Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, during a House Environmental Regulations Committee on April 16, 2013.
Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, during a House Environmental Regulations Committee on April 16, 2013.

Mistrial Declared in Reynolds' Barratry Case

After a mistrial was declared Monday in the case of state Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, a new trial was scheduled to start Jan. 5. Reynolds is accused of illegally offering legal services to accident victims within 30 days of their incidents. 

Mistrial Declared in Reynolds' Barratry Case

Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, during a House Environmental Regulations Committee on April 16, 2013.
Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, during a House Environmental Regulations Committee on April 16, 2013.

After a mistrial was declared Monday in the case of state Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, a new trial was scheduled to start Jan. 5. Reynolds is accused of illegally offering legal services to accident victims within 30 days of their incidents. 

Featured Data

Visualization: Executions on Rick Perry's Watch

Obama Action on Immigration Could Benefit Texas Economy

The Rally for Immigration Reform on Congress Avenue near the Texas Capitol on Feb. 22, 2013.
The Rally for Immigration Reform on Congress Avenue near the Texas Capitol on Feb. 22, 2013.

With the midterm elections behind him, President Obama said he was ready to take executive action to prevent many undocumented immigrants from being deported, which analysts said could benefit Texas' agricultural, construction and service industries.


A Day in the Life of Sam Houston and His Very Lonely Campaign

Sam Houston, the Democratic nominee for Texas attorney general, in Houston on Oct. 7, 2014. Despite his GOP opponent's ethical troubles, Houston faces long odds and is struggling to draw attention.
Sam Houston, the Democratic nominee for Texas attorney general, in Houston on Oct. 7, 2014. Despite his GOP opponent's ethical troubles, Houston faces long odds and is struggling to draw attention.

With little money and swimming against the tide in conservative Texas, Democrat Sam Houston has little choice but to campaign for attorney general "the old fashioned way" — on the cheap, and largely from the front seat of his Toyota Prius. 


Injury Data by Race Goes Uncollected in Texas

Glenn Johnson, 55, was injured in a smelting accident near Amarillo in 1997 in which a furnace filled with molten metal exploded, crushed him and left major burns over 90 percent of his body. His left arm was amputated and all but two the muscles in his right forearm were removed.
Glenn Johnson, 55, was injured in a smelting accident near Amarillo in 1997 in which a furnace filled with molten metal exploded, crushed him and left major burns over 90 percent of his body. His left arm was amputated and all but two the muscles in his right forearm were removed.

The Texas Division of Workers' Compensation is not maintaining race data on all valid worker injury claims, despite a law requiring it. Advocates say without the data it's impossible to tell if injured minorities face discrimination at work. 

Wealthy Donor Pumps Cash, Consternation Into Bexar County DA Race

Personal injury lawyer Thomas J. Henry of Corpus Christi, (bottom) is backing Democrat Nicholas "Nico" LaHood in the Bexar County district attorney's race against 16-year Republican incumbent Susan Reed (top)..
Personal injury lawyer Thomas J. Henry of Corpus Christi, (bottom) is backing Democrat Nicholas "Nico" LaHood in the Bexar County district attorney's race against 16-year Republican incumbent Susan Reed (top)..

Thanks to a wealthy and generous personal injury lawyer, Democrat Nicholas LaHood is mounting a well-funded challenge in his bid to unseat 16-year Republican incumbent Susan Reed as Bexar County district attorney.