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Property Records

Buying a new property without seeing its property records can be a daunting prospect. Even with a walkthrough of the property you can never tell what you are really getting until after you purchase it. Much like buying a used car, there can be lemons on the property market as well. If you are looking for a way to sift through the bad apples on property listings on the internet you are in the right place at LoopNet. LoopNet understands that an informed customer is a happy customer and strives to give both buyers and sellers access to all the information like property records, images, previous buying cost, etc., to make the right purchase or sell their property as quickly as possible.

One of the most desirable features of LoopNet's service is its ability to provide images of the properties that are listed on the website. You do not just get the street view on LoopNet. You can also get historical photos of properties to get details other sites cannot provide. It also makes the listing more desirable to potential sellers because they can display even more of the features of their commercial property via the web helping their property get even more looks and increase the likelihood that it will be sold.

Property taxes are also a major concern for those who are looking into buying a new property on That is why the website makes it possible to search for office space, retail properties, land and industrial properties by their property tax value. This can help buyers be prepared for the property taxes that they will face once they are moved in. All of this information is available in the property records section of

Tenants, past and present, that occupy commercial space are important to both buyers and sellers. LoopNet provides search functionality by tenant for all property records. You may want to know of properties occupied by a particular company. This information can be acquired through LoopNet search. The status of the current mortgage property is also available. This may be a good indicator of timing for a potential sale. LoopNet has been in business for over 15 years striving to make the process of locating and purchasing commercial property as simple as possible for professionals who are on the go and may not have the time to drive around all day looking for a new property. The fact that over 5 million people have become a member at LoopNet speaks greatly to its success. It is free to become a member and new listings are put up by the minute. That is why it is important that members use the e-mail update system to constantly stay in the know.

LoopNet has also partnered with hundreds of other real estate websites to ensure that each of their listings gets the maximum exposure to increase the likelihood that they will be sold. Searching for commercial space or investment property can be confusing. LoopNet's expansive information on property records helps its users wade through the clutter of information to find the property that is right for them.