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Meet the Candidates for ICLEI's Regional Executive Committee

by christinaashtary Oct 30, 2014

ICLEI's election for the Regional Executive Committee has officially commenced, and will run through November 9th. The Regional Executive Committee provides an international platform for city and county leaders to develop and drive organizational policies and strategies for ICLEI's North America region. Members also represent ICLEI North America at regional and international meetings, and provide regional input to ICLEI's Global Executive Committee, ICLEI's highest level of global membership representation.


>> Learn More about the Regional Executive Committee

ICLEI Members vote for the Regional Executive Committee members, filling three U.S. vacancies for the 2015-2018 term. To learn more about how to get your voting credentials, please contact J.R. Killigrew.

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ICLEI Members Take Big Strides in Local Climate Action

by christinaashtary Oct 14, 2014

ICLEI is proud to announce the next wave of members taking action and creating healthier, vibrant and more resilient communities. With the 5 Milestones process as their guide and tremendous local support, ICLEI members are measuring, reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and monitoring their progress at an even faster rate.

ClearPath is leading the way as the online platform for local governments to calculate, forecast, plan and monitor their municipal and community scale greenhouse gas emissions. 8 ICLEI members had entered their community baseline inventory and re-inventory data and have reduced an estimated 4 million MTCO2e which is equivalent to taking 820,000 cars off the road or shutting down 1 coal fired power plant. Now that is collective local action! Imagine what the impact would be if 80 or 800 local governments get their data into ClearPath.

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Affect National Energy Policy: The Green Construction Code Webinar Series

by christinaashtary Sep 29, 2014

Join us for a webinar and in-person event to learn about the important role for your local government to shape the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) this October. See detailed voting recommendations from the Energy Efficient Codes Coalition on proposed changes to the IgCC that affect energy efficiency and renewable energy here.

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ICLEI Partners on the Compact of Mayors and Seven other Bold Initiatives at the Climate Summit 2014

by christinaashtary Sep 22, 2014

NEW YORK - September 23, 2014. The number of cities committing to fight climate change is rising, and so does the level of their climate ambition. Many cities are now setting bolder targets of slashing 40, 70, 100 per cent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 and improving climate change resilience. Collectively, they will be crucial in delivering substantial cuts in global GHG emissions and ensuring the safety of their citizens, infrastructure and environment. This is the key message that ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) is bringing to the Climate Summit 2014. Partnering in eight bold initiatives to step up, scale up, and speed up local climate action, ICLEI is highly committed to their combined success.





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Presenting Measuring Up 2015: ​Helping Scale Local Action through Emissions Reporting

by christinaashtary Sep 09, 2014


2015 will be a pivotal year for addressing climate change. In the US, the federal government will finalize proposed power plant regulations and will offer national emissions reduction targets feeding into a new international climate agreement to be completed in November 2015. As the largest network of local governments addressing climate change, ICLEI is preparing for this critical year by partnering with World Wildlife Fund to compile information on local community emissions inventories and reduction goals. This data will inform a high-profile report to showcase the scale and importance of local climate action, and to inspire strong commitments at the national and international levels.

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Carbonn Named as the Resilient Communities for America Campaign’s Official Reporting Platform for Local Climate Action

by christinaashtary Sep 08, 2014

SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 – OAKLAND, CA The Resilient Communities for America (RC4A) Campaign today announced the Carbonn Cities Climate Registry (cCCR) as the Campaign’s official reporting platform.  The Carbonn platform will enable participating RC4A communities to share information about their climate resilience and clean energy actions, as well as greenhouse gas emissions baselines, targets, and reductions of cities and counties worldwide.

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Resiliency Campaign Celebrates One Year of Climate Preparedness Action​

by Brian Holland, ICLEI Climate Programs Director Jul 22, 2014

One year ago, in the aftermath of record-breaking tornados and severe storms in the Midwest, a group of leading mayors and local officials convened at the National Press Club as a commitment to strengthen their response to an era of extreme climate weather.  The 45 Inaugural Signatories of the Resilient Communities for America campaign (RC4A) represented a burgeoning movement of local leaders who saw that—in a new age of rapid change and disruption—our communities must be better prepared and built to flourish in the face of emerging challenges.

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EPA to Cut Emissions Limits for U.S. Power Plants

by christinaashtary Jun 04, 2014

ICLEI congratulates the Obama Administration on the 2014 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Carbon Regulations to propose emissions cuts for Power plants. The EPA will impose new regulations to cut carbon emissions from Power Plants in the U.S. to 30 percent of 2005 levels by 2020.

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Urban Areas Most at Risk from Climate Change

by christinaashtary Jun 01, 2014

Cities account for 37–49% of global greenhouse gas emissions and urban infrastructure accounts for over 70% of global energy use. This is just one of the facts found in the “Climate Change: Implications for Cities - Key Findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (Cities Summary) – drawing attention to the need for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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Green Works for Climate Resilience: A Community Guide to Climate Planning

by christinaashtary May 28, 2014

Cities are on the frontlines of climate change impacts, such as sea-level rise, drought, and extreme weather. Along the United States coasts, communities are lining their shorelines with grasses, boulders, oyster reefs, and sand dunes. What sound like the components of an extravagant sandcastle are actually the key features of a living shoreline – a coastal resilience technique that uses natural and structural features to control coastal erosion and protect water quality.

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