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Though Tesla Motors had already begun construction at the 980-acre site east of Reno where the Gigafactory is being built, the land didn’t actually belong to the company until a few days ago, when the deal for the land was finally concluded. As per the…
Though Tesla Motors had already begun construction at the 980-acre site east of Reno where the Gigafactory is being built, the land didn't actually belong to the company until a few days ago, when the deal for the land was finally concluded. As per the arrangement between Tesla and the state of Nevada, the EV overlord is actually
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RenewEconomy. The results of India’s latest solar auction are in, and it is bad news for developers of Australian coal projects – solar PV is cheaper for Indian users than the electricity price needed to pay for imports of coal from Australia. A tender…
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Lenz Blog. The decision to reduce CO2 emissions in the EU by 40% until 2030 comes with a nice qualification: The European Council endorsed a binding EU target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.…
Lenz Blog. The decision to reduce CO2 emissions in the EU by 40% until 2030 comes with a nice qualification: The European Council endorsed a binding EU target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. “Domestic reduction.” As EU Climate Change Commissioner Connie Hedegaard pointed out in talking to the dpa news
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Renewable energy development and implemented energy efficiency measures are responsible for 70% of the the drop in US carbon dioxide emissions seen since 2007 (when a slow decline began), according to a new report from Greenpeace. The findings stand in…
Renewable energy development and implemented energy efficiency measures are responsible for 70% of the the drop in US carbon dioxide emissions seen since 2007 (when a slow decline began), according to a new report from Greenpeace. The findings stand in contrast to some of the arguments put out there by detractors of renewable energy -- some
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The US Army is forging ahead with its Net Zero Vision and the US Navy is embarking on a "Green City" net zero energy project with Vietnam.
Back in 2011 the US Army launched the ambitious Army Net Zero Vision, designed to transform its facilities from energy-sucking, infinitely thirsty creatures generating mounds of trash into lean, off-grid operations where nothing goes to waste. Meanwhile, in 2012 the Office of Naval Research partnered with Thailand to create the World Green City at Chiang
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The cost of utility-scale US solar energy is currently 59% cheaper than what industry analysts predicted back in 2010 it would be by now, according to a new report from the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Lawrence…
The cost of utility-scale US solar energy is currently 59% cheaper than what industry analysts predicted back in 2010 it would be by now, according to a new report from the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). In addition to that rather striking figure, the new report also
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In an effort to make the Model S more affordable, Tesla has signed a new deal with US bank to offer more favorable lease terms and a "happiness guarantee."
Originally posted on GAS2 In an effort to make the Model S more affordable, Tesla announced a new deal with US bank to offer more favorable lease terms. This has lowered the lease cost of the electric sedan by as much as 25%, and this new lease now comes with a “happiness guarantee” that lets leases
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ECOreport. A recent poll has bad news for the fossil fuel industry. It does not look good for the Conservative party’s chances in the next election either. Primer Minister Stephen Harper’s “environmental” policies have drawn much criticism, especially in…
ECOreport. A recent poll has bad news for the fossil fuel industry. It does not look good for the Conservative party’s chances in the next election either. Primer Minister Stephen Harper’s “environmental” policies have drawn much criticism, especially in BC, where municipalities, First Nations, and environmental groups are fighting against the imposition of two oil sands
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The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is looking to fight the expiration of the 30% solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) via a new national campaign, as I think we all expected. Referring to the extension as being of critical importance to the…
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Bloomberg New Energy Finance on Tuesday released the “landmark” Climatescope 2014, a country-by-country assessment focused on the developing world. It is an interactive report and index offering insight into the climate investment of 55 emerging markets…
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After crashing nearly 50% between 2009 and 2014, the price of solar glass is set to rebound beginning in 2015, as a result of anti-dumping duties levied by the European Union on Chinese suppliers. According to IHS, the average price for glass used in…
After crashing nearly 50% between 2009 and 2014, the price of solar glass is set to rebound beginning in 2015, as a result of anti-dumping duties levied by the European Union on Chinese suppliers. According to IHS, the average price for glass used in solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing fell from $10.40 per square meter in 2009
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Tesla shouldn’t have spent resources on the development of the all-wheel-drive version of the Model S, but rather should have used those resources to speed the development of the “affordable” 4th model, according to former Fisker Automotive CEO (and…
Tesla shouldn't have spent resources on the development of the all-wheel-drive version of the Model S, but rather should have used those resources to speed the development of the
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