An Inconvenient Thirst: 6 Videos on UCI/JPL's Alarming Groundwater Research

American Museum of Natural History
From his JPL desk, Jay Famiglietti talks about dwindling drinking water in Australia.

Check out the following six (mostly brief) videos that have UC Irvine/Jet Propulsion Laboratory water scientist Jay Famiglietti and his team's research explaining the California and global groundwater crises.

READING ASSIGNMENT: An Inconvenient Thirst: Water scientist Jay Famiglietti pleas for smart use of our most precious resource before it's too late. Will we listen?


1) TEDxUCIrvine: "Can We End the Global Water Crisis?"

Jay Famiglietti, the UC Irvine hydologist and Earth System Science and Civil and Environmental Engineering professor and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) senior water scientist, answers that question in this TEDx talk--the "x" meaning the presentation is independent from the nonprofit TED organization.

2) NASA GRACE: Tracking Water from Space

The American Museum of Natural History presents Famiglietti and his colleague Michael Watkins at JPL in Pasadena explaining NASA's GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and how its satellites measures ice, rainwater and groundwater on the Earth. That data is used to identify trouble spots around the planet.


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