Com Tam Ninh Kieu

New York Times Critics' Pick

At Com Tam Ninh Kieu in the Bronx the murmur — from the kitchen, other tables, the flatscreen TV — is Vietnamese. The specialty is broken rice, grains splintered in the milling process, clingier and earthier than their grander, polished cousins. The rest of the menu consists almost entirely of noodle soups, including hard-to-find bun mam, whose broth is dominated by fermented anchovies; banh mi bo kho, close to a pot-au-feu; and pho with genuine clarity and dimension. — Ligaya Mishan


$. Cash Only




Daily for lunch and dinner.

Also Available


Wheelchair Access

Entrance is on the same level as sidewalk. Restroom is equipped with handrail.

Recommended Dishes

Com tam (broken rice) with pork chop, shrimp cake and egg; pho dac viet (noodle soup with steak, brisket, tendon and tripe); chao vit (congee with duck); banh mi bo ko (beef stew with bread); bun rieu (crab noodle soup); bun mam (fermented seafood noodle soup).

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