

This Southside Chicago neighborhood is about to become a national park

The neighborhood is a far cry from Yellowstone or Yosemite, but it is significant for other reasons.

Business & Technology

The “sharing” economy cozies up to subprime auto loans

Bad car loans are nothing new, but they don't move us in any direction we should be wanting to go.


Pollution could land your kid at the back of the class — and in prison

Recent studies show that air pollution decreases test scores and contributes to ADHD, both of which can cause big trouble later in life.


What’s more likely to kill you: A car crash or vehicle emissions?

The answer actually surprised us.


If you build bike paths, cyclists will come

New study shows Minneapolis bicycle freeway system equals more bike commuters, less obesity.

Business & Technology

The Netherlands’ new solar bike lane totally rules

The solar bike lane is the greenest thing in Amsterdam since space cake.


Chevron spent $72 per voter to defeat these green candidates — and failed

A refinery town's activist and green governing coalition prevails in the face of an oil company's millions.

the bright side

The country is going to hell, but at least your bus may come on time

The results of the election got you down? Good news! It wasn't a total train wreck.


You kids get off my sidewalk: Baby boomers want walkable cities, too

In a heart-warming juncture between millennial ideology and baby-boomer practicality, AARP is campaigning for more walkable cities.

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