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                        Chicago Tribune 2012 Community Giving Report

Get Informed

Every day there's a new story about the challenges facing our community's under-served youth. And every day, we're there to report on these challenges. Read the stories, attend issue related events, stay informed -- after all, the more you know, the more you can help.

Get Involved

An afternoon spent tutoring kids, or a donation — large or small — all go a long way toward lifting up our community.

Donate — You can make a difference today by clicking here to learn about Chicago Tribune Charities.

Volunteer — Do you have a special skill or talent you'd like to share with today's youth? There's no better way to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow than by volunteering your time and talents. Follow this link for volunteer opportunities.

Here's how the Chicago Tribune is stepping up for a brighter tomorrow.


Chicago Tribune partners with the McCormick Foundation to raise funds through Chicago Tribune Charities, a McCormick Foundation Fund. The monies raised and distributed by this philanthropy support local nonprofit organizations focusing on Chicagoland's under-served youth and families.


The Chicago Tribune supports community organizations through grant-making, event sponsorship, editorial and in-kind gifts. Our goal is to raise the profile of our nonprofit partners and the issues they are championing for Chicagoland's under-served youth and families. These issues include: education and literacy, job training and family strengthening.


This is about more than giving money. We are also committed to donating our time and talents to support the community. Our employees get involved and give back through hands-on and skills-based volunteering, nonprofit board service, an annual United Way campaign and an employee matching gifts program.