Village of Kiryas Joel, New York, the Median Age Is 13

Categories: Longform

Photos by Caleb Ferguson
When school gets out, hundreds of children roam Kiryas Joel.

Abandoned toys litter the village. Tricycles are toppled on lawns. Red wagons rest beneath mailboxes. Big Wheels are strewn across apartment-complex courtyards. Hundreds of toys are sprawled over these 691 acres, but there's not a child in sight. It's midmorning, and all the kids are in school.

There's no need to secure the toys behind locked doors, because this is a safe place. It's the poorest municipality in America if you go by poverty rate and food-stamp use, but it's a place of order and community. There are strict rules, as a sign along the road that leads to the village alerts outsiders passing through:

Welcome to Kiryas Joel

A Traditional Community of Modesty and Values

In keeping with our traditions and religious customs, we kindly ask that you dress and behave in a modest way while visiting our community

This Includes

Wearing long skirts or pants • Covered necklines

Sleeves past the elbow • Use appropriate language

Maintain gender separation in all public areas

Thank you for respecting our values and please enjoy your visit!

When a group of Yiddish-speaking Satmar Hasidic Jews carved the Village of Kiryas Joel out of the woods in the 1970s and named it after their leader, Grande Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum, they intended for it to be a peaceful and isolated place. It was tiny then -- about 500 people -- but it grew quickly; within three generations, the population has topped 23,000. The founders had had lots of children and their children had lots of children, and these new families needed homes of their own, so the village built more. The homes became smaller and the buildings became taller and the trees disappeared. Now four-story apartment complexes with corrugated walls and bare-wood exterior staircases line the roads. It is as though inner-city housing projects have been dropped along the winding streets and cul-de-sacs of a suburban subdivision. On weekday afternoons a dozen minivans wait at stop signs. The shopping center's parking lot is full from morning till night. Men wearing wide-brimmed black hats and long beards and white dress shirts beneath black coats shuffle past the storefronts. Women in long-sleeve knits and skirts that reach to their shins push strollers across busy intersections.

With growth came industry and jobs. Locals turned basements into clothing shops and jewelry stores. Outsiders came in search of work. Now Hispanic men unload moving trucks and labor at the many construction sites. West Indian housekeepers commute two hours by bus from Brooklyn. White men in blue Kiryas Joel Public Safety uniforms make rounds in patrol cars. At the kosher poultry plant, 200 gentiles gut chickens.

As the village grew, it did not remain peaceful and isolated. Growth brought development and money and registered voters for politicians to please. Growth brought trouble: divisions and tensions, loyalists and dissidents. There were the years of fires and stonings and beatings and excommunications -- the War Time, some locals call it. When the loyalists banished the dissidents from the village schools and from the cemetery, the dissidents built schools and a cemetery on land just outside Kiryas Joel's boundaries.

Kiryas Joel became overcrowded. The median age is 13 -- it's the only place in America with a median age under 20. Satmar families spilled onto the surrounding, unincorporated property. In December 2013, village leaders put forth a proposal to annex more than 500 acres of wooded land. The townspeople of Monroe resisted with protests and petitions. And so the village that once sought to isolate itself began to battle its neighbors.

Every afternoon, a parade of school buses rumbles along the winding roads. The children step out and the toys come to life. Big Wheels race down sidewalks. Boys pull wagons filled with younger boys. Girls sit on staircases and on swings. Teenagers huddle in conversation. Parking lots are roped off. The entire village has become a playground. The mothers sit in plastic patio chairs in groups of three or four, watching the children playing. "What do we do for fun?" one mother says. "Take care of our kids. We're not busy with computers or anything. We just enjoy our families."

Laughter and shouts fill the air. The sun is low, but darkness and dinnertime are hours off. At times the village looks just like the isolated utopia the grande rebbe envisioned all those years ago.


My Voice Nation Help

"What do we do for fun you ask? We commit massive financial fraud and teach our children that gentiles are filth - and that they are to be called "goyim" (cattle) because they are not fully human.'


JudenRat ChristoNazi collaborating Jew basher. This Jew bashing bullshit will be used by Jesus Freaks to justify their JudenHass - Jew hate. NEVER FORGET WHAT NEVER AGAIN MEANS.


JudenRat Jew basher. Never Forget the other ChristoNazi collaborators.


Satmar's are notoriously anti-zionists which means they won't return to Israel until the Messiah returns.  Here's the thing, the Satmar's are becoming fractured as mentioned by Alan's comment below about the split vote.  Once that happens everything will start to unravel.  Once someone "important" realizes there are human rights violations happening day and night the Rebbe brothers with all the money are gonna high tail it to guess where?  You guessed it, Israel.  The leaders are taking advantage of the ancient law of never ratting out another Jew.


I grew up in Rockland county (I'm 40) and here's a few of my observations.  I'm non-secular.

-When was the last time you saw an older Hasidic woman?  Like Grandma old.  I find it very strange they are not well represented in my experience.

-The women are treated so bad I find it funny how they can justify being treated like crap for what?  They will start asking questions soon.

-They get a bad rap because they are rude and pushy and bossy.  Think about, if you were walled off from the rest of the world and were reminded everyday that you were spiritually superior to everyone I'd bet every single one of you reading this would act the same way.  It's human nature.  They are taught the goyim (non-hasid) are not even human beings who don't have souls.  Thank you Samuel Heilman.

-They aren't taught science so they don't have the capacity to really question anything and just accept everything as the Lord's way.

-They are taught Yiddish and use Yiddish as their first language and many don't ever learn English.

-And this one blew me away.  During circumcision, the foreskin is bitten off (yes with teeth) where nothing is sterilized.  How could it be?

-The corruption that has taken place two decades is remarkable and impressive. If Harley Doles the Town Supervisor makes it to the end of his term I'd be shocked.  I take that back, I wouldn't be shocked.

-The speeding and poor driving skills has gotten so out of hand.  If everyone knew they weren't going to get a ticket traveling from the tappan zee bridge to woodbury, everyone would be doing a 100 and riding bumpers. 


I just read another article that stated the women are getting smarter and realizing they are not treated with love and and are not treated as equal.  And proudly so.  There are Rebbe approved cell phones and the women are smart and figure out how to use the internet and find out that it's a big world out there and lots of people have left and have become suuccessful.  There are foundations now that help leave.

It does beg the question, if the women don't know there are other options out there and are left in the dark, when does respecting one's religious beliefs intersect with negligence to enforce basic human rights (women have to walk on the opposite side of the street)?

Michael Stern
Michael Stern

Ogallo dudes carry the nudes...Mott the Hoople.


As a member of the Satmar community, I can only say that allot of the facts and figures in the article are inaccurate to say the least.

Historical and factual, wrong!


Good article. I wonder why you didn't report on the 500 acre annexation and how KJ votes were split into two blocs.  Too close to deadline I'm guessing.

Is this the first time the Satmar dynasty haven't delivered a unanimous block on a vote?


I must say, all in all, a fairly balanced piece of reporting. Unfortunately, the way our political system works, is that politicians will gravitate to bloc voting and the Satmars take full advantage of this. It's why the US has such high inequality and is getting worse. Not blaming Satmar, for a gross deficiency in our political system...


@JessicaNaomi Jew hate is no worse than Christian hatred or Moslem hatred.  Get off your high horse. You are NOT special or superior or "chosen".


@David -And this one blew me away.  During circumcision, the foreskin is bitten off (yes with teeth) where nothing is sterilized.  How could it be?

This is hilarious. They don't chomp off the foreskin with their teeth - which would be awesome btw. They use a circumcision blade similar to what you'll find in a hospital. AFTER the circumcision, in order to fulfill a Kabbalistic custom, the Mohel will draw a drop of blood from the wound using their mouth. Then they bandage it and everyone at the party eats lox. 


I’m going to have to restrict myself to the factual misstatements in @David’s comments, or I’d be writing a book:

• Perhaps their dress makes it hard for you to guess chassidic women’s ages, but I can assure you there are about as many elderly women in the community as elderly men.

• They are not “taught the goyim are not even human beings who don’t have souls.” If you got that canard from Samuel Heilman you should not be thanking him for misleading you so. (Also, “goyim” means non-Jews, not non-hassid.)

• Circumcision is done with a super-sharp knife. Anyone you claims it’s done by biting is ignorant, slandering the community, or pulling your leg. “How could it be?” indeed.


@JoelWeiss How many of your women are allowed to drive? Zero.  Ride bikes? Zero.  Wear prayer shawls or hold Torah scrolls? Zero.


How is this wrong? You being a guy, you have more privileges than women in your community, and expect women to "know their place."

Present your argument with facts rather than whine about the article being wrong.


@Josh @David They do more than just "draw a drop of blood with their mouth". They literally suck the penis.


@Josh @David Thank you for correcting me and explaining in detail. My apologies.  People will believe what they hear until told otherwise..


@jcsalomon @David They don't bite the foreskin off with their teeth.  But they do suck the penis until the bleeding stops.  That's a disgusting, inhuman thing to do and it goes against the proscription against eating blood.  And if Christians or Moslems did it, we'd imprison them for it.


@jcsalomon @David Thanks for the comments.  Agree on the circumcision, it just sounded too ridiculous so thank for clearing that up.  I'm familiar with the dress, i don't think that's it but I'll be more observant.

If you wrote a book I would buy it.

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