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Thursday, November 13, 2014


Hans-Joachim Eckert, right, who heads the adjudicatory arm of FIFA’s ethics committee, released his 42-page summary after reviewing the work of Michael J. Garcia, left, the head of the investigatory chamber of the committee.
Walter Bieri/European Pressphoto Agency

Hans-Joachim Eckert, right, who heads the adjudicatory arm of FIFA’s ethics committee, released his 42-page summary after reviewing the work of Michael J. Garcia, left, the head of the investigatory chamber of the committee.

A summary of an investigation found potential ethics violations but said they were far from requiring a new bidding process. The conclusions were immediately contested.

Sports of The Times

In Conclusion, FIFA Says, FIFA Has Again Done Nothing Wrong

Somewhere, Sepp Blatter, the FIFA president, is having a good laugh over FIFA’s ethics summary report, which has already been attacked by the inquiry’s main investigator.

Argentina’s Feeder System Drains Talent From Nation’s Top Division

A result of exporting so many players — more than 2,700 Argentines now play in foreign leagues — is that club soccer in the South American nation is blighted by a lack of continuity.

Africa Cup Disrupted by Ebola Concerns

Because it sought to delay the championship, fearing a spread of Ebola, Morocco was barred from the 2015 Cup, another disruption to soccer related to the outbreak.


Summary of FIFA Investigation on World Cup Bidding Is Set to Be Released

Hans-Joachim Eckert, the German judge reviewing a report on the investigation into FIFA’s awarding of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, will release a summary of his findings on Thursday.

Memories Are Forever, but Owning a Medal Isn’t for Some Soccer Legends

Jimmy Greaves is the latest player from England’s 1966 World Cup-winning team to put his medal up for auction.

Germany to Host U.S. in Exhibition

The World Cup champion Germany said it would host the United States in a June match.

Soccer Player Convicted of Rape Will Train With Old Club

Ched Evans of Wales, who spent two years in prison for rape, will resume training at his former club in England, Sheffield United.

Klinsmann Calls Up 25 Players for Next Two U.S. Soccer Friendlies

Coach Jurgen Klinsmann cast a wide net while retooling the national men’s soccer team roster after the World Cup over the summer.

Seeding the Field
Qatari Soccer Empire Buys a Foothold in Europe

Through a program called Aspire Football Dreams, the Qataris had scouted hundreds of thousands of young African players; needing a place where the best youths could play professionally, they found it in a team in a small Belgian town.

Editors' Picks
Sports of The Times

FIFA’s Dazed and Dated Attitude

Soccer’s governing body has taken a misguided approach to concussions in large part because of the sport’s substitution rules, which allow for only three replacements per game.

On Soccer

Ugly Reality Intrudes On World Cup’s Glow

The 2014 World Cup was a runaway success, but significant issues like match fixing, player safety and the Cup bidding process need to be confronted.

On Soccer

Success for Brazil, Just Not on the Field

Its team suffered a humiliating semifinal defeat, but Brazil is taking comfort in its success as host of the World Cup and in its archrival Argentina’s loss in the final.

Biggest Scorer in World Cup? Maybe Univision

The huge exposure Univision received from the World Cup showed how the growth of America’s Hispanic population has reshaped the media landscape.

The Upshot

Best of the World Cup, From The Upshot

A collection of our interactives and analysis.

Interactive Feature
Spot the Ball: The Winning Goal

To say goodbye to the 2014 World Cup, we’ve put together a special round of Spot the Ball, featuring five views of that tournament-winning goal by Germany. See if you can guess where the ball went.

After the World Cup, Glory and Heartache

Soccer fans in Berlin and Buenos Aires during the final match of the World Cup.

The Redeemer’s View of Rio

A panoramic view of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Lens Blog
Soccer in Brazil, and Outside the World’s Glare

Mauricio Lima went to remote villages, up the river and even to a prison, to document his countrymen’s passion for the sport, as well as their lives, during the World Cup.