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Democracy Now!

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“I don’t think it’s possible anymore to talk about corruption,” explains Mexico-based journalist John Gibler. “What we have is two sectors of an industry that have fully merged — the police and the organized crime gangs themselves.” 

Watch his live report today.

Protesters in the Mexican state of Guerrero have set fire to the local legislature as outrage spreads over the disappearance of 43 students. The students from Ayotzinapa teacher’s college have been missing for nearly seven weeks after they were ambushed by police. Unrest has intensified since Mexican Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam announced Friday that suspects in the case have admitted to killing the students and incinerating their bodies ...
Américas Newsfeed's profile photoMathemagus's profile photo
The people in our nation are so pacified by a press, entertainment industry and culture designed by behavioral scientists at the Pentagon, people should be in the streets outraged at the thug police here in the U.S. but instead are indifferent. 
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Are you there in spirit? On Monday, protesters blockaded the home driveway of FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, who is considering breaking with the President Obama on net neutrality. 

#Internet   #NetNeutrality  
In a strong statement in favor of a free and open Internet, President Obama has called on the Federal Communications Commission to uphold the principle of net neutrality by classifying the Internet as a public utility. Obama said such protections would prevent Internet service providers like Comcast from blocking access to websites, slowing down content or providing paid fast lanes for Internet service. Obama’s proposal comes as his appointed FCC...
Rudy Vazquez's profile photoDAVID behan's profile photo
If this goes sideways, I wouldn't be surprised at protests of throwing old computer parts on his doorstep as they're doing right now in Hungary opposing an internet tax.
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Do you support the deal President Obama negotiated with China? 

"We’ve proven time and time again that you can grow the American economy — and solve environmental challenges," stresses Jake Schmidt of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

#ClimateChange   #China   #Environment  
The United States and China, the world’s two largest polluters, have agreed on new target limits for greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade. Announcing the deal in China with Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Obama said the United States will set a goal of reducing carbon emissions 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, a doubling of current reduction efforts. China has also made its first-ever commitment to stop emissions from ...
Dara Nix-Stevenson's profile photoNancy Pivarunas's profile photoTheDemocrats's profile photoMyron T. Moore's profile photo
Yes I do:)
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"At that time, half the political voice in this nation was silenced, really. And I believe most people at that time opposed this war," Phil Donahue says of the media climate in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

  #VeteransDay   #Media  
Phil Donahue is one of the best-known talk show hosts in U.S. television history. The Phil Donahue Show was on the air for almost 30 years, until 1996. In 2002, Donahue returned to the airwaves, but was fired by MSNBC on the eve of the 2003 U.S.-led war in Iraq because he was allowing antiwar voices on the air. We talk to Donahue about his firing and the silencing of antiwar voices by the corporate media — that continues to this day.
Bob Pomerene's profile photoTerrence Lee Reed's profile photoKyle Granger's profile photoClélio Cardoso's profile photo
Serving Is semper fI
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Democracy Now!

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"I want to say that I am sorry for the hate and destruction that I have inflicted on innocent people," said Iraq War veteran Jon Michael Turner at the 2008 Winter Soldier hearings. "I am no longer the monster that I once was."

While the corporate media largely ignored the hearing, Democracy Now! was there and recorded the testimonies of many Iraq and Afghan war veterans. Click to hear their stories.

#VeteransDay  +Iraq Veterans Against the War 
US veterans gathered in Maryland this past weekend to testify at Winter Soldier, an eyewitness indictment of atrocities committed by US troops during the ongoing occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers spoke of free-fire zones, the shootings and beatings of innocent civilians, racism at the highest levels of the military, sexual harassment and assault within the military, and the torturing of prisoners. While the corporate media ignored the...
Brian Ogilby's profile photoCharles Xavior's profile photoMathemagus's profile photoDwayne Sammons's profile photo
Very true.
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"There are thousands and thousands of homes in this country, as we speak, dealing with this kind of burden that turns the whole family upside down. And nobody sees it," says Phil Donahue about military families caring for injured veterans. 

"Tomas made an enormous impact on those that he met and those people who saw him and what he went through. He was really the town crier for all of those other veterans." 

Watch our interviews with Tomas Young over the years:

#VeteransDay   #Veterans  
As the nation marks Veterans Day, we remember the Iraq War veteran Tomas Young, who died this week at the age of 34. He enlisted in the military just after the Sept. 11 attacks. On April 4, 2004 — his fifth day in Iraq — Young’s unit came under fire in the Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City. Young was shot and left paralyzed, never to walk again. Young returned home and became an active member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. He remained in and o...
David Uzee's profile photoFran Marzoa's profile photoMyron T. Moore's profile photoNoreen Sait's profile photo
Too bad the mainstream media silenced phil.
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Have you seen the price of your generic medications rise in the past year?

In headlines today, we report that two generic drug manufacturers have been subpoenaed in a federal probe into price hikes. Generic drugs have seen a major price jump over the past year. For example, a medication for congestive heart failure, Digoxin, now costs more than $1 per pill, up from just 11 cents two years ago. The price for an antibiotic brand went from $20 per bottle last fall to over $1,800 today. 

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders has submitted questions to 14 pharmaceutical companies ahead of a Senate hearing on generic drug pricing next week. 

#Medicine   #Health   #MedicalBills  
John Stone's profile photo
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“I am a United States Army general, and I lost the Global War on Terrorism.”

Amy Goodman and Juan González got a chance to ask a three-star general some tough questions today. This is a much-watch interview.

#Iraq   #Afghanistan   #Military   #NewBook  
Lt. Gen. Daniel P. Bolger, a retired three-star U.S. general who helped command troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, joins us to discuss his new book, "Why We Lost: A General’s Inside Account of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars." Bolger writes: "I am a United States Army general, and I lost the Global War on Terrorism. It’s like Alcoholics Anonymous; step one is admitting you have a problem. Well, I have a problem. So do my peers. And thanks to our probl...
Bill Ries-Knight's profile photoFrank L. DeSilva's profile photoDana BK's profile photoMunir Khan's profile photo
Agreed, Fran.
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Do you think this is necessary? Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon says he is prepared to redeploy the National Guard "to protect the public" after a grand jury reaches its decision in the Michael Brown case, which is expected later this month. "The Guard will be available when we determine it is necessary to support local law enforcement. Quite simply, we must and will be fully prepared," he said.

According to Nixon, more than 1,000 officers have recently undergone some 5,000 hours in training on crowd control. 

#Ferguson   #MikeBrown  
laurie corzett's profile photoVictor Oesal Rangel's profile photoMzazi Taoga's profile photoDara Nix-Stevenson's profile photo
"The Democrats are just as complicit in these wars as the Republicans are," says former Marine and State Department official Matthew Hoh who served both in Iraq and Afghanistan.

While coping with PTSD, alcohol abuse and suicidal thoughts, hear what fueled Hoh to "work harder to try and stop these wars." 

In 2009, Matthew Hoh became the first State Department official to resign protest from his post in Afghanistan over U.S. policy. Prior to his assignment in Afghanistan, Matthew Hoh was deployed twice to Iraq. In part two of our conversation, we speak with Hoh about what happened after he blew the whistle on the Afghan War and his long fight to recover from post-traumatic stress syndrome. On his website, Hoh writes: "In 2007, after my second deplo...
John Kot's profile photoStefan Falls's profile photoMathemagus's profile photoBrian Haggerty's profile photo
+John Kot Boohoo! A war fought over corporate greed? And the government lied to the people? No shit. And as long as you drive a car, use public services, use a phone, etc, they'll continue to pull this stuff. You think people in the military don't already know this? They do, but this douche chopter is just lying and pretending that he didn't know...making a buck off of the same organization that everyone else is...the US government
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"It’s only right for U.S. service members to acknowledge the people of Iraq and Afghanistan as we’re demanding our right to heal," says former U.S. Army Sergeant Maggie Stevens. 

On this Veterans Day, please watch and share this interview. 

#VeteransDay   #Military   #Iraq  
On the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, we look at how U.S. military veterans and Iraqi civilians have come together to launch the "Right to Heal" campaign for those who continue to struggle with the war’s aftermath. We’re joined by U.S. Army Sergeant Maggie Martin, who was part of the invading force in March 2003 and is now director of organizing for Iraq Veterans Against the War. We are also joined by Yanar Mohammed, president of the O...
Rudy Vazquez's profile photoAdrian Morales's profile photoDavid Moses's profile photoA. David's profile photo
+Rudy Vazquez

I like to think on a planetary scale, just as everyone else should. Your suggestion, however, is definitely a step in the right direction. Thank you!
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"Derrick was not killed in action. He was killed because of failed mental healthcare at an Army base at Fort Lewis," says his mother, Mary Kirkland, in this 2012 interview.

"I am not ashamed that I have to tell people that my son committed suicide. I am ashamed of the military for failing to give him proper mental health treatment." 

#VeteransDay   #Army   #Military   #VeteranSuicide  
On a makeshift stage outside the NATO summit in Chicago, antiwar veterans fold an American flag that flew over NATO operations from Bosnia to Libya and which represents the flag that is “draped over the coffins of thousands of Americans killed in combat and thousands more who have committed suicide after they returned from service." They present the flag to Mary Kirkland, mother of Derrick Kirkland, who joined the military in 2007 and committed s...
Fran Marzoa's profile photoMyron T. Moore's profile photoA. David's profile photoDavid Moses's profile photo
This issues all the more important with our latest unnessesary, awfull and losing war against isis. Because were going to have alot more vetetans coming back with mental health issues.
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Independent, daily global news hour
Independent, daily global news hour anchored by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Democracy Now! is broadcast on more than 1,100 TV, radio, and internet stations in the United States and around the world. This is the official Democracy Now! Google+ page.
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