Texas Governor Wants to Make the State a Home for High-Level Radioactive Waste

Cooling towers of a nuclear power plant in Grohnde, Germany. An interim charge for the Texas legislature could change the United States' management of nuclear waste.

Frank Map DPA/Landov

Cooling towers of a nuclear power plant in Grohnde, Germany. Texas Governor Rick Perry says he wants the state to come up with a solution for disposing of or storing spent nuclear fuel.

The storage and disposal of high-level radioactive waste is a tricky process, both from a safety and political point of view. As a result, that waste is now piling up around the country with nowhere to go. And Texas Governor Rick Perry is wondering if perhaps the Lone Star State could give it a home.

In a letter to the leaders of the state Senate and House, which you can read below, Perry says that Texas has “no choice but to begin looking for a safe and secure solution for HLW [high-level radioactive waste] in Texas.” Perry attached a 49-page report he commissioned from a state environmental agency that says that a facility for waste in Texas is “not only feasible but could be highly successful.”

The letter, first reported by Asher Price in the Austin American-Statesman today, lays out what have become familiar arguments from those hoping to make Texas a home for the nation’s unwanted isotopes: the federal government isn’t following through on its promise to take care of it, states paid the feds to fulfill that promise and got cheated, and Texas can do it safely (and, it would follow, profitably). 

While Perry’s letter seems to limit the issue to disposing of high-level waste from Texas’ six nuclear reactors, there’s reason to believe that if the state does designate a site for the waste it could end up with more than just Texas’ waste. (Currently, nuclear spent fuel is stored on-site at those reactors, which the environmental report says isn’t “adequate,” although it is deemed safe.)

As Jim Malewitz of the Texas Tribune reports today, Texas’ sole site for low-level radioactive waste is soon going to be home to hundred of truckloads of hotter radioactive “junk” that has caused some issues at a waste site in New Mexico:

The waste was not originally meant to leave New Mexico, but a sequence of events headlined by a Feb. 14 radiation leak at a disposal facility near Carlsbad has left its handlers eyeing a private collection site in Andrews County, Texas.

The company, along with Texas and U.S. officials, say the waste will be stored safely — and temporarily. But the plan has stirred concerns among environmentalists who object to the state’s expanding radioactive footprint.

Since the leak in New Mexico, the site has been closed. 21 workers were exposed to radiation during the leak.

The storage site in Texas had a controversial path to fruition, and was meant to hold low-level radioactive waste. But during the last legislative session a bill was introduced in the state Senate to approve the site for high-level radioactive waste. It died when it made its way to the House.

Now the issue is coming up again. One of the assignments Speaker of the House Joe Straus set before next year’s legislative session begins is to find a way to make Texas a storage/disposal site for the waste. That charge, combined with the letter from Perry, indicates there’s now high-level support for storing high-level radioactive waste in Texas.

You can read Perry’s letter here:

And you can read here the environmental review commissioned by Perry from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).


  • richardguldi

    Disposing of radioactive waste in one of the most extensively fracked counties of Texas in insanity. But what do you expect of Rick Perry !

  • gpwebster

    Is that really our Governor’s signature? Why haven’t handwriting analysts/graphologists stepped up here? Looks like it was written by a teen-aged girl. Rick Perry was a cheerleader… (Quick Google, Perry’s signature compared to Muppet’s.) Apparently Perry signs his full name on court documents, at least in Travis County. The “D in Meat” is making more sense….at least Rick doesn’t dot his i’s with little circles or hearts….

  • gpwebster

    I don’t believe Andrews, Texas signed on to be radioactive garbage pit of North America. From Wikipedia, Critics allege that millions in donations by Harold Simmons to Texas Governor Rick Perry and other politicians influenced political support for the controversial project.

    After WCS drilled almost 600 wells to document the hydrology of the site, the state of Texas determined the WCS facility does not sit above or adjacent to any underground drinking water formations.[7] The Texas Water Development Board purportedly changed maps that had previously indicated the site lay above the Ogallala Aquifer.[8] The individuals responsible for approving the facility’s license at TCEQ, and those who revised aquifer maps, were appointed by Governor Perry. Members of the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission, which voted to expand the facility, were also appointed by Governor Perry. [9]

    Critics also cite WCS’ safety record after losing a 22-ton shipment of radioactive material in 2001 for almost a month.[10] The company was fined in 2004 & 2005 for a string of incidents including an employee improperly releasing radioactive material by flushing it down a toilet. The company agreed to pay $161,000 in fines.[11]

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