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As my colleague Margot Sanger-Katz notes, a Supreme Court ruling against the Obama administration in King v. Burwell would cause significant disarray in health insurance markets, by denying subsidies to anyone buying health insurance on the individual market in states that rely on the federal health insurance exchange.

Just because some insurance markets would become a mess does not mean Republicans and Democrats would come back to the table to fix them.

Health insurance would become unaffordable for many people who do not get it through work or Medicare. The individual mandate wouldn’t apply to people who couldn’t afford coverage without a subsidy. And as healthy people drop out of the insurance market because of rising costs, the pool of participants could get sicker, driving premiums up further, driving even more people out of the market, and leading to what is known as a death spiral where only a handful of mostly very sick people buy insurance at a very high price.

That would be a bad outcome. But it would not necessarily be an unsustainable one. I know, because this situation was sustained in New York for over two decades before Obamacare came into being.

Two cornerstones of the Affordable Care Act are policies called community rating and guaranteed issue. Community rating means a health insurer can’t set the price of your insurance policy based on how much it’s likely to cost to cover you. Guaranteed issue means they must sell health insurance to anyone who wants it. These policies mean that healthy people will tend to pay more for insurance than they get back in claims, and sick people will tend to pay less than they get back.

To make the market work, you have to induce healthy people to buy insurance that’s worth less than it costs. The health law does this by offering subsidies to people who buy insurance, imposing penalties on people who don’t, and limiting insurance purchases to a short “open enrollment” period of just a few weeks each year, so people don’t wait until they get sick to buy coverage. A ruling for the plaintiffs in King would abolish the subsidies in some states and significantly weaken the individual mandate, too.

Before 2014, New York also had community rating and guaranteed issue. But it didn’t have an individual mandate, premium subsidies or a limited open enrollment period. The result was that insurance was extremely expensive in the individual market, and very few people bought it.

As of 2008, just 2 in 1,000 New York State residents were covered through the individual insurance market. In 2012, when I was a freelancer, I considered buying insurance in the individual market; I found that a plan approximating my prior employer coverage would have cost about $16,000 a year. In the group market, which was not totally dysfunctional, my prior employer was paying less than $6,000 for similar coverage.

This was terrible public policy that led to a lot of people going uninsured. (For my mother’s benefit, I’ll note that I remained on my former employer’s plan through 2012, as permitted for a limited period under the federal law known as Cobra.) But it was not unsustainable policy. New York started guaranteed issue and community rating in the early 1990s and went through two decades of individual market dysfunction.

It’s not hard to understand why. Repealing community rating (i.e., letting insurance companies charge sick people more) is unpopular. Providing subsidies so healthy people find it affordable and appealing to buy insurance is expensive. So New York stuck with a set of policies in which health insurance was available to everyone at a price that was affordable to almost no one.

There seems to be an idea among some conservatives that a post-King reality would be so messy and untenable that Democrats would have to come back to the table to cut a new deal on health reform. But King could just create a bunch of new New Yorks, where the individual insurance market doesn’t work, and nobody does anything to fix it.

The dysfunction would be especially sustainable since death spirals under King probably wouldn’t be quite as severe as in New York. That’s because the A.C.A. uses a modified version of community rating in which prices can vary based on age, and because the limited period for open enrollment still provides a disincentive to forgo insurance coverage if you are healthy. So, not as many healthy people would flee the market as they did in New York.

Still, premiums would rise, as would the percentage of the population without insurance, and Democrats would have a simple prescription: Introduce a state-based insurance exchange, and the market will function again because the subsidies will flow again. The politics of the situation would probably be similar to the politics of the Medicaid expansion now, with Democrats saying it’s crazy to turn down free money, doctors and hospitals (and the uninsured) saying that even more loudly, and Republicans being caught between the broad interests of the electorate and the Obamacare hatred of their base.

As with the Medicaid expansion, some Republican officials would choose to cooperate with the health care law. Their argument for doing so would be even stronger than with the Medicaid expansion, for two reasons. One is that while the federal government pays for most of the cost of the Medicaid expansion, it pays for the entire cost of subsidies for individual market health insurance plans.

The other is that, by imposing community rating and guaranteed issue on the whole country, the A.C.A. has prevented states from returning to the previous status quo in their individual health insurance markets. A ruling that overturns King won’t just take away subsidies from people with low and moderate incomes; it will drive up premiums for everyone in the individual health insurance markets in every state that does not run its own exchange. And while affordability tests will exclude many low- and moderate-income people in these states from the individual mandate, some people with higher incomes will be ordered to buy these newly expensive plans or else face a penalty.

Republican state officials will be able to say (accurately) that the federal government has imposed costly and disruptive regulations on the state that can be managed effectively only by taking the federal money. That is, they can set up a state exchange, while bitterly complaining that the odious President Obama left them no choice but to do so.

Or, they can stand firm and let their individual insurance markets become dysfunctional. It worked for New York. Sort of.