Pepe Billete: Cubans and Venezuelans Need to Stand Together

Pepe Billete: Cubans and Venezuelans Need to Stand Together
Michael E. Miller
Thousands in Doral protest the Venezuelan regime.

I've always hated the use of the word "Latino" in American mass media, because it's a blanket term that describes a myriad of cultures. It promotes generalities and dilutes many different cultures into one big stereotype, in the minds of non-Latinos and to me. There is nothing I am more honored to describe myself as than a Cuban-American from the 305. However, I can honestly say I feel an equal sense of pride when we Latinos use the term among ourselves to show solidarity and support for one another.

I first felt that pride when I went to San Antonio last year to support the Miami Heat in the finals, and my Mexican people not only welcomed me with open arms but had my back when the AT&T Center banned me from Game 4 and we stood together yelling "¡Libertad!" in front of the arena — until arena security let me into Game 5.

I went to San Antonio alone and expecting the worst after seeing reports of Heat fans getting attacked and almost killed for simply wearing Heat colors. Yet, there I was, dressed in Heat gear from eye to ass, standing with a big group of Mexican Spurs fans who knew I was going in there to sit courtside and yell shit at their team but who still fought for me until they let me into the game. When I asked one of them why they showed el tio so much love, the answer I got was as profoundly meaningful as it was simple: "You're a Latino; we're brothers." I will cherish that memory forever.

The sense of pride and unity I felt that day is the one I channel today in support of the Venezuelan protesters who have literally taken to the streets, ready to die for their freedom. As a Cuban-American bred from hardline Cuban exiles, my hate for communism and oppression runs deep, so it's only natural that I wholeheartedly support their uprising. I know that those Cuban-Americans in Miami who are cut from the same cloth as me feel the same way, but there have been recent images of Venezuelan protesters burning Cuban flags that have upset many in our community and caused some backlash. I'm proud to say that the majority of people I have seen react to these images have understood that the gesture is completely directed toward the obscene presence of Cuban infiltrados in Venezuela's government, but understandably some here in Miami have taken the gesture as a slap to the face.

Because our sense of cultural pride is so deeply ingrained into our identity, it's natural to react with anger at images of our flag being burned, but it's important to keep in mind that this is yet another example of the damage Fidel Castro's regime has done to our cultural identity. The two-and-a-half generations the Castros have been in power have given rise to a population forced to accept la maraña and defrauding by the government as a way of life. They purposefully associated their revolution with the revolt for Cuban independence from Spain and hijacked a sacred symbol of our culture — the Cuban flag — to represent their corrupt and oppressive regime.

Unfortunately, it's one of the most effective ways protesters opposed to Cuban communism and Castro's omnipotent control of the Venezuelan government can convey the message of anti-Cuba to the international community at a moment's glance. The symbolic meaning of the Cuban flag lives in a limbo of duality. To Cubans in Miami, it represents the beauty of our culture, our heritage, and our continued opposition to a dictator who has been hell-bent on destroying our identity for 50 years. To everyone else in the world, it's the flag of a nation run by communists.

Even more tragic is the fact that it's this kind of ambiguity and blurred line of interpretation that the Castros have exploited countless times to segment the American popular opinion from the views of the exile community responsible for perpetuating the Castro opposition long after the end of the cold war. They did it with Elián, they did it with the shootdown of los Hermanos al Rescate's plane, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was revealed that they staged these images to prevent Cuban-Americans here from supporting Venezuelan protesters.

After all, Venezuela is Cuba's golden goose, and it is in the Castros' best interest that we as Cuban-Americans deviate our attention from the uprising. What better way to do that than to use our deep-rooted cultural pride against us? A strong, unified opposition to Castro in Miami, among all its inhabitants, is a death sentence to the Castro regime. This is the most important reason why we as a Cuban community need to look beyond these flag burnings and support our Venezuelan brothers and sisters as they bleed for the freedom of their country.

The Cuban exile community in Miami is one of the most powerful allies the Venezuelan protesters can have in their struggle. Though we may be small in numbers, the power of our community is one of the strongest of all the minority groups in America. Our full-fledged support for their cause could likely tip the balance in favor of the protesters and lead to a Venezuela free of communist oppression and, eventually, a Castro-free Cuba. We have the wealth, the politicians, and a powerful voice to support their cause; all we need now is that spark to ignite the indomitable passion that has gotten us so far in this country despite the odds.

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frankd4 topcommenter

..............every other ethnic group uses AMERICA so why not the CUBANS and VENEZUELANs ?

we can't fix the Post Office because we are so busy fixing IRAQ and UKRAINE, and the CONGO and now VENEZUELA, and then next week EGYPT and the MIDDLE EAST, and after all that the US gets shit on anyway

people don't even have enough R E S P E C T to speak english let alone reimburse this country for what they cost US.........the original immigrants came and showed their respect and BUILT AMERICA and the immigranst today come and take as if they were entitled and could care less about respect

the MELTING POT is overflowing


funny how this clown says he hates the world latino being used to refer to so many cultures but then refers to all asians as chinos. ignorant exiled probably has never stepped foot in cuba like the rest of the gusanos


the writer of this article is so bitter like every other gusano exiled from miami. no wonder filth like you and the rest of your exiled family got your asses kicked out. miami is the sewers of latin america. all the crap goes straight there.


Sobrino: looks like you're missing the whole point of the story and can not get your head out of your culo.

One of the points of being in a free nation is that every person has the right to choose what they want to believe in and, as you and I are doing, given their piece of their mind without expecting some type of represalia from el govierno is one of those rights (-please see the little book called "Constitution of..."). I understand that you might feel like te pusieron el dedo en el culo when they burn flags and all of that, but anybody with common sense know that they did not do it towards the Cuban people, but towards the Regime, as Pepe tried to make very clear here, actually, I think that was the whole point of the article!!

So take a chill pill and keep pushing towards whats right. If my flag was the one burning down, I would definetly try to understand the motives behind the scenes and in this case, it does not take much to figure it out.

I always thought that Rubio es un comepinga until I saw his video from c-span talking about this matter. I invite you to see it so that you can get a better idea of what you are talking about.

If you are going to talk about heritage, then I invite you to read some history, get informed and think about how the people from the "old days" felt when they kept changing their flags until what they are today.

Comepinga Rubio video: (yes, even after this video I still think the same of him)


The Cuban flag represents the people both on the island and in exile, not the tyrannical government. At this point you can argue that a similar level of government oppression can be attributed to the symbolism of the Venezuelan flag, as the same thing that happened in Cuba decades ago is slowly happening to our Venezuelan brothers and sisters. 

Throughout Miami, there have been beautiful displays of Venezuelan patriotism with flags on cars, signs, ball caps, and houses that I do not associate in any form to the Chavez/Maduro  take-over of Venezuela (even though they've worn those unfortunate flag themed tracksuits). Flags belong to the people, not to the Castros, not to Maduro. Many years after these dictators are gone these symbols of our heritage will still represent us all; they should not be desecrated.


@Sobrino  I would agree with you if los hijos de puta chavistas hadnt changed their flag. They added an additional star and a crest to the original 7 star venezuelan flag.

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