
Caught Wet-handed

California drought leads to a black market for water

California's worst-in-history drought is creating a whole new revenue stream for water poachers.

the ride stuff

Bikes created 655,000 jobs in Europe

That's more than the entire European mining and quarrying industry -- not bad for a hippie hobby, right?

Climate & Energy

No, Obama’s carbon limits won’t mean massive power outages

Our electric grid's overseer warns that the EPA’s Clean Power Plan threatens the reliability of our power systems, but climate change itself is a bigger danger to dependability.

Climate & Energy

Texas official ignores voters’ ban on fracking

Days after Denton passed its fracking ban, Texas Railroad Commission Chair Christi Craddick said she'd keep giving oil companies permits to drill.

The Dead Sea

Dead zones are coming for your rivers, lakes, and oceans

A new study found that climate change is increasing the chance of dead zones worldwide. Oh great.

Climate & Energy

Could this rock save the planet?

Olivine may be kryptonite for climate change, but it fights CO2 as only a mineral can -- incredibly slowly.


If you build bike paths, cyclists will come

New study shows Minneapolis bicycle freeway system equals more bike commuters, less obesity.

House Warming

Here are the worst places to live in the U.S., and climate change isn’t helping

The Weather Channel found 50 places you SHOULD NOT move, based on natural disasters and climate change. Here's a sampling.


Giant hog farms are making people sick. Here’s why it’s a civil rights issue.

Communities of color in North Carolina have to endure bronchitis, asthma, and even high blood pressure caused by massive pools of pig poo. Ick.

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