Power Rankings: The Worst Catcall Parody Videos

With more than 35 million views, the video of Shoshana Roberts walking through Manhattan and being subjected to dozens and dozens of catcalls from men about her appearance and figure pulled back the curtain on an uglier part of our culture. It also spawned several cringe-inducing parodies by enterprising dudes (mostly dudes, anyway) who wanna hop on the pageview train by offering comparisons between getting catcalled as as a woman alone in New York to, oh, trash-talk you might hear as an unshaven Jets bro walking through Union Square on a Sunday. Here are the worst, from worst to least-worst.

First, the Original:

Published On: Oct 28, 2014
Duration: 1:56
Views (as of 11/9/14): 35,031,931

Opening titles: "Ten hours of silent walking through all areas of Manhattan, wearing jeans and a crewneck t-shirt."

"What's up, beautiful? Have a good day!"

"Someone's acknowledging you for being beautiful! You should say thank you more!"



"Too ugly for you?"

Alongside Companion: "Hello, good morning. God bless you. Have a good day, all right?" [Walks silently beside her for five minutes.]

Closing Titles: "100+ instances of verbal street harassment took place within 10 hours, involving people of all backgrounds. This doesn't include the countless winks, whistles, etc.

"If you want to help, please donate to Hollaback! a non-profit dedicated to ending street harassment."

Video Credits:
Creator/Owner/Director: Rob Bliss Creative
Talent: Shoshana B. Roberts

15. "Man Gets Harassed Over 30 Times in 3 Hours Walking in NYC"

Published On: Nov 1, 2014
Duration: 1:58
Views (as of 11/9/14): 76,653

Opening Titles: [Spoken by a man sporting hair of an improbably moussed altitude, standing in what may be his mother's living room in Queens] "I'm sure all of you have seen the video of a good-looking lady walking around New York City for 10 hours getting [cue scare quotes] 'harassed.' We wanted to see if this 'harassment' happens to guys as well..."

[The model is buff, and wears a white V-neck and skinny jeans.]

"Oh, my God."


Closing Titles: "In less then [sic] 3 hours of Walking he was 'verbally harassed' over 30 times."

[And if you watch carefully, you might see what appears to be an instance of the model checking out a woman he passes.]

Video Credits:
Model Pranksters

14. "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Jew"

Published On: Nov 2, 2014
Duration: 1:50
Views (as of 11/9/14): 232,824

Opening Titles: "Ten hours of silent walking through all areas of Manhattan wearing jeans and a crewneck t-shirt (and a windbreaker because it was really cold)."

"Hey, are you Jewish?" [Asked by Chabad impersonator(s)]


Alongside Companion: "(Same guy has been praying silently alongside him for the past two minutes)"

"(four minutes)"

"(five minutes)"

Closing Titles: "100+ instances of verbal street harassment took place within 10 hours, involving people of one background. This doesn't include the countless Shemas, lulav shakes, etc.

"If you want to help, please share this video and visit runninglateshow.com for more idiocy."

Video Credits:
Written and edited by Scott Rogowsky

13. "10 Hours of Walking in Hollywood as a Latina"

Published On: Nov 3, 2014
Duration: 2:14
Views (as of 11/9/14): 14,129

Opening Titles: "Ten hours of walking through Hollywood wearing stretch turquoise jeans (Ross $7.99) and a black blouse."

[It's a man. Carrying a small dog.]

Highlights: None

Alongside Companion: A man on crutches.

Closing Titles: "100+ instances of a sassy Latina owning the block occurred within a span of 10 hours.

"If you want to help, stop cat calling. You're just adding fire to the spice."

Video Credits:
Video & Editing by Robb Boardman

12. "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Fat Man"

Published On: Nov 3, 2014
Duration: 3:19
Views (as of 11/9/14): 15,799

Opening Titles: "Ten hours of silent walking through all areas of Manhattan, wearing ill-fitting jeans and a tight crewneck t-shirt."

"Damn, bro, you look hungry."

"Your father and I are worried about you."

[It's long because he's ostensibly out of shape. And hungry. And fat. He's actually only moderately overweight. Really. Not that fat.]

Closing Titles: "100+ instances of verbal street fat-calling took place over 10 hours, involving people of all backgrounds, although most occurred while our subject was napping on a bench.

"This doesn't include the consumption of 2 large pizzas, a funnel cake drizzled in chocolate, 3 empanadas, and a large popcorn with extra butter from the AMC theater on 34th street. (He did not see a movie).

"If you want to help, stop making food so damn delicious."

Video Credits:
TwoMan Tango
Created by Elon Altman, Izzy Wolfson, and Mike Sause


My Voice Nation Help

@DaveCoIon I'm working on a power ranking of the top ten power rankings of the parody videos


It's long because he's ostensibly out of shape ... moneykin.cᵒm

John F. Hebert
John F. Hebert

The "good looking guy" one is the most relevant.

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