Literally No One Is Happy About the Massive Parole Center Being Built in Gowanus

Categories: Brooklyn

Gowanus United Lawsuit

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My child goes to school in Gowanus. The trolls on here need to think back to their elementary school and after school programs-- were they safely located? Just because I don't welcome the idea of an endless stream of ex-cons from 8am-8pm, doesn't mean I am some "yuppie helicopter parent." That's very insulting and dismissive of real issues about safety for the (mostly) women and children who drop off and pick up kids in this area and shuttle them to/from after school programs in the Gowanus corridor, along streets that have low foot traffic but are safe enough (at least for now). And to those calling NIMBY, in a representative government you should be able to have a voice in what goes in "your backyard," especially when it is not typical. Other states don't site facilities within 1000 feet of schools and places where children gather--the notion that DOCCS should have considered this is not pulled from thin air. There is real cause for concern that no assessment was done about the suitability of the location.


Parolees complaining about the inconvenience of traveling. The nerve.

The people in that area has every right to complain, sue, etc.

Pedophiles and violent criminals are getting out everyday much to many people's dismay. When a pedo/sex offender parolee that's supposed to stay away from schools gets shot or beat up severely for trying to coax kids into going with them - I say, "let me get my Yankee bat, lighter fluid and bic lighter and roast em since the system REFUSES to put those monsters in general pop or on death row."

Justice system my entire ass.


The Brooklyn borough president has said he would like it kept in Downtown Brooklyn, nearer to the programs/services that already serve parolees. Those areas also have good foot traffic (safe streets are busy streets), parking and are closer to the major transit lines and buses.


@thetinyraccoon criminal justice types say they want to see new york state modelling probation with four or five smaller parole centers


@kat_toth smaller would be better. closer to trains would be better but rich, whites moving into BK will force it out of any hood.


@thetinyraccoon i can't speak for every person in brooklyn but this particular group has said they'd be willing to see a smaller center.


@thetinyraccoon As one person says in the piece, the NIMBYism is undeniable—but just because you're yelling NIMBY doesn't mean you're wrong.


@thetinyraccoon I am white and haven't lived in Brooklyn my entire life. That makes me NIMBY? Irrelevant and has nothing to do with anything


@kat_toth Im going to guess its the new affluent transplant in BK who have the most issue-its the people who do not interact w/ prisons etc


@kat_toth i dont think its great but i also am repulsed by the knee jerk reaction which to me is racism and classism thinly veiled

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