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November 2014 CoverNovember 2014 | Volume 122 | Issue 11

On the Cover

Worldwide, stunted growth affects an estimated 165 million children under age 5. Reducing stunting is a global priority for international health organizations and donors, but it’s clear that nutritional interventions alone won’t get the job done. That’s because stunting isn’t just a nutritional problem; it’s also an environmental one.

© Roger Parkes/Alamy

November 2014 | Volume 122 | Issue 11


Beyond Malnutrition: The Role of Sanitation in Stunted Growth

Charles W. Schmidt | A298

Nutrient Pollution: A Persistent Threat to Waterways

John Manuel | A304

PCBs and Impaired Cochlear Function in Children: Comparing Pre- and Postnatal Exposures

Julia R. Barrett | A310

Also see Jusko et al., p. 1246

Thinking One Step Ahead: Strategies to Strengthen Epidemiological Data for Use in Risk Assessment

Carrie Arnold | A311

Also see Burns et al., p. 1160

More Fat, Less Bone? Flame Retardant May Deliver a One–Two Punch

Wendee Nicole | A312

Also see Pillai et al., p. 1225

Focusing on the AhR: A Potential Mechanism for Immune Effects of Prenatal Exposures

Lindsey Konkel | A313

Also see Boule et al., p. 1201


Environmental Health Research Recommendations from the Inter-Environmental Health Sciences Core Center Working Group on Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling Operations

Trevor M. Penning, Patrick N. Breysse, Kathleen Gray, Marilyn Howarth, and Beizhan Yan | 1155

Evaluating Uncertainty to Strengthen Epidemiologic Data for Use in Human Health Risk Assessments

Carol J. Burns, J. Michael Wright, Jennifer B. Pierson, Thomas F. Bateson, Igor Burstyn, Daniel A. Goldstein, James E. Klaunig, Thomas J. Luben, Gary Mihlan, Leonard Ritter, A. Robert Schnatter, J. Morel Symons, and Kun Don Yi | 1160

Also see Science Selections, p. A311


Evaluating Potential Response-Modifying Factors for Associations between Ozone and Health Outcomes: A Weight-of-Evidence Approach

Lisa C. Vinikoor-Imler, Elizabeth O. Owens, Jennifer L. Nichols, Mary Ross, James S. Brown, and Jason D. Sacks | 1166

An Evidence-Based Public Health Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

Jeremy J. Hess, Millicent Eidson, Jennifer E. Tlumak, Kristin K. Raab, and George Luber | 1177


Heat, Heat Waves, and Hospital Admissions among the Elderly in the United States, 1992–2006

Carina J. Gronlund, Antonella Zanobetti, Joel D. Schwartz, Gregory A. Wellenius, and Marie S. O’Neill | 1187

High Blood Pressure and Long-Term Exposure to Indoor Noise and Air Pollution from Road Traffic

Maria Foraster, Nino Künzli, Inmaculada Aguilera, Marcela Rivera, David Agis, Joan Vila, Laura Bouso, Alexandre Deltell, Jaume Marrugat, Rafel Ramos, Jordi Sunyer, Roberto Elosua, and Xavier Basagaña | 1193

Effects of Developmental Activation of the AhR on CD4+ T-Cell Responses to Influenza Virus Infection in Adult Mice

Lisbeth A. Boule, Bethany Winans, and B. Paige Lawrence | 1201

Also see Science Selections, p. A313

Summertime Acute Heat Illness in U.S. Emergency Departments from 2006 through 2010: Analysis of a Nationally Representative Sample

Jeremy J. Hess, Shubhayu Saha, and George Luber | 1209

An Empirical Assessment of Exposure Measurement Error and Effect Attenuation in Bipollutant Epidemiologic Models

Kathie L. Dionisio, Lisa K. Baxter, and Howard H. Chang | 1216

Ligand Binding and Activation of PPARγ by Firemaster® 550: Effects on Adipogenesis and Osteogenesis in Vitro

Hari K. Pillai, Mingliang Fang, Dmitri Beglov, Dima Kozakov, Sandor Vajda, Heather M. Stapleton, Thomas F. Webster, and Jennifer J. Schlezinger | 1225

Also see Science Selections, p. A312

Children’s Health

Association of Arsenic and Metals with Concentrations of 25-Hydroxy­vitamin D and 1,25-Dihydroxy­vitamin D among Adolescents in Torreón, Mexico

Rachel D. Zamoiski, Eliseo Guallar, Gonzalo G. García-Vargas, Stephen J. Rothenberg, Carol Resnick, Marisela Rubio Andrade, Amy J. Steuerwald, Patrick J. Parsons, Virginia M. Weaver, Ana Navas-Acien, and Ellen K. Silbergeld | 1233

Early-Life Bisphenol A Exposure and Child Body Mass Index: A Prospective Cohort Study

Joseph M. Braun, Bruce P. Lanphear, Antonia M. Calafat, Sirad Deria, Jane Khoury, Chanelle J. Howe, and Scott A. Venners | 1239

Prenatal and Postnatal Serum PCB Concentrations and Cochlear Function in Children at 45 Months of Age

Todd A. Jusko, Renata Sisto, Ana-Maria Iosif, Arturo Moleti, Soňa Wimmerová, Kinga Lancz, Juraj Tihányi, Eva Šovčíková, Beata Drobná, Ľubica Palkovičová, Dana Jurečková, Kelly Thevenet-Morrison, Marc-André Verner, Dean Sonneborn, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, and Tomáš Trnovec | 1246

Also see Science Selections, p. A310

Prenatal Organochlorine and Methylmercury Exposure and Memory and Learning in School-Age Children in Communities Near the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site, Massachusetts

Sara T.C. Orenstein, Sally W. Thurston, David C. Bellinger, Joel D. Schwartz, Chitra J. Amarasiriwardena, Larisa M. Altshul, and Susan A. Korrick | 1253

In Memoriam

Anthony (Tony) McMichael

Kristie L. Ebi and Colin Butler | A290


Policy and the Transparency of Values in Science

David H. Schwartz | A291

Transparency of Values in Science: Elliott and Resnik Respond

Kevin C. Elliott and David B. Resnik | A291


Erratum: “Summertime Acute Heat Illness in U.S. Emergency Departments from 2006 through 2010: Analysis of a Nationally Representative Sample”


Erratum: “Outdoor Particulate Matter Exposure and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”


Erratum: “Estimating the Global Public Health Implications of Electricity and Coal Consumption”


Erratum: “Remote-Sensing Applications for Environmental Health”


Erratum: “Vaping and Health: What Do We Know about E-Cigarettes?”


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