Anwar Zayden: Miami Wildman and Internet Hero

The man knows how to make an entrance.

"He's always out boating, lifts weights about 24 hours a day, and usually is surrounded by a bevy of hot girls."

In April 2012, fireworks split open the night sky over Star Island. Below, topless women wiggled by a pool lit the color of blue Kool-Aid. Veiled belly dancers tossed around fire sticks. Camels munched grass around the two-acre property. All through the white tents draped beside the waterfront mansion, Miami's moneybags elite got down.

The occasion was the 50th-birthday party for Thomas Kramer, a wild-man developer whose Portofino Tower stands out like an exclamation point on the South Beach skyline. The theme was "Arabian Nights." Costumed sheiks and bedouins bumped through the party. High-society spinners DJs Blondie and Mad Linx flooded the air with music. The high-priced revelry was already in overdrive when — suddenly — a rider approached. On a horse.

Anwar landed a number of modeling gigs thanks to an ad campaign for "Mr. Love 94."
Courtesy of Anwar Zayden
Anwar landed a number of modeling gigs thanks to an ad campaign for "Mr. Love 94."
Along with his framing business, the modeling work let him pursue his unique hobbies.
Courtesy of Anwar Zayden
Along with his framing business, the modeling work let him pursue his unique hobbies.

A white purebred Paso Fino clattered toward the front gate, where a row of bouncers controlled access. In the saddle sat a strikingly slab-like man in a leather vest and white tunic, perfect teeth winking out from a mischievous grin. A headscarf dragged like a banner from the rider's head as the animal galloped past the security guys' screamed protests, then pounded into the yard and up through the house's massive two-story entryway.

Horse and rider wove through the elegant house and out to the pool. Cell-phone cameras flashed, capturing the image of this guy — whoever he was — bolting through a $35 million house on horseback.

But partygoers who already knew it screamed his name. "Anwar! Anwar! Anwar!"

See also: More photos of Internet hero Anwar Zayden here.

Today, you can find a picture from this stunt on Instagram, along with 174 (and counting) sneak peeks inside the balls-out world of Miami's Anwar Zayden.

The image shows Anwar high in the saddle in Kramer's entryway. The caption reads, in twisted phonics, "I tole you. Last night I bring horse to party. Lady love horse because they like master like Anwar. Is ok I no take advantage. Horse before Lady. Kisses Anwar."

Spend ten minutes wading through the shots posted under username "LegendofAnwar" and you'll feel like you are stuck inside a Robin Leach fever dream featuring a cartoon Fabio with a bottomless bank account. Picture after picture shows Zayden living large all over Miami, awesomeness of superhuman proportions. The account mysteriously popped out of nowhere 13 weeks ago; since, it's brought endless joy to more than 5,200 followers lucky enough to have found it.

There's a photo of Anwar rollerblading down the sidewalk, shirtless except for elbow and wrist pads. "Anwar drink last night to much," the caption reads. "I find secret to overhang. Anwar blade of roller to erase headache and so think forward."

Then there's Zayden standing in the captain's chair of a yacht, flanked by two smiling hot girls, each aiming bikinied rears right at the camera.

"Do I tell you Anwar also Captain of ship?" the caption reads. "I no you think, how Anwar learn to fly, swim, ride horse and bike? Is because I champion. Anwar learn life is for fun. Lady holes keep Anwar warm and heart young."

Next, Anwar's doing a headstand on the bar at haughty South Beach steak house Prime One Twelve. "This is how Anwar drink of day. #LayLikeBat is good after shot."

Then he's posed in a wetsuit, holding a gigantic spear. "Sometime Miami need help to fight killer octopus. Is no fair Anwar only have two hand. Octopus have eight hand. Sometime I tell 4 lady to grab Anwar at same time to simulate octopus."

Who the hell is this guy?

In the flesh, Anwar Zayden, 53, stands in a black Speedo on the deck of his 55-foot yacht as it bombs through choppy surf on a bright and scrubbed Sunday. Visually, he's a cross between a Greek statue and a WWE bodyslammer, 195 pounds poured over a five-foot-11 frame. From toes to nose, veins twist past dips and swells of muscle, everything as tanned as polished boot leather. Long black hair slips off his head to his shoulders like spilled ink.

Today's destination: Key Biscayne. Anwar's 26-year-old Russian girlfriend, Anna Volotchko, and her mother, Elena, both in bikinis, dance together to the techno shaking from the speakers. Fred Machado, a stocky Argentine businessman in a polo and baseball hat who lets Zayden spin around on his private plane in exchange for rides on the boat, is laid out next to a blond model from L.A.

"We masturbate with life," Anwar announces to the group, apropos of nothing, his heavy Spanish accent roughing up the words so his baritone clunks like the English dubbed into kung fu movies.

The horse at Kramer's house? Anwar had just decided at the last minute to show up in style. So he asked his cousin, who runs a ranch, to meet him at Star Island with the horse for his entrance. "It was like they were chanting for someone at a rock show," he remembers fondly.

Spend ten minutes around Anwar and he seems like the most Miami guy in Miami, with a highlight reel of gestures both grand and gaudy. But under the flashy lid, there's actually an old-school romantic who's taken his lumps yet still holds tight to notions like dignity, nobility and honor, which — in South Beach — makes him about as rare as a snowstorm. This man, humble owner of a frame shop in Kendall, might be a close as we get to the Most Interesting Man in the World.

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My Voice Nation Help

I love the man he is...I dated him for about three months when I was 20 LOL..I am glad to see he is still a ladies man- stud, humorous and healthy!!! Long live Anwar~ LOL


You guys are jealous haters!! The comments that are trashing Anwar!!! Chill out!

I lived in Miami in the 80s and Anwar was my friend and neighbor at one time !

He is really a genuine and sincere person and friend! He always was wildly popular because of his caring and sincere personality !!

He was always kind and polite too everyone , so if you want to write hate comments about someone you don't know?!! Shut up!


I wonder who he let bang his russian disillusioned whore to get a piece written on this worthless nobody.

Clive Thomas
Clive Thomas

But when he drinks beer, does he drink Dos Equis?

Mark Leavitt
Mark Leavitt

More power to him (not jelly here), he must be a Leo , but my brother is the craziest SOB I know when it comes to party. Anyway, I like to get an invite someday Anwar. I love Miami.

Carlos Andres
Carlos Andres

Yeah, bitch on the guy. At least he is doing what he likes. Now shut up, and go to work, dumb asses.


PS:  And for those of you calling him ugly. You are either blind or jealous. Lighten up. 


He's very handsome, and leads an interesting life. I enjoyed the article, but would also enjoy a piece done on an 'Everyday Joe,' and how he is able to make 8.00 bucks an hour on 30 hours a week job get him and his 3 kids by. Not just showcase the rich, but the guy whose able to sustain in this horrible economy."He's" provactive as well.

Ziwei Mao
Ziwei Mao

I find it hilarious that there are so many not only hating on this article but hating on a person whom they have never met before. Reading through this piece and just doing a little bit research, Anwar most certainly does have a interesting life which is the basis of the article. Whatever your perceptions of his life, looks, or personality, he is living his life having fun and surrounded by gorgeous women. What guy wouldn't want that life? I'm sure the last thing he is worried about is what a bunch random people think about him. Oh, and he has decades worth of pictures to prove it. Thats a win in my book. Quit hating, Miami.

Virgen Burgos
Virgen Burgos

Good looking!!!!???? Mmmhhh i'm still thinking......

Rebecca Wood
Rebecca Wood

Surely it Sacha baron cohens new creation

Aman Siddiqui
Aman Siddiqui

This guy is either very funny.......or very creepy........I can't quite decide yet.......he may just be a stooge for some comedy show..........but I doubt I have to go with very creepy.......!!??


lets see the most interesting man in the world is a roid freak vulgarian , with a face that looks like pounded veal cutlet  due to excessive plastic surgery with no education who frames pictures in Kendall?? Give us all a break...major fail New Times

Kyle Awon
Kyle Awon

money well spent good job buying your own article


Cool story! Forget the haters. It's an interesting piece on a unique person.

Clarice Bartel MacGarvey
Clarice Bartel MacGarvey

Well, he certainly has the best publicist! Fun reading this story, by the way. And love the pecs.

Carrillo Vivian
Carrillo Vivian

Steroids or growth hormone don't appear natural aka Arnold Schwarzenegger


Wow NT, how much money did you get to write about this criminal. Thought NT was a news source, not a garbage dumpster.


Another addition to losers who think they are celebs to the miami scene which is already full of losers who think they are somebody but are actually no body. this guy frames pictures off of 95. When his dumb blonde russian girlfriend realizes he has less money then her alcoholic father in moscow she will leave defiled by fraud. As for thomas kramer, hes 50? the guy looks 95. Should be a magazine article titled "Miami full of crap losers and the women they fool to like them"

Robin Landers
Robin Landers

Hahahaha. Brings me back to the good old Kendall daze...

Bridget Doyle
Bridget Doyle

His skin looks like turkey jerky and he's just a self indulgent asshole on a horse. WHY DO YOU WRITE THESE THINGS AND WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY?!

Pomelo Espinoza
Pomelo Espinoza

Mariana Pardo te acuerdas de este??? Iba a mi gym y x supuesto se creia el pipi & beyond! ajajajaja!!!

Jessica Garcia
Jessica Garcia

Iva Juric Steffi Fiallos Nicole Dcn Belen Mejia Herrera wow


yes except we work and make alot more money then this douche but no one seems to write any articles on us. self promotion low life looking to be a celeb.


@Lynxx3 read more, this guys a joke, hes not rich, he framed pictures off of i95 in miami and bangs russian whores all day with profits. this is another one of miamis juice monkeys who think they are something but in real life are worth piss.


Your statement should rather explain why we should be reading about this CLOWN in the first place. what is this about? what is the reason the new times posted this? this guy frames posters off of 95... and bang a russian whore... what else is new?


that is brilliant, if sacha doesnt write in this character, i will


he has sex with horses and russian women. not much difference, still bestiality.


hes a real person...and yes very creepy...

chuck.strouse moderator editor

@boomboom  This story has become something of a sensation. People have strong opinions on all sides, That, my friend, is the definition of news. 


@boomboom yup this guy frames picture of biscayne blvd some where around the corner, another miami wanna be big shot who makes minimum wage


Ill tell you why, cause this nursing home veiny arab wants to be famous without any skills talents or brains so he can bang more stupid russian whores. so he promotes the hell out of himself just like mr thomas kramer, so they can feel good about the fact that no matter what they did in their life never equated and got them any fame. so they will flush garbage down your browser through their friends on the new times, facebook pages etc. to try to be something their not.

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