Houston’s First Lesbian Mayor DEMANDS to see ALL Sermons from Christian Pastors


Houston mayor, Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor, is conducting a litigious witch-hunt against religious leaders, issuing subpoenas that demand the sermons of pastors who may have spoken on the topic of homosexuality, gender identity, or Parker herself. Pastors who do not comply may be held in contempt of court.

The actions taken by Parker and her administration are a clear affront to freedom of speech, an assault on the concept of separation of church and state, and constitute one of the more alarming attempts to stop opposing political or cultural viewpoints in their tracks.

Via Fox News:

“The city’s subpoena of sermons and other pastoral communications is both needless and unprecedented,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christina Holcomb said in a statement. “The city council and its attorneys are engaging in an inquisition designed to stifle any critique of its actions.”

ADF, a nationally-known law firm specializing in religious liberty cases, is representing five Houston pastors. They filed a motion in Harris County court to stop the subpoenas arguing they are “overbroad, unduly burdensome, harassing, and vexatious.”

“Political and social commentary is not a crime,” Holcomb said. “It is protected by the First Amendment.”

The report also cites ADF attorney Erik Stanley who says “the city is rummaging for evidence to ‘out’ the pastors as anti-gay bigots.”

The controversy stems from an alleged “equal rights” ordinance passed by the city in May. The ordinance calls for a ban on discrimination amongst businesses. Two things however – one, religious institutions were exempted from the ordinance and two, speech does not amount to discrimination.

In addition, one tangential aspect of the ordinance allows transgendered individuals to file discrimination lawsuits if they are not granted access to a restroom. In other words, a man would have to be granted access to the women’s restroom if he claimed to be transgender.

Opponents of the ordinance filed petitions containing 50,000 signatures, well above the threshold of 17,269, which would call for a referendum being placed on the ballot. In true dictatorial fashion, Parker and the city announced that the petitions were not valid due to alleged irregularities. A convenient suppression of opposition.

In keeping with the dictatorial theme, Parker admitted that the entire debate on gender rights, and presumably the latest assault on First Amendment rights guaranteed to all Americans, is about her.

Via the Houston Chronicle:

In just five words, Mayor Annise Parker handed her increasingly vocal opponents exactly what they wanted in the battle against her proposed equal rights ordinance: “The debate is about me.”

That comment, part of a longer utterance at Houston City Council’s last meeting, at which the body delayed a decision on the ordinance to this Wednesday, was just what political and religious conservatives have accused Parker — the first openly lesbian mayor of a major American city — of doing for weeks: Pushing the ordinance to further her “gay agenda,” or to reward gay advocates for their political support.

Sorry Ms. Parker, the First Amendment, constitutional and religious freedoms, and the foundation for which America was built has never been about one man or one woman.  And it certainly isn’t changing for you and your ego.

Stanley told Fox News that “City council members are supposed to be public servants, not ‘Big Brother’ overlords who will tolerate no dissent or challenge.”

Parker and the Houston City Council need to be stopped in their tracks, or the whole of America will suffer for it.

About the Author

Rusty Weiss is a freelance journalist focusing on the conservative movement and its political agenda. He has been writing conservatively charged articles for several years in the upstate New York area, and his writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, American Thinker, FoxNews.com, Big Government, the Times Union, and the Troy Record. He is also Editor of one of the top conservative blogs of 2012, the Mental Recession.

109 thoughts on “Houston’s First Lesbian Mayor DEMANDS to see ALL Sermons from Christian Pastors”

    1. Why is she doing this in the first place. What does she hope to get out it. This is why i am sick of the gay community they are trying to force themselves into everything and anything thy can. Like DOMA in California nearly 61% of us voted in favor of DOMA just to have 9 idiot judges of the 9 circus court of appeals to turn it over. I myself would have been ok with them to have the same rights as married couples just have it called something other than marriage. They were unwilling to compromise and that was wrong. Now this mayor is doing this it needs to be stopped and now we can all get along with compromising so lets get to work on it now

      1. This is what happens when the gay agenda folks have the power. They are doing witchhunts against anyone who speaks out aganst their perversion and especially any Christian who expounds what the Holy Bible says about that lifestyle. This is just the beginning of sorrows.They will be coming to a Bible believing and teaching church near you. Any pastor who is approached by two queers or lesbians and tells them that they want the pastor to marry them and if they refuse on the basis of their beliefs in what the Scripture says, they could conceivably have that paator hauled off to jail for a hate crime. And the government will not even step in for the pastor’s right of free speech or their Constitiutional right to worship as they believe. Remember, this is the devil’s world and he controls the governments and anything that will prohibit the free expression of worshipping Christ will be pushed down our throats. Basically, Stand by for heavy seas as it is about to get very rough.

        1. What on God’s green earth ever gave these “deviants” the idea that they could just dictate to the rest of the world, how things are going to be? This is exactly why they are always in the news, whining, “I’ve been offended, I think”. If they just went along and lived their “deviants” lives and kept their extremely big mouth’s shut, no one would even know, or care that they are “deviants” But when they have to get out there and shout it from the highest trees, then you have controversy, and I wonder sometimes if that is all they’re trying to do. Get their names in the news!

      2. You stranger, it could have been stopped easily by not voting this Lesbian into office. I don’t want to hear anyone complain that sat on you butt and did not go vote. These gays are a minority and could have been voted out easily but because straight people, conservatives and Republicans sat home and didn’t vote this is the result. This time regarding Congress Midterm elections get off your can and go vote the Damicraps out of power.

    2. A recall election (also called a recall referendum or representative recall) is a procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended. Recalls, which are initiated when sufficient voters sign a petition!!

      1. Yes you are right however rarely will you ever see that happen. People are no longer into voting like they were when i turned 18 some 20 years ago they just are not motivated so getting them to go to a primary is hard enough try to get them to show up for a special election not going to happen

        1. @Mestranger, just to let you know friend. A recall can and does work trust me . We did it to our Mayor of Miami Dade County, the former Chief of Police. It is a process but collecting signatures in front of your Walmarts and malls can be done. We’re a huge county and with the largest population in the state so don’t get discouraged. This is your opportunity to take back your power folks. You and your voters in the area set the community standards not your government. Threaten your Mayor with having to fight for her political life and pay for another costly election and watch how quickly her or any other politician cow tows to your voices. Get angry but take action. Remember faith without action is just wishful thinking, action without faith just passes the time. But faithful believers taking action and working together are a powerful force of democracy shaping a future , demanding accountability and representative of the voters. Good luck Houston it’s your City. I still believe you folks know the meaning of the words “Don’t mess with Texas! “

    3. This is against the Constitution. She is inhibiting a Christian church, t she is prohibiting Scripture facts. This just like choosing a religion. Akin to adopting a religion contrary to the Constitution. She should be removed from office for breaking her oath of office or if not sued.

      1. Is unconstitutional to do this she can go fly a kite, a peal it to a higher court that has some brains, there is a thing called the constitution and you have to follow it, can’t make rules up

    1. She just got elected to her last term. This gay “legislation” she is trying to force on is is an end run considering that the total gay male population in the United States is only 2%. They are bullying the other 98% of us because they have the media in their back pocket. This is nothing but political corruption at its ugliest.

  1. She’s a BULLY! Exactly what they say they are against they are. TX better recall her. She’s a disruption .. She’s a disgrace.. She’s an insult.. She’s a loser.. and so much more.

  2. Being a racist bigot is not a crime.
    Stupid, maybe. But illegal, no.
    Acting on that racism and bigotry could be illegal in some instances, hence “Hate Crimes”.
    Speech is legal, at least here in America.
    The Mayors actions are illegal.

    This woman needs to be replaced as soon as possible, and I do not even live in Texas.
    Extremism is wrong on any front. Islamic radicals, Gay radicals, black radicals, Religious fanatics of all flavors,Race Baiting, Fear Mongering, finger pointing.

    And someone remind this cow about separation of Church and State. The State cannot try and control or even monitor, what happens in a church. That is why they have federal undercover spies in Mosques. They cannot go in openly.

    She has the right to openly proselytize and promote her “Gay Agenda” just as any church has the right to promote theirs. That is what is so great about America. She needs to learn it.

    1. if it is against the constitution to monitor what happens in a church,,, and the feds send undercover spies into mosques,,, then the feds,,,, who are sworn to uphold the constitution are going against their sworn oaths.. u think that is ok???

    1. She does not have the authority to attack free speech. She fails to even know what we are founded on.

      And it is not “hate” speech – it is speech that disagrees with her.

      If decades ago we fully applied her tactics no one would have ever come out of the closet.

    2. Yeah right. Christianity is not hate speech. I was raised a Christian and am a Christian. Not one sermon in my 55 years suggested hating anyone. We are not to judge. God is the judge. God is also love in its purist form. God loves everyone.

      1. he loves me so much I’m going to burn in hell for eternity because he failed to give sufficient evidence for me to believe he exists…

        Now that’s according to the bible which is gods word. So you either disagree with your god that I deserve that or you agree that I deserve that.

        If you agree, that’s pretty hateful wouldn’t you say?

        1. ‘Evidence’ would nullify faith. It’s about believing in something bigger than this world we live in. If you chose not to believe, then certainly you feel there will be no consquence from someone who you feel doesn’t exist. How is that hate?
          Punishment isn’t hate, it’s a deterent. But then, you don’t believe in that particular deterent so why bring it up?

        2. No Rob the Bible say’s that all have sinned and come short. We as Christian’s have believed in Jesus as Lord and Savior and have ask God to forgive us. God has gave more then enough evidence that he exists.

        3. First of all, the hell (hades or sheol) refers to the common grave of mankind–six feet under or whatever but never mentions a fiery hell except by allegory. The fiery hell you refer to was invented by religionists who wanted to keep their parishioners frightened, under their thumb and to keep those funds coming in.

          Second of all, show me the evidence that love exists. I want tangible, sensory perceptible, proof. No using acts of goodness since the bible is full of Jesus’ acts of goodness and kindness.

          I’m very much pro-gun but you need to change your profile photo so others don’t equate reasonable thinking gun owners with an imbecile like yourself.

      1. Hey, I have her new campaign slogan. It will definitely resonate with the environmentalists out there–as well as her BFFs– “Eat a Beaver and Save a Tree!”

    3. Wake up, learn something from History….

      First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Socialist.

      Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    4. You are delusional! What about the hate speech against Christians, conservatives, or anyone else who doesn’t go along with the leftists’ thinking? Why is it that when a conservative and liberal discuss (argue) about anything, it’s the conservative who must bow to the leftist’s way of thinking? The conservative doesn’t demand the leftist to “convert”. Guess it must be because leftists can’t stand up to any scrutiny. Go get a job!

  3. If I lived in Houston, I would send this woman a copy of my sermon, a link to the video of it’s recording, PLUS refer her to read Romans 1:18-32. Because I’m no Joel Osteen… I’m called to PREACH the Word of God!

    1. She’s a lesbian, and like the morons that elected Obama because he’s black, they voted to show they aren’t bigoted, not because she was the best person for the job, which she clearly is not!

  4. She’s way out of bounds on this one. Sounds like the city needs to be sued for violating religious freedoms!
    Talk about censorship! If she wants to know what the sermon is about, take a seat in a pew and listen to it. Maybe she’ll learn a thing or two while she’s there.

      1. Churches have a right to a ‘biblical’ stance. As long as they’re not promoting a specific political ‘candidate’ or ‘group of candidates’ their freedom of speech – and their tax exempt status – are intact. They can also support liberty – since the unalienable rights of citizens is guaranteed under law – along with the 1st amendment that includes the the right to religious freedom that not only applies to every American but is the 1st portion of the 1st amendment making it not only a very specific right but the 1st right amidst them all.

  5. MAYOR ANNISE PARKER! Jesus came to me years ago. I say to you: “Satan! LEAVE and go back to HE// where you came from!” You hear me! Parker: You get right with God Almighty NOW! Confess your sins and stop this insanity! God help you! You are going against All our Forefathers (including 25 of MY own ancestors who fought and some died in the American Revolutionary War!) penned and fought so hard for! You ARE WRONG! You are a slight on our American rights and statutes! Cease now!

  6. actually, since they are church officials they are NOT allowed to say anything that might affect an election. If they are telling you to not vote for someone or to vote for someone else from the pulpit then the church SHOULD loose its tax exempt status. That is written right up there in the laws.
    Feel free to check it out.

    The pastor can have whatever personal opinions they like but they are not allowed to spread those political opinions in church.

    1. Not true. It may not attempt to influence legislation as a ‘substantial part of its activities’ and it may not ‘participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates’. That is a far cry from “not being allowed to say anything that might affect an election,” like – for example – supporting Liberty and the rule of law.

  7. If there is nothing in the speeches of a political nature they have nothing to worry about.
    Maybe if she sits down and reads them all she will find that ol time religion you all want her to find.

  8. Leviticus 20:13 very clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. Romans chapter one goes into depth explaining the progression of wickedness that leads to a homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuality goes contrary to Word of God. Does this woman who is an abomination in the eyes of God intend to make war with those who preach and believe in the word of God.

  9. This gender-confused female is fighting her guilt and shame, which she if projecting onto the gender normals of Houston. That she attained the position of mayor of Houston reflects poorly on the locals and the system that installed her as mayor. Perhaps the electorate should take a close, judicial look at the manner in which she was elevated into the position – – ?

    1. - – along with her ability to remain in office due to her overreach and ‘discriminatory’ abuse. It is interesting as one steps away from guaranteed individual liberty and seeks to promote ‘anti-discriminatory’ causes, the effect is just another form of discrimination that flies in the face of liberty for all. I believe ‘the church’ will be the last bastion of liberty in America – and that it will stand up and be unequivocally staunch. Totalitarians think winning is to force liberty to bend when it is the underlying faith supporting liberty that is the force that will be unyielding to the end.

  10. I believe this would be an unlawful requirement. In addition, all my sermons vocal only. No written text and no notes. She should feel free to come and listen anytime she wants. I think she should send me written copies of all her speeches.

    1. Just be aware. Ever heard of video cell phone recording? It is the covert activity popular for those trying to instigate trouble and sink ‘the church’. As long as you understand the limits the IRS has for 501(c)3 non profit status: “It (you and the church) may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of (your church) activities and may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.” If you stay within those guidelines you appear to be good to go. The Mayor is treading on first amendment rights – both of religious freedom and free speech. I hope she gets sued and removed for abuse of the office and blatant – and discriminatory – overreach. How ironic.

  11. Of course. You have to be tolerant of her lifestyle however she doesn’t have to be tolerant of yours. The gay community is less than 1% of the population however they want it all, they want it better and you better give it to them. a communist city in the making.

  12. The Democratic Party’s attack against Freedom of Religion is non stop. The only way it will be stopped is when Catholics remove their name endorsements and support from that anti-God, pro-abortion, pro same-sex Democratic Party, of which church-going Catholics makeup the largest single group in it. They don’t have to join the other party; just stop endorsing and supporting the one attacking God’s greatest gifts – life, and the sanctity of marriage, and now our U.S. Constitutional fundamental rights.

    1. Everyone should take note that the Democrat Party has become more and more of a ‘totalitarian’ group. The language many are using speaks of ‘getting rid’ of people who disagree with them on homosexuality, climate, social ‘justice’ as they push propaganda in political office, schools, taking control of your health, private property rights, resources and use, pushing the agenda against national sovereignty, weakening the military, working to silence faith and other distinctly anti-liberty abuses. The platform seeks to mandate what you eat, what you say and what you do, the personal protection of firearms, how you must live ‘ecologically’ along with various ‘guilts’ you should feel for perceived inequities and redistribution of wealth. Labels of racist, homophobe, hater, greedy, denier, creationist clown, moron – the spew is getting pretty deep, incendiary and loud. My personal take – you should love your neighbor but make them ‘walk it back’ when they ‘forget’ what individual liberty under law demands. Be consistent, well versed, confident and unyielding when it comes to holding your ground.

  13. Why don’t she try that at any mosque in Houston? Because she is scared that’s why. She goes after Christians she thinks she can bully. This will likely screw any creditability she had as well as any agenda she supports, good or bad. Way to go mayor lesbo! You have secured your fate as mayor.

  14. There is a darkness,an illness.. an evilness spreading across our nation…it’s called liberalitis or Democratitiis.. with a pinch of socialistitis. These creatures… are nothing more the thugs…. This despicable mayor should have criminal charges brought against her…. malfeasance of office to start…. violating 1st amendment rights.. should be removed from office — she doesn’t deserve to job…. she has broken her oath of office as well. Get rid the creature. How about a good old fashion tar and feathering ? run her out on a rail……

    As the all Christians… it’s time to step up to the plate… take a stand, get off your sofa’s and do something for God. Put on the “Full Armor of God” and fight for the right to practice your faith as you believe not as some despicable creature wants. Our Constitution , the 1st Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ” this simply means 2 things.. first, our government can’t make a law that establishes a national religion– they have done a good job on this part…it’s the 2nd part, that’s not so good…. this means.. our government can’t make any laws the prohibits the free exercise or practice one’s faith freely.. clearly this mayor has violated this part of the 1st amendment. Time for Christians to stand up for our freedom and our rights…..

  15. Others throughout history have also censored religious speech. They include Adolf Hitler, Vladamir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, etc. You know those champions for good an righteousness in the world?

  16. Well as long as these clergy members did nothing improper to violate the tax free status their churches enjoy as a generous gift from the American taxpayer, then they have nothing to worry about. From the IRS website:

    Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity. Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes.

  17. As a gay man, I believe in equal rights for everyone. But no one should be compelled to have equal thoughts. If someone wants to be a bigot, that is their right, and we should defend their First Amendment right to express their views if they want to. Courts need to put a stop to those subpoenas.

    1. Well, it’s a little more complicated than that. Religious organizations enjoy tax-free status. This generous gift from the American taxpayer is estimated at over 81 billion dollars a year. In order to enjoy that status, they agree to refrain from publicly endorsing a political candidate or choosing sides on political issues. (Note: churches are free to sponsor “Get Out the Vote” events, or host political information events like a debate among candidates without any risk to their tax-free status.) If they would like to take political positions, that’s perfectly fine, but they must relinquish their tax free status. It’s a perfectly fair system which respects the separation of church and state.

  18. REALLY???? Who does she think the is? She was elected to be a Mayor not Queen of Houston!!! WOW….
    This is serious folks, the prophesies of the bible are being fulfilled every day. We really need to pray!

  19. There is a reason for this, that is not about making society a better place. 4% of Americans are homosexuals and we are inundated everyday with the agenda of trying to normalize a abnormal sexual choice to the human species. The biggest fraud, next to Obuma, is legalizing homosexual marriage. Under the premise that its all about equality. Well, now coming to America is what has started in Europe, incest marriage and the whole array of abnormal choices. As a society we are allowing this to proceed to where? Oh! we will stop it when it gets to the point of children being involved. Really? You know with parental consent, 14 year olds can marry in some states, children are already involved. As a society we are moving backwards, to a time when kids were used for labor, married off for rewards, turned into mothers, etc.. in their childhood. But, its all okay because people with an abnormal sexual preference should not be discriminated against in the name of equality.

  20. She is violating God’s design intent and moral law.
    She is violating the U.S. Constitution, particularly the First Amendment.
    She is violating nature.
    And if you believe in Evolution, she is acting in opposition to “survival of the species”.

    1. The holy spirit has guided me to respond to all these hateful comments. So I will. Do you practice what Jesus taught about accepting all sinners? You know we are all born to sin. You do know that the smallest of your sin is as big as anyone else? You also know that Jesus came to save all! That the past laws are no longer in force because of his sacrifice on the cross. (Divorce, disrespecting parents, pre marital sex, shell fish, pork and mixed clothing, being made to marrying your deceased brothers wife) So my acceptance of you is because of his asking of me to love my neighbor. I may not even like you but that does not mean I cannot accept and welcome you. You are not a historian nor are you a biblical scholar nor have a better connection to god then anyone else. You are responding in hate. Say your opinion with love. And if you hurt someone out of defense of God then you are not defending him. You are falling prey to the Devil himself.

  21. It wasn’t as bad as the article suggests. I went to look into this, because not only does it seem to be an extreme thing on its own, but it’s in TX, so I looked on Snopes. There’s not much to worry about.


    Though, just some food for thought, if she WAS completely behind it, I’m not sure anyone could call her out on it. If someone tries to arrest and convict her, she’ll accuse them of being homophobic, they’ll have to drop the charges, and she could even sue for ‘wrongful imprisonment’. If she did something like this, I wouldn’t put it past her to make my prediction come true.

  22. Daily Intelligencerlesbians aren’t that bad
    October 15, 2014 5:37 p.m.
    Is Houston’s Lesbian Mayor Really Out to Get Conservative Preachers?
    By Katie Zavadski Follow @katiezavadski
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    Photo: Jemal Countess/Getty Images

    Houston Mayor Annise Parker is the most hated person on certain parts of the internet this Wednesday, as conservative websites accuse the first openly gay mayor of a major U.S. city of orchestrating a witch hunt that targets conservative pastors. The lesbians, the argument goes, are coming to get your religious freedom!

    The issue centers around a subpoena sent to some pastors actively involved in collecting petition signatures against Houston’s non-discrimination ordinance. The subpoena asked the religious leaders to turn over “all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession.”

    Pastors claim it’s an overly broad fishing expedition. “The city council and its attorneys are engaging in an inquisition designed to stifle any critique of its actions,” said a rep for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal firm. “Political and social commentary is not a crime; it is protected by the First Amendment.”

    The resulting headline on Breitbart? “Religious Liberty Under Attack as City of Houston Subpoenas Church Sermons.”

    At Fox News, Todd Starnes writes, “I predicted that the government would one day try to silence American pastors. I warned that under the guise of ‘tolerance and diversity’ elected officials would attempt to deconstruct religious liberty. Sadly, that day arrived sooner than even I expected.”

    But here’s the thing: The upset pastors and their defenders may in fact be right about the subpoenas being overbroad. (The mayor agrees, if only they’d asked her.) But their complaints make it sound like the pastors are about to be tried for hate speech using the new law, which is far from the case.

    Parker, who says she hadn’t heard about the subpoenas until yesterday, doesn’t care if pastors called her a dirty sinner or advocated for overturning the Equal Rights Ordinance. It turns out the subpoenas were sent by outside attorneys working for the city pro bono.

    They were looking into what instructions pastors gave out to those collecting signatures for a referendum on the non-discrimination law. (What exactly the pastors said, and what the collectors knew about the rules, is one of the key issues in pending litigation around whether opponents of the law gathered enough signatures for a referendum.)

    “There’s no question, the wording was overly broad. But I also think there was some deliberate misinterpretation on the other side,” Parker said at a press conference Wednesday. “The goal is to find out if there were specific instructions given on how the petitions should be accurately filled out. It’s not about, ‘What did you preach on last Sunday?'”

    Here is another side to the story. I like to Google other blogs or news sources. Here it is from “New York News and Politic.” To reiterate: The mayor’s office is not interested in what they preached, or how the pastors feel about Parker or her sexual orientation. (Those things are all well protected under the First Amendment, as they should be.) All officials want to know is what kinds of instructions the pastors gave out with respect to collecting petition signatures, and whether what they said agrees with what they’re arguing in court while appealing the referendum.

    In an email to Intelligencer, the mayor’s office confirmed that the city will narrow the scope of inquiry into the pastors’ communications to more directly target HERO petitions. No word from the other side if they’ll move to limit their hysterical allegations.

  23. Breaking news from Houston:

    Church pastor who was served subpoena by City mayor to turn over all records of sermons to City Hall.
    Unconfirmed sources say that church officials have reportedly commented saying that they would comply with this request, but due to a “computer crash”, the data is not recoverable, and therefore they cannot supply the data.
    Sounds like a reasonable position, eh? I mean, we have heard it before, haven’t we?

  24. Mayor Parker does not realize that she was NOT elected by the ppl of Houston BECAUSE she IS gay; but rather, the fact that she is gay was not a real factor in NOT electing her! So if she feels she represents ALL gay ppl, does this mean all gay ppl are athiestic, pompus, control-freaks, too?

  25. I dont agree with her decisions at all, it definantly seems unconstitutional. However i dont agree with any of you either. Focus on the issue, not her homosexuality. You christians are insulting all homosexuals and calling them animals, then wonder why noone takes you seriously, you spew hate in all directions.

  26. first amendment: an overview

    The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. See U.S. Const. amend. I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights. The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government even though it is only expressly applicable to Congress. Furthermore, the Court has interpreted, the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV.

    Two clauses in the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion. The establishment clause prohibits the government from passing legislation to establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. It enforces the “separation of church and state.” Some governmental activity related to religion has been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. For example, providing bus transportation for parochial school students and the enforcement of “blue laws” is not prohibited. The free exercise clause prohibits the government, in most instances, from interfering with a person’s practice of their religion….. LOOK IT UP LADY! THE DEVIL IS A LIER!

  27. Ah yes, the group seeking “tolerance” has shown their true intolerant stripes.. Hypocrisy isn’t a fitting word to describe this.. Oh by the way mayor, will you be showing the same intolerance to the Mosques?

  28. sigh….
    as I have said for YEARS…It takes people two to five years to come around to my way of thinking..
    1) dont give LGTB power…EVER. It is known what they do with it.
    2) doing so will result in them being killed anywhere they are found.
    …and the last is inevitable.

  29. Pastors, you can elect Christians instead of the sick to rule over you. That’s one job the founders did but today’s pastors have been shirking. Pastors support JesusPAC (.) org or get off the pulpit and start a real church. JesusGospelChurch (.) com instead.

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