

Can a vegan ever truly love a carnivore?

A reader wonders whether two hearts can meat. Umbra says vegan start by accepting each other for who we are.

All the humidity that's fit to drink

This new bike bottle fills itself with water

An Austrian designer just crafted a new water bottle that could change the way we look at both biking and water scarcity.

Climate & Energy

5 more things to celebrate besides the big new climate deal

We’ve cherry-picked a few other good news items to keep your serotonin levels elevated.

the ride stuff

Bikes created 655,000 jobs in Europe

That's more than the entire European mining and quarrying industry -- not bad for a hippie hobby, right?

Where There's Smoke ...

Getting stoned in Boulder will now come with a carbon tax

Boulder, in the weed kingdom of Colorado, plans to start charging pot producers extra to offset their carbon costs.

Secrets secrets are no fun

With eyes in the sky, researchers try to link fracking and illness

Scientists and ordinary citizens use satellite and aerial photography to look for clues connecting Pennsylvania fracking sites and mysterious maladies.


Ditch Chad — this green building is your new wingman

Well, this is an odd promo video for a super-green building.


Pollution could land your kid at the back of the class — and in prison

Recent studies show that air pollution decreases test scores and contributes to ADHD, both of which can cause big trouble later in life.


Mamas, please let your daughters grow up to be scientists

An embarrassingly small proportion of real-life scientists are women. This photographer wants to change that.

Got 2.7 seconds?

We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
