Email for people with something to say

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Personalize your signup form and share it with your community. Send a link to your landing page, embed the form on your site, or invite readers to subscribe right on Twitter. Send great emails, and watch your readership grow over time.

Share your work

Your readers care what you have to say. Email them updates from your world. Give them behind-the-scenes peeks at your projects and process, or show them your published work. Point them to things you’re reading, watching, and listening to.

Keep it simple

TinyLetter offers a clean and straightforward writing experience for people who aren’t looking for advanced reporting or features for businesses. Use our editor or send directly from your own email client. And all for free.

The only reason I got around to starting a newsletter was because TinyLetter made it so easy I couldn't justify not doing one. And I'm glad I did, because it's been unexpectedly rewarding. Even though mass email has long been associated with bots and spammers, my newsletter has felt like the opposite: a more personal way of communicating than social media. I look forward to writing it every week, and people actually look forward to reading it! How about that.

Ann Friedman


TinyLetter let me create a newsletter the very morning when the idea struck me, and it's grown with me over the last year to thousands and thousands of subscribers. It's not loaded down with features I don't use, and it does everything I need. Perhaps the best thing is the Twitter integration: people can sign up for my newsletter without leaving Twitter.

Alexis Madrigal

Deputy Editor,

TinyLetter combines the ease and intimacy of writing a blog post with the more digestable and modern newsletter format. No bells, no whistles, just ideas.

Rena Tom

Founder, Makeshift Society

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