More Consequences from Sexual Orientation Regulations

14 year old receives death threats for defending traditional/natural marriage…

Supporters of Proposition 8 in California were subjected to harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, at least one death threat, letters mailed with white powder in it (, and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry…

15-year-old Brandon Wegner was reportedly punished for sharing this opinion: Homosexual couples shouldn’t be able to adopt.”…

A homosexual-”rights” activist is demanding that the new Albany County Executive refuse to hire a lawyer that supports traditional marriage. It appears to be a case of tolerance for anybody who agrees with her, and intolerance for anyone who dares to disagree. And to think the activists accuse us of “bigotry” and “discrimination”…

Edmond police are investigating after a church pastor reported receiving death threats since speaking out against a proposal to add sexual orientation to Oklahoma City’s equal employment protections…

Here’s the actual recordings of the phone calls made to the pastor…

Student Suspended for Saying Homosexuality is Wrong…

Here’s an LGBT publication desperately and throught the use of non-sequitor arguments trying to convince people that they’re not getting the whole story and that the student harassed the teacher for the teacher being homosexual…

Catholic Professor Kenneth Howell Fired for Teaching Natural Law, which includes the topic of homosexual conduct…

Homosexualists, ignoring context, get a Dire Straits song banned in Canada…

A homosexual couple sues Bed & Breakfast, because owners moral beliefs couldn’t allow homosexual sex to be engaged in on their property…

Charges Filed as Oklahoma City Pastor Paul Blair Gets Death Threats after Opposing Pro-Homosexual Ordinance…

Police report documenting extensive amount of death threats made by homosexualists during the Prop 8 ordeal…

New Jersey Teacher Suspended for Not Approving of Attempts to Homosexualize Children on her own facebook in her own home (not on the clock)…

This short documentary covers FIREs case at Missouri State University, where social work student Emily Brooker was threatened with expulsion after she refused (as a matter of personal belief) to send a signed letter to the Missouri state legislature in favor of homosexual foster parenting and adoption. This violation resulted not only in a federal lawsuit (which the school settled) but also in an official report that found that a culture of intimidation rife in the schools School of Social Work. For instance, many students and faculty stated a fear of voicing differing opinions from the instructor or colleague, and bullying was used by both students and faculty to characterize specific faculty. The 12-minute documentary features interviews with Brooker, faculty at MSU involved in the case, and Missouri state legislator Jane Cunningham….

Macy’s Fires Employee for Protecting Women’s Dressing Rooms from Cross-dresser…

Grad student at Augusta State University who sued the school over a clash between her grad program requirements and her religious beliefs on homosexual behavior. The college required her to complete a remediation program or face expulsion for her anti-homosexuality beliefs. University wants her to change ‘biblical views’ on homosexual behavior…

In a Mexican case, Fr. Hugo Valdemar was found guilty on July 1st of illegal political activity because he stated that Catholics should not vote for candidates who support same-sex marriage. Fr. Valdemar’s defense is that he wasn’t speaking against a particular party but was merely stating the teaching of the Catholic Church. But the particulars of charge and countercharge do not make a great deal of difference, apart from the strategies they suggest for legal maneuvering. There have been many similar stories over the past few years from around the world, especially in Canada and Europe. The writing is on the wall. Homosexual marriage is the lie that will create the next Gulag…

ACLU Sues ‘Family-Friendly’ Inn for Refusing to Host Lesbian Wedding Reception…

Questioning Sex-Change Surgery Gets You Silenced…

Homosexual manager at Cisco Systems gets Dr. Frank Turek fired…

Allstate Fired Manager for Christian Beliefs on Homosexuality…

A Swedish pastor who preached a sermon on the Biblical prohibitions against homosexual behavior is waiting to see if the Supreme Court of Sweden will send him to jail for six months for doing so…

Chick-fil-A and homosexual intolerance….

A Christian street preacher was arrested and locked in a cell for telling a passer-by that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of GOD…

Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son’s kindergarten class. Homosexuals invading a church and throwing condoms all over the place…

Catholic mom-blogger threatened by pro-homosexual ‘Catholic’ students…

Homosexual Activists Are Exploiting Tragedies to Silence Religious Opponents…

Even More Anti-Christian Bigotry…

The calls for Melanie Phillips to be killed this week prove the bedrock values of our society are in grave danger…

State Sen. Ruben Diaz & family hit with death threats over stance on same sex “marriage” issue…

Activist Groups, Unable to Silence NARTH’s Message, Resort to Attacking NARTH Members. Protesters of the 2009 NARTH convention announced a new strategy: attacking the messengers rather than the message. In a video posted on YouTube (, a journalism student leading the November protest shouted into a megaphone that they had been unsuccessful in stopping the work of NARTH through counter conventions, so they would instead begin to target the individual members of NARTH. Following these threats, there have indeed been attempts to discredit both NARTH members as well as non-members who do similar work. In one recent report from England, a journalist posed as a client seeking help for unwanted homosexual attractions. He set up two unsuspecting therapists, claiming to want help from them, secretly recorded their conversations, and then contacted their professional organizations to seek action against them. That same journalist is reportedly assisting others to disrupt and discredit an event in Ireland this week. In another report, activist groups investigated the background of a NARTH board member in order to publicize his past wrongdoing in an attempt to discredit the organization.

NARTH does not rise or fall based on the actions of individuals. NARTH is a scientific organization upholding the research behind the issue of homosexuality and defending the rights of clients to seek therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions. NARTH is not responsible for the actions of its members, nor do the actions of NARTH members change the scientific data. The research stands regardless of the attacks launched by activists who are avoiding the data by focusing on individuals. Emotionally based campaigns and character assassinations do not change the research, nor do they diminish the right of clients to pursue their personal goals. NARTH will continue its mission as a scientific organization despite the propaganda, and the research will continue to speak for itself.

Apple, who boasts about their diversity, can’t seem to show the same towards former homosexuals. Exodus App removed…

Smith College, who started the kicks off Speaker Ryan Sorba for his “born gay hoax” presentation. Get this. Smith College is noted for the “Lesbians Until Graduation” sentiment, which means you can be lesbian during college and can go back to whatever you want after you graduate. Yet, they kicked Ryan Sorba off because his presentation that disputes the “born gay” theory is “bigoted” and “hateful”…

Owner says Prop 8 opponents hacked into LDS site…

Jose Nunez, 37, received 16 stitches after pro-gay-marriage protesters beat him when he tried to hand out pro-prop-8 signs at his church. Only WND and local religious media are reporting it…

Death threats/wishes on Mormons right from pro-homosexual publication San Francisco Chronicle (Imagine if Mormons wrote this stuff directed at homosexual activists)…

Carrie Prejean harassed by homosexual activist (Perez Hilton) for expressing the Biblical view of marriage…

Mississippi school sued by ACLU for canceling prom over lesbian couple attended after memorandum from the school given to students, dated February 5, which states that prom dates must be of the opposite sex…

Teen entrenched in open homosexuality sues to force school to hold prom…

Pro-Christian and pro-family groups labeled as “hate” groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center…

(See other doc titled “SPLC” for more info on their tactics)

Firefighters forced to attend “gay” pride parade where they endured a barrage of sexual taunts and lewd gestures…

A Christian couple opposed to homosexual behavior because of their faith, lost a court battle on Monday over the right to become foster parents…

From NARTH Asks Wikipedia to Permit the Group to Correct Inaccuracies On Site, published Mar 19, 2007, by NARTH:

NARTH President Joseph Nicolosi sent a letter of concern to Wikipedia today asking that a lesbian activist be prohibited from editing the content of the article about NARTH. The NARTH Editorial Director recently attempted to make corrections to several errors about the organization on Wikipedia. However, the corrections were changed immediately and the misinformation was reposted. The editorial director discovered that the changes were made by a lesbian activist who routinely edits articles dealing with LBGT issues.

The letter to Wikipedia is reprinted below:

Corrections Needed On Wikipedia Article On The

National Association For Research And Therapy of Homosexuality

March 2007

Dear Wikipedia reviewer:

It was brought to our attention recently that your article about the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has numerous factual errors in it regarding us.

In an attempt to correct this misinformation, our editorial director Mike Hatfield attempted to make corrections to the article. He attempted this two times. Each time he made the corrections, they were immediately changed back by someone else.

In investigating who was making the changes, he found the name of Joie de Vivre, who is a lesbian socio-political activist and a member of the WikiProject LGBT studies. The WikiProject site describes itself as “a group of editors who aim to improve the general quality and range of Wikipedia articles on LGBT and Queer studies topics.”

Vivre says –with obvious pride!– on her Wikipedia web site that she regularly changes the wording and rewrites articles dealing with gay and lesbian issues. It is dangerous for your credibility to have political activists slanting articles to fit their own political objectives.

NARTH must have the right to post corrections to an article about itself without having a lesbian activist vandalize the site by reposting inaccurate or distorted statements about the history and goals of NARTH.

We insist that Vivre be prohibited from making future changes on the NARTH site – and that whatever corrections NARTH chooses to post on the site will remain there without being deleted by other anti-NARTH activists.

There can certainly be disagreements about the purpose of NARTH, but to have a lesbian activist defining what NARTH is or is not is unethical and unprofessional. Every organization has the unqualified right to have its mission accurately described in Wikipedia.

The credibility of your online service is gravely jeopardized if you have activists regularly posting inaccuracies on web sites dealing with gay and lesbian issues.

We ask that you permanently ban Joie de Vivre from changing content on the NARTH site and ban any further individuals from posting things that are false or misleading on this site. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D.



Mexico City authorities say they have been forced to close the last cars on five different subway lines during late night service because homosexuals have “taken over” the cars to engage in sex acts…

A Christian photographer in New Mexico was found guilty last week of breaking state law for refusing to take pictures of a lesbian ceremony, as if it’s a civil right to have your picture taken by somebody of your choice…

The Catholic Diocese of Rockford, IL announced the closing of their adoption agencies last week, forced out of service due to new legislation that would oblige them to service homosexual couples…

There’s a homosexual nightclub in Tampa called the HoneyPot that has one night open for us who have a preference for the opposite sex. Imagine what would happen if a regular night club advertised that they only allow homosexuals in 1 night a week? Now also take note that this same homosexual nightclub says if you identify as straight and you want to come in there on any other night, you can as long as you’re accompanied by a homosexual. This is of course is to perpetuate the idea that they are trying to provide safety for the homosexuals in the club from a bunch of “heterosexual discriminators” going in there to harass them. In other words, if you don’t engage in homosexuality or at least aren’t considering it, then you are guilty before proven innocent. And thus we have homofascism. I think a heterosexual owns it, and he can do what he wants with his club. But I think we need to point out the double standards that reveals homofascism…

Here’s a self-admitted left-wing homosexual journalist on left-wing site who admits that there has always been a link between homosexual behavior and fascism…

Homosexual activist “leader” of the so-called “It Gets Better” Campaign conducted an act of hate (germ warfare) on a Republican candidate Gary Bauer for his view on same sex “marriage”…

Christians aggressively being run out of Castro district…

Old lady gets cross taken out of her hands, thrown to the ground and trampled on..

Street Preacher in Britian gets arrested…

Homosexual activists call for a boycott of donations to Salvation Army…

They even have created a facebook page for it, and take a look at the comments made by the homosexualists throughout the page…

This is likened to say pro-alcoholic activists calling for a ban on organizations that help the homeless, but at the same time require them to make efforts to stop drinking. Why would the Salvation help homeless people while accepting their homosexual behavior when (like alcoholism), homosexual conduct is directly associated to the spread of much higher levels of physical and mental health problems. (see “Medical Data” doc)

Macy’s fired a woman for not letting a crossdresser use the women’s dressing room…

Bricks including threatening note thrown through window at Christian Liberation Academy by homosexual activists…

There shouldn’t be a MANDATORY student activity fee that goes into any group. People who form groups (faith-based or otherwise) should be responsible for their own fundraising, and others who are paying school tuition, should have a choice as far as what group or groups are receiving their money. The problem that may occur here now, is that the school may take away this automatic funding funnel for this Christian group while keeping this funnel for all the other school groups, which would be discriminatory. Also, as a Christian group, they have every right to require their members to uphold Biblical truth if they want to be and remain a member. Let me translate the Christian groups statement in the last sentence of the article: they are not firing people for experiencing same sex attraction as long as they realize that acting on it and affirming it is not Biblical truth. Obviously, if this student is in a homosexual relationship, he is picking and choosing Scripture that he likes and/or ignores or twists the ones he doesn’t like (as displayed with so-called “gay theology”)…

An overview…

Is history repeating itself in some way, shape, or form?…

Looks like it has…

Attack on Christianity?…

This example may not fall under the category of homofascism. But what it does point out is the double standard. Here’s a homosexual activist throwing a pie in the face of Christian advocate Anita Bryant back in the late 70′s. He’s considered a hero in the homosexual community. If a Christian threw a pie in the face of a homosexual activist for their anti-Christian speech, that Christian would be punished in some way, while when the homosexualists do it, people either look the other way or cheer them on as heroes…

Facebook, Google, etc showing bias against Christians…

“A Christian paediatrician who was dismissed from an adoption panel over her belief that children should not be placed with same-sex couples today told a tribunal: ‘Homosexual practice is not how God wants us to live.”

Read more:

“A homosexual group has filed a discrimination complaint against Hands On Originals: Christian Outfitters after the company refused to honor a bid to produce apparel for an event” (that promotes homosexuality)

Read more:

“Soros-funded “civil rights” group in NY files huge 47-page lawsuit in federal court accusing Pastor Scott Lively of “crimes against humanity” — for pro-family speeches in Uganda.”

“The group that allegedly smashed up a Portland church hopes its “small act of vengeance will strike fear into the hearts of” Christian leaders who teach traditional sexual morality, according to an e-mail message the group released to the public.”

Consumer Rights under Attack: California Senator Introduces Legislation that Undermines Parental Authority and the Therapist – Client Relationship…

“YouTube Pulls Video Critical of Gay Rights Extremists”

Read more:

“Refuse to photograph lesbians, get fined $7,000”

“A homosexual activist (and pedophile) from Maine has used a court to deliver the latest “SWAT” attack on a pro-family ministry, obtaining a “protective” order even though the defendant, Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance, never had contacted him, according to a new ministry report.”

More info on “SWATing”…

“Quebec homosexual activist group has launched a “registry of homophobic acts” with support and funding from the Quebec Government’s Justice Department. “Homophobic” is defined as any and all levels of disagreement…

Homosexual activists vandalize church for posting pro-marriage sign

The head of Miami-Dade County Public Schools wants to evict a Southern Baptist church that rents space in one of their buildings, because of the congregation’s moral opposition to homosexual behavior.

“An Australian Olympic married couple claims they have been prohibited from sharing a room in the London Olympic Village, even though ‘gay’ couples are reportedly allowed to do so…

“After posting about the event on his official Facebook page, Huckabee created a public Facebook invitation, letting people know they could participate either by showing up at a local Chick-fil-A franchise or participating online. By midday today, the page had received approximately 100,000 “likes.” Shortly after that, however, the invitation disappeared”