Climate & Energy

Climate & Energy

Obama’s deal with China is a big win for solar, nuclear, and clean coal

We could soon see an armistice in the solar trade war.

We're from the GOP and we're here to help ... fry the planet

Meet the Senate leaders who plan to gut the EPA and approve Keystone

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the new Republican committee chairs are all hostile to climate action.

Climate & Energy

4 reasons Republicans are losing their sh*t over the U.S.-China climate deal

The GOP is really not happy about this new agreement. Here's why.

Climate & Energy

5 more things to celebrate besides the big new climate deal

We’ve cherry-picked a few other good news items to keep your serotonin levels elevated.

Caught Wet-handed

California drought leads to a black market for water

California's worst-in-history drought is creating a whole new revenue stream for water poachers.

Climate & Energy

We’ve never seen so many climate hawks happy at one time

Climate hawks are exhibiting rare displays of optimism on Twitter, thanks to the new U.S-China agreement. See them while they last!

Climate & Energy

No, Obama’s carbon limits won’t mean massive power outages

Our electric grid's overseer warns that the EPA’s Clean Power Plan threatens the reliability of our power systems, but climate change itself is a bigger danger to dependability.

Where There's Smoke ...

Getting stoned in Boulder will now come with a carbon tax

Boulder, in the weed kingdom of Colorado, plans to start charging pot producers extra to offset their carbon costs.

Secrets secrets are no fun

With eyes in the sky, researchers try to link fracking and illness

Scientists and ordinary citizens use satellite and aerial photography to look for clues connecting Pennsylvania fracking sites and mysterious maladies.

Got 2.7 seconds?

We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
