Brentin Mock

Brentin Mock

Read, black, and green

Brentin Mock is Grist's justice editor. Follow him on Twitter at @brentinmock.


Pollution could land your kid at the back of the class — and in prison

Recent studies show that air pollution decreases test scores and contributes to ADHD, both of which can cause big trouble later in life.


Was the shocking outcome of Maryland’s gubernatorial race about rain, or something else?

Pundits have blamed the "rain tax" for Anthony Brown's loss to an unknown Republican. But did race play a role?

Climate & Energy

We pay inmates $3 a day to fight California wildfires

The program is sold as a way to teach criminals the virtue of hard work. But who are the real criminals here?

Climate & Energy

Wait, who says people of color don’t care about the climate?

A new poll claims that blacks and Latinos are far too busy fretting about jobs and schools to worry about climate change. That's just bunk.

Climate & Energy

Texas lobbying group busted for phony anti-solar campaign

The Consumer Energy Alliance has been pushing a cynical campaign to turn public opinion against policies that promote solar power. In Wisconsin, it just backfired.

Nothing But Net Metering

Black lawmakers push back against coal utilities’ new trick

Utilities are using black lawmakers to drive up prices on clean energy -- and the long-term health of low-income communities of color hangs in the balance.


Teen killed in New Orleans believed in the power of food justice and gardens

George Carter, 15, helped transform the New Orleans school lunch culture into a healthier environment before he was murdered.


Clean energy advocates need to speak up if they want black lawmakers to hear them

Why are some African-American lawmakers taking their cues from the fossil-fuel industry? They're not getting the other side of the story.

Climate & Energy

This ambassador for black politicians argues that solar drags down African Americans

She takes the concerns of African-American communities straight to the White House -- and she's taking her talking points on solar net-metering straight from the utility companies.

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