
Straight from our Authors

Authors Revealed

Get to know your favorite authors and artists

Kim Brooks
Kim Brooks
Q. How would you describe your life in only 8 words?
A. Fun, exciting, purpose driven with lots of red
Kristin Bailey
Kristin Bailey
Q. Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?
A. Don't write in a vaccuum, because you'll learn the most about writing from other writers.
Kimberly Sabatini
Kimberly Sabatini
Q. How would you describe perfect happiness?
A. Living completely in the moment I'm in--no regrets.

Author Voices

Exclusive rants, raves and musings from S&S authors

Indu Sundaresan
Indu Sundaresan
I'm collaborating with an amazing Kathak dancer (Kathak is one of India's classical dance forms) Farah Yasmeen Shaikh to...
Marion  Dane Bauer
Marion Dane Bauer
Why I Don’t Want to Die at 75
Recently Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel wrote an article published in Atlantic entitled, “Why I Want to Die at 75.” Not...
Carol Rivers
Carol Rivers
100 years on: Armistice and Remembrance
My husband and I sit on a quiet Sunday afternoon, collecting the images for a YouTube video available to watch on my...

Upcoming Author Appearances

NOV 19
TV appearance
Live with Kelly & Michael
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NOV 29
radio appearance
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My life in 8 words

Author Doodle by Micki Myers
Micki Myers
practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice
Author Doodle by Amy Hill Hearth
Amy Hill Hearth
Unexpected, Journey, Writer, Loving, Loved, Adventure, Hopeful, Helpful
Author Doodle by Helen Perelman
Helen Perelman
Sweet and sometimes salty...
Author Doodle by Robin Luebs
Robin Luebs
Common brown robin morphs into one lucky duck.
Author Doodle by Susie Bright
Susie Bright
Fight Like Hell For The Living & Reading
Author Doodle by Brad Thor
Brad Thor
The result of hard work and taking chances.
Author Doodle by Don Teague
Don Teague
I am a father, husband, and story teller.

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