Articles by Richard Nemec

North Dakota Panel Readies Pipeline Technology Report

A working group established by North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple is close to finalizing a report on pipeline technology that was prompted by the October 2013 spill of 20,000 bbls of crude oil. Read More

Dueling Polls Cloud Post-Election Analysis of Oil/Gas Issues

A Pew Research Center survey showing waning American citizens' support for hydraulic fracturing and the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline clouds the outlook coming out of the immediate aftermath of last week's midterm elections. Read More

Onshore Fracking Chemicals Benign, Say Colorado Researchers

Based on samplings of hydraulic fracturing fluids used in five states, a first-of-its-kind analysis by Colorado researchers at two universities found the chemicals used at wellsites are no more harmful than what's found in common household products. Read More

Gunnison Sage Grouse Listing as Threatened Species Draws Colorado's Ire

The Obama administration on Wednesday declared as threatened under the Endangered Species Act the Gunnison sage grouse, kicking off the prospect of likely legal challenges and posing potential problems for oil and natural gas development in parts of Utah and Colorado. Read More

Los Angeles Could Pursue Zoning Rules Instead of Drilling Moratorium

The Los Angeles City Council early this year called for a draft moratorium on hydraulic fracturing (fracking), but the city planning department is proposing another way to regulate drilling practices -- land-use and zoning regulations. Read More

New National Mapping Tool for NGV Stations Unveiled

NGVAmerica, the Washington, DC-based trade association for the natural gas vehicle (NGV) sector, on Tuesday launched a new Internet-based map of the nation's NGV fueling stations. Read More

Gunnison Sage Grouse Listing May Impact E&Ps in Utah, Colorado

The Obama administration is weighing whether to list as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act the Gunnison sage grouse... Read More

Post-Elections: Chemical Industry More Confident in U.S. Gas Growth

The American Chemistry Council added its voice Monday to the growing chorus of major business sector representatives praising the outcome of last Tuesday's midterm elections as being good for future growth in the U.S. energy sector and the economy overall. Read More

Judge Again Denies Fort Collins City Drilling Ban

Colorado District Court Judge Gregory Lammons again ruled against the City of Fort Collins' five-year ban on hydraulic fracturing last week, denying the city's request for a stay on his decision in August overturning the city ban. Read More

California Royalty Owners Aroused by Ballot Battles

While they celebrated into the night about the defeat of an anti-oil/natural gas measure in Santa Barbara County after last week's elections, royalty owners in California sobered up the next day to discover that similar opposing measures passed handily in two other counties, albeit ones with little or no active drilling. Read More