• Petitioning Discovery Channel

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Discovery Channel
VP Communications
Paul Schur
Group President, Discovery Channel, TLC & Animal Planet
Marjorie Kaplan


    1. Ben Paramonte
    2. Petition by

      Ben Paramonte

      San Francisco, United States


The Discovery Channel is now committing animal abuse for creating a show called "Eaten Alive." A grown man in a "special suit" is planning on being eaten alive by a Green Anaconda.

This is animal abuse to the highest degree and absolutely disgusting, and could kill the snake - an adult green anaconda cannot fit the width of an adult man's shoulders into it's body.

It once again reinforces the negative stereotype of snakes, which one would think would be the opposite of what Discovery should be trying to do.

Please sign this petition and boycott the Discovery Channel and get this show taken off the air.

I've been fascinated by snakes my entire life, and feel this stunt is void of educational value while ruining Discovery Channel's credibility. The show promotions even show the host holding an anaconda by the head as if he's about to be attacked. That's perpetuating stereotypes that condition people to fear these animals. Humans are not their natural prey!

No matter how it ends, this is animal cruelty from start to finish so I hope you will support me.

This is the same network that 20 years ago brought us Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter. Steve educated and excited people with his passion for reptiles, and made me and many viewers feel that same love for them and support conservation efforts. It is sad to see that this has what become of Discovery programing.

I would like everyone to tweet and post to the Humane Society so a prominent organization can take action.

Please also CALL 1-571-262-4899 to voice your displeasure directly to The Discovery Channel.

Discovery Channel, CALL 1-571-262-4899 to reach Discovery directly!
Paul Schur, VP Communications
Marjorie Kaplan, Group President, Discovery Channel, TLC & Animal Planet

[Your name]

Recent signatures


    1. Reached 30,000 signatures
    2. 30,000 and the stand against animal abuse, see all the articles!

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer
      Discovery Is Letting a Man Be Eaten by a Giant Snake for a New Special; Outcry Ensues

      Discovery Channel is in hot water over a controversial new special set to air next month. The cable channel unveiled the first teaser for Eaten Alive, in which snake researcher, conservationist and author Paul Rosolie attempts to be Eaten Alive by a Giant Green Anaconda, last week.

    3. Business Insider interviews Dr. Secor!

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      Dr. Secor tells Business Insider why he refused to take part in this horrible stunt.

      This Scientist Refused To Participate In The New Snake-Eats-Man Show Saying It Is 'Based On Fear And Sensationalism'

      Dr. Stephen Secor knows snakes. The University of Alabama biology professor studies the physiology and digestion of the creatures, pythons and boas - like the anaconda - in particular. He even acted as a consultant on the (very) fictional film "Anaconda."

    4. io9 article - 27000!

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      check out the latest article posted in io9! 27,000 signatures now!

    5. Reached 25,000 signatures
    6. 20,000!

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      congrats all - we've hit 20,000 signatures. Pretty impressive to see so many people coming together, from all different points of view, against animal abuse. Keep sharing, tweeting, and posting. Please continue to spread Dr. Secor's story -

      Stephen Secor, PhD Tells His Experience With the Discovery Channel & "Eaten Alive"

      Last December I was actually contacted by the producers of this show to assist in its production as the scientific advisor (my research is on the digestive physiology of boas and pythons). When they pitched to me the storyline of a fellow wearing a special suit being eaten by anaconda, I was initially shocked and then sadden that anyone would consider producing such a show.

    7. Reached 20,000 signatures
    8. Stephen Secor, PhD Tells His Experience With the Discovery Channel & "Eaten Alive"

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      Last December I was actually contacted by the producers of this show to assist in its production as the scientific advisor (my research is on the digestive physiology of boas and pythons). When they pitched to me the storyline of a fellow wearing a special suit being eaten by anaconda, I was initially shocked and then sadden that anyone would consider producing such a show. I explained at lengths how a show could be produced that would highlight the amazing biology and physiology of the anaconda, one that is accurate and of interest to both the public and biologists alike. I adamantly told them that I would not participate in any project involving someone being swallowed by an anaconda; however I would work with them on an accurate educational/scientific production. Last March they called me back to talk more about a show that was more scientific and accurate rather than one that was based on a gimmick and sensationalism. However, I did not hear from them again, and had hoped that their original idea had died a quiet death. Unfortunately that was not the case.

      FYI, the producers of this show did consider an alternative program on the anaconda, one that would be backed by professional scientists. However, Discovery went with working with an amateur naturalist and a show based on a stunt. When I spoke to the producers of this show, I also explained the damage such a show would have on the public’s perception of large constricting snakes and the work of professional scientists. Research over the past couple of decades has demonstrated the amazing physiology of these snakes and the potential for unprecedented breakthroughs in human medicine (just Google python physiology). Rather than highlighting any of this (which they had the opportunity), the Discovery Channel dropped the ball and has taken the presentation of the natural world to a new low. The producers keep trying to convince me that the message Paul Rosoelie was hoping to convey in the show was conservation. Tagging conservation as justification for this show clearly demonstrates that he, the producers, and Discovery have no clue what they are doing.

      Sign the petition, write to Discovery, and please promote the accurate and science-based production of shows on the natural world.


      Stephen M. Secor, PhD
      Department of Biological Sciences
      University of Alabama

    9. Snake expert Stephen Secor tells his story!

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      Stephen Secor, an expert in boa and python digestive physiology, shared with us that Discovery originally asked him to participate in this program. Not only did he decline, but made them aware that it was appalling. Stephen instead offered to help with create a truly educational program on these magnificent animals. We now see the awful direction they chose. Below is a link to his story:

    10. Reached 15,000 signatures
    11. We have now made NPR

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      NPR has included our petition in their story on this ridiculous stunt. Thank you to NPR for the coverage of this story and spreading the news.

      Discovery's Man-Swallowing Snake Stunt Stretches Credulity

      Move over Shark Week: In the latest anything-for-ratings move, Discovery Channel plans to air a show called Eaten Alive that it says features a man in a special protective suit being swallowed whole by a giant anaconda. The teaser for the program (above, sans the money shot) sums up the Dec.

    12. Reached 8,000 signatures
    13. We are making the news!

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      Over 6000 now - and we are making the news - Salon, Huffington Post, AOLnews, and more! Keep spreading the word and sharing this petition. Thank you all so much!

      'Eaten Alive': Anaconda to swallow...

      Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.

    14. Reached 6,000 signatures
    15. Facebook Group

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      A Facebook group has been created for the public to join. Please join and share with anyone who is against animal abuse and the fear mongering of animal species. Almost 5000 signatures now and a UK upvote on!

    16. Reached 4,000 signatures
    17. 3000 signatures; picture comparison

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      Hi everyone - this is amazing. Over 2000 signatures overnight! Again, I ask you reach out to the Humane Society of the US and contact Discovery at the phone #.

      One thing I wanted to point out is the picture I used for my profile photo - me holding a green anaconda. Notice The Discovery Channel's photo - the guy is restraining the animal by the head. These 2 pictures next to each other show how off this channel has got it. Thank you all! Keep it going!

    18. Reached 3,000 signatures
    19. Call Discovery Directly! 1-571-262-4899

      Ben Paramonte
      Petition Organizer

      You can leave Discovery a voice mail about how terrible this is by calling 1-571-262-4899. Please continue to share this petition with anyone who is against cruelty to animals. Thank you so much!

    20. Reached 250 signatures


    Reasons for signing

    • pete fronio NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV
      • less than a minute ago

      This show is nothing but animal abuse. All you're doing is promoting fear and misunderstanding of such beautiful creatures.

    • Lauren Segelstrom ROGERS, MN
      • 1 minute ago

      animal abuse should is always important and unacceptable.

    • Trevor Dawson LINCOLN, NE
      • 3 minutes ago

      This is not the direction that "edutainment" should go. If this involves a real snake harm will come to it. Unlike the movie "Anaconda", real snakes do not regurgitate at will without potential harm.

    • Danni Garcia LAS VEGAS, NV
      • 4 minutes ago

      I will not watch animal abuse

    • Taryn Rackley AUSTIN, TX
      • 9 minutes ago

      When I first heard about this, I was disgusted. It's just cruel and pathetic that you decided to pick on a snake for "entertainment".


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