Heather Smith

Heather Smith

Signs of movement

Heather Smith (on Twitter, @strangerworks) is interested in the various ways that humans try to save the environment: past, present, and future.

Business & Technology

The “sharing” economy cozies up to subprime auto loans

Bad car loans are nothing new, but they don't move us in any direction we should be wanting to go.


Chevron spent $72 per voter to defeat these green candidates — and failed

A refinery town's activist and green governing coalition prevails in the face of an oil company's millions.


In Richmond, Calif., it’s Chevron’s $3 million vs. a green slate

A refinery town's reputation as an environmental-justice pioneer is in peril, thanks to a pile of oil money and a torrent of negative ads.

Climate & Energy

Rotten odors rouse citizen sleuths in Pennsylvania gas patch

Since government won't monitor whether the oil-and-gas boom is wrecking air quality, volunteers have stepped in. Now their work is getting peer-reviewed and published.

Climate & Energy

A Keystone XL activist gets his day in court

The good news is Alec Johnson got off with a small fine. The bad news is he didn't get to say a peep about why he performed his act of civil disobedience.

Climate & Energy

Colorado’s fracking regulators aren’t regulating

People who reported fracking-related complaints to the authorities were frustrated by the lack of response, researchers found.

Climate & Energy

Big insurance won’t prep or pay for climate change, fails to see irony

You'd think insurance firms have a strong financial incentive to get ahead of climate change-induced trouble. Think again, says a new report.

Climate & Energy

We were promised methane regulations! Where are our methane regulations?!

The U.S. oil-and-gas boom is dumping oodles of methane into the atmosphere, and so far, the feds haven't gotten meaningful regulations together.

That's where the money is

U.K. climate activists take divestment to the banks

A new campaign in Britain aims to get banks to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry.

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