Keystone XL

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| November 13, 2014
As more stories emerge about the dangers posed by the toxic fallout of the exteme energy, support for...

| November 11, 2014
A new investigative report reveals that construction of a "Keystone XL clone" with almost...

| November 5, 2014
Republican leadership will likely work to push Obama hard to get the...

| November 4, 2014
Once viewed by the fossil fuel industry as a source of big profits, tar sands extraction is...

| October 20, 2014
Needless to say, Keystone XL opponents don't look at TransCanada as a paragon of "low-carbon infrastructure"...

| October 17, 2014
Thwarted so far in its attempts to build the Keystone XL pipeline to carry Alberta tar sands across the U.S....

| September 29, 2014
Nelson and Young played separate sets for the crowd of 8,000, joining together to sing the Woody Guthrie anthem...

| September 22, 2014
"Over the past six years, the Keystone XL fight has helped to galvanize a grassroots climate movement that is...

| August 13, 2014
Thom Hartmann and Tyson Slocum discuss the big question on opponents' minds...
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| August 11, 2014
The State Department cannot keep claiming that tar sands pipelines are inevitable when it has the authority to approve or reject each pipeline...

| July 31, 2014
No more grandmothers must be made to cry. No more First Nations people must be made to die. The tar sand industry's brutal...

| June 26, 2014
Anthony Swift of the NRDC and Ring of Fire Radio's Mike Papantonio take on the latest round of Keystone turmoil...