Just because Congress won't act on climate doesn't mean you can't. Take action today: www.edf.org/qwp/
Photo: Just because Congress won't act on climate doesn't mean you can't. Take action today: www.edf.org/qwp/
Yesterday, for the first time, China and the U.S. struck a deal to limit greenhouse gases.

"Having the world’s two largest economies competing to accelerate the adoption of no-carbon and low-carbon technologies will send one of the most powerful market signals we have ever seen," Fred Krupp president of EDF.

Read more about this game changing pact.
The economic benefits of clean air offset the costs - by far.

Yet, every time the EPA unveils a plan to reduce air pollution and protect public health, opponents claim it’ll cost a fortune and ruin our economy.

Read more for a history lesson on how opponents of environmental regulations consistently miss the mark on costs.
BREAKING: China and the U.S. struck a deal Wednesday to limit greenhouse gases.

China is committing for the first time to cap carbon emissions while Obama is unveiling a plan for deeper U.S. emissions reductions through 2025.

Learn more about how investing in China—now—is one of the best ways to trim global emissions: www.edf.org/qYC/
Photo: BREAKING: China and the U.S. struck a deal Wednesday to limit greenhouse gases.

China is committing for the first time to cap carbon emissions while Obama is unveiling a plan for deeper U.S. emissions reductions through 2025.

Learn more about how investing in China—now—is one of the best ways to trim global emissions: www.edf.org/qYC/
Across the American West, water supplies are being pushed to the limit. So when expanding cities seek to boost water supplies, they can no longer simply take more water from rivers, which are already fully tapped. Instead, they turn to farmers' water rights.

Learn what that's doing to farmlands - and important ecosystems.
This year, when you shop on Smile.Amazon.com, every gift you buy for a friend or loved one can also be a gift for the earth and all the people and animals who live here. Learn more: www.edf.org/qYS/
Photo: This year, when you shop on Smile.Amazon.com, every gift you buy for a friend or loved one can also be a gift for the earth and all the people and animals who live here. Learn more: www.edf.org/qYS/
"Preparedness is improving, albeit at a pace that would seem to rival the gradual rise of the oceans.

Strategies include efforts to restore marshlands to buffer floods, to raise seawalls to keep pace with sea level, and to retreat from coastlines."
By 2016, solar power will be as cheap or cheaper than electricity from the conventional grid in every state except three.
The goal in this collaborative effort is to engage every player in America’s grain supply chain to solve what has been an intractable problem for decades. Learn more: www.edf.org/qGU/

Photo credit: USDA via Flickr
Photo: The goal in this collaborative effort is to engage every player in America’s grain supply chain to solve what has been an intractable problem for decades. Learn more: www.edf.org/qGU/

Photo credit: USDA via Flickr
There’s no question that some good candidates lost, some bad ones won - and that we may have some tough fights ahead over environmental issues.

But it’s important to remember that it was candidates who lost, and not environmental issues.
“Yesterday was not a referendum on climate or rejection of environmental protections that Americans overwhelmingly support. It was a really, really bad day for Democrats.”
Pound for pound, methane is over 80 times more potent than CO2 in trapping heat in the atmosphere over the first 20 years after it is released.

Tell the President and the EPA that the time to address methane emissions from the oil and gas sector is now.
Lower electricity bills, more choices over their energy use and a more reliable system all add up to a higher quality of life for the residents of one of the world's largest green-built neighborhoods. — in Austin, TX.
Will you Defend Our Future tomorrow and #VoteClimate?
Addressing #ClimateChange is not a partisan issue. We must #ActOnClimate to defend our future. Support candidates who support #ClimateAction. Join over 120,000 others and pledge to #VoteClimate. http://bit.ly/1uzwZMM
Photo: Addressing #ClimateChange is not a partisan issue. We must #ActOnClimate to defend our future. Support candidates who support #ClimateAction. Join over 120,000 others and pledge to #VoteClimate. http://bit.ly/1uzwZMM