Here, you'll find perhaps the nicest people in this entire city serving food from Haiti and the Ivory Coast from a kitchen that moves at its own casual pace.
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"Sometimes people who are using exaggerated and overly congenial behaviors are behaving that way to make their own type of shell or protective barrier, because of their own fear of seeming shy or too reserved, just like you are."
With 14.7 million pixels, the new iMac with Retina 5K display is the most powerful iMac ever. Get yours at Tekserve today:*

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Photo: With 14.7 million pixels, the new iMac with Retina 5K display is the most powerful iMac ever. Get yours at Tekserve today:*

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Welcome to the village of Kiryas Joel, where the median age is 13 and the older generation causes all the fuss. Photo by Caleb Ferguson.
Photo: Welcome to the village of Kiryas Joel, where the median age is 13 and the older generation causes all the fuss. Photo by Caleb Ferguson.
Fung Tu, on the border of Chinatown and the Lower East Side, is the brainchild of chef Jonathan Wu, a well-traveled chef whose experiences shine through in his menu.
"If one of your favorite bands from childhood formed in your lifetime has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, give yourself three points."