Dear Arlington Martin Parents: Rape Jokes Are Bad. Please Pay Attention.

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Dear Arlington Martin High School Parents: Your children are sneaky, conniving savages. They have the morals and senses of humor of ... well ... pirates, and will, if you so much as blink, do their best to make you -- adults -- look like fools.

We don't mean anything personal by pointing that out. They're teenagers. This is a universal, biological truth. But damn, Martin High School's parent booster club, you sure fell asleep at the switch when you let a student provide the design and words for shirts celebrating the football team.

In case you've missed the FOX4 report above, here's the deal: The shirts included a pirate flag -- from the team's unofficial mascot -- and the words "We take what we want. Shhhhhhh, just let it happen."


Um ... Martin High boosters? Rape reference. Yep. No two ways about it. And that big Indian in the headress? Well, OK, you're the Warriors, so that gets a pass, despite the resemblance to a certain Washington emblem. But the rape thing? Not cool. Please don't keep saying that it wasn't meant that way, that it was just an innocent misunderstanding or this is political correctness run amok.

And, no, we don't think your kids are all rape-y. Much.

You just got hosed, m'kay. Teens will do that, those rascals.

Luckily, the high school still has a newspaper with a student editor with the brains and courage to point out the rape reference. But that's just the way of the world: Newspaper kids are the unsung heroes, and the jocks get all the glory.

Thus it has ever been. In fact, many, many years ago in a high school far away, a varsity quarterback taking both Spanish and art classes did a silk screen T-shirt design that was a near-perfect replication of the red Coca-Cola logo, only with the words "Coma Caca." Sold like mad to some kids. (Roughly translated from Illinois hick Spanish, that's "eat shit.")

We didn't get to buy one, of course. We were on the newspaper staff.


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RTGolden1 topcommenter

"Shhhhhh, just let it happen."

"What difference does it make?"

"Taking what we want."

"A stroke of a Pen.  Law of the Land."

Seems like the slogans could be political as well as insinuating rape.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

This calls for a demonstration by Femen.


"It would seem that the Bible belt has been unbuckled and the fly is now open. Heck, the pants may even be down around the ankles."


Absolutely not a rape reference.  People predisposed to take offense at the slightest sneeze will take offense.

holmantx topcommenter

Waffen SS soldier has an American down in a knife fight in a scene out of 'Saving Private Ryan' - Shsssssss, just let it happen - as he slides the bayonet into the American.

From a script translation: "The Nazi solider gains control and says two phrases in German. As he brings the bayonet down onto Mellish’s chest, he utters another two lines in German to Mellish. Then he slowly slides the bayonet into Mellish while quieting him with “Shhhh.”  The next line, delivered as the Nazi begins to plunge in the bayonet, is, “Es ist einfacher für dich, viel einfacher.” In English: “It is simpler for you, much simpler.” The final line is, “Ist wenigstens gleich vorbei.” Jürgen says that in colloquial English this would be, “At least it will be over soon.”

I think that's where the phrase came from.  Not from the Clayton Williams joke.

It makes more sense from a football warrior standpoint.

mavdog topcommenter

confusing...they are the Martin Warriors, but they use the pirate motif? and their emblem is a Native American in headdress, but their flag is sorta Jolly Roger with a skull and crossed swords?

and they claim their kids didn't mean to use a rape phrase, just coincidence...

just messed up in so many ways.


He was a peach, wasn't he?

When told of a Richards' claim that she trailed by only five percentage points, Williams replied: "I hope she hasn't started drinking again."


First! and first to remind that it was 1990 gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams who explicitly likened unexpected bad weather to rape by saying, "If it's inevitable, just lay back and enjoy it." (He lost to Ann Richards.)


@WhoisJohnGalt "Just let it happen" references rape. Pretty easy to Google it and look at the images that pop up for those who aren't down with the kids lingo these days. It's become a joke just like "that's gay" is a joking phrase but phrases and words have origins. It doesn't make it any less offensive.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@WhoisJohnGalt NO, there is only 1 absolute in life, death, the rest is up to interpretation 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Being an old man unfamiliar with the hip stuff like rape culture, the War on Women, etc., I didn't catch the reference either, but now I know not to shush anyone.

But the kids are hip, into the groove, they should know better.



Do you have an alternate theory - or are you jumping to their defense out of complete ignorance?

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


What about the "We take what we want" part? That sort of sets up the "shhhh" phrase and makes it pretty creepy.

That  part wasn't in SPR.


@mavdog Also, this shirt has like 17 fonts on it. So messed up.



Pirates on offense, but the defense are feather-Indian? Maybe special teams are vikings or something? Pirates starts with the same letter as Pawnee? "Mixed messaging" is what the marketeer would call it.

holmantx topcommenter


Can't imagine where the kiddos would get something like that.

except maybe from osmosis.

Kind of like the Taos Hum.  Drive down a street in Anywhere, USA, and suddenly you get this vibe. That turns into a vibration.  Earthquake?  Frackers? Nope!

Lyrics.  And what lyrics are they?  Rape gang lyrics, and proud of it.

So it might be from a juvenile's favorite love song.  How sweet.


@bvckvs2 @WhoisJohnGalt Must be the latter. For the life of me I don't see how it could be reasonably interpreted in any other way. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


One interpretation told to me was armed robbery, probably because of the pirate.

She was unaware of her slur on Somalis.

holmantx topcommenter

with a little research I could hang that on the Waffen SS also. go see the movie Fury. they did not take prisoners and we did not take them prisoner. besides check out the script or font used by the artist. Juvenal fixation and idolatry.

holmantx topcommenter

@PatrickWilliams @holmantx

No, it doesn't unfortunately.  It's Ayran shit.

Corporal Mellish is  Jewish

Google the Waffen SS insignia



If all you're hearing from rap and hip hop is "rape gang lyrics", it's probably being played by an OG, not a "juvenile".  You should probably check yourself into one of those nice, safe old folks homes with the Muzak and pudding cups.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


With children in the car, especially the girls, I learned long ago to roll up the windows and turn up the radio at red lights when I heard heavy bass approaching. Same with gassing up, and I never took them to the car wash.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I showed this graphic to 4 women family members this morning ranging from 14-60 yrs old. Not a one made a rape connection, they saw it as just a macho football thing. Just sayin'.

I chided them for their insensitivity.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I assume you and others here have seen the vid of the fox...errr.... gal...errr... Womyn walking down the street in NYC for 10 hours attracting comments from males.

A writer at Slate pointed out something about that video which I can't repeat lest I be labeled racist, but you can see for yourself.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I was never a Nuge fan, dont know the song, but I think our generation was a bit more nuanced.

"Jump on my big ten inch (record on the jukebox). "She wants a pearl necklace". "Squeeze my lemon (till the juice runs down my leg)"

Well, maybe not all that nuanced.


@TheRuddSki Thank heavens Patrick Williams has informed us of the permitted interpretation of this t-shirt.


@TheRuddSki I mean, rape is kind of a "macho football thing," isn't it? 

It's possible that my mind is irreversibly warped, I suppose. 

holmantx topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Just watched it.

How did President Clinton say it?  Or was it Carville on the second baseman spin regarding the Democrat 22 year old who refused to give Clinton a blow job?

Something about dragging a $100 bill through a trailer park.

I can pretty much guarantee you that level of harassment would not happen in downtown Dallas.

Some people just play rough because they can.  I remember being in Houston in the aftermath of Katrina when 85,000 NOs moved in to wait for the illegals to clean up and rebuild their town.  

A Houston cop said, "our gangs ain't got shit on their gangs."  The Dallas cops, to a much lesser degree due to far less numbers, essentially said the same thing.

And worse than those animals are the dead-eyed baby killers coming up from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

That's the next little present the President is going to give us after this stunning defeat at the polls on Tuesday.

Payback is a motherfucker.

And remember:

When anything goes, it’s women who lose. - Camille Paglia (b. 1947), U.S. author, critic, educator. Observer (London, 15 Dec. 1991).

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


I'll refrain from posting lyrics, but rest assured that he's every bit as charming and chivalrous as Lil' Wayne or Fiddy-Cent.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


That says a lot about your family

They all graduated and contribute a lot to society in their work, make more money than you ever will, never had to live with mommy once they hit 18, and don't live in the same bedrooms they grew up in.

OTOH, they know about you and your failures and "koo-koo" brain from your multitudinous Internet profile pages. They 'specially like the all-male "Bill Maher watching parties" you are so excited about.


TheRuddSki topcommenter


I think maybe it's because none of the women/girls ever heard of Clayton Williams.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I think Obama, having discovered that most Americans are too stupid to recognize majesterial greatness, don't speak French or understand how policies they dislike are actually good for them, plans on punishing us a bit more once he has more "flexibility" after the mid-terms.

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