
Bono Fine After Private Jet’s Rear Door Falls Off Mid-Flight, Luggage is Not

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AFP/Getty Images

AFP/Getty Images

By Brian Ives

The rear door of Bono‘s private jet fell off his private leer jet plane mid-flight earlier this week, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.

No one was injured, but Bono’s luggage may be somewhere in a field in Germany.

The mid-air incident occurred during a two-hour flight from Dublin to Berlin, where U2 were set to accept an award at the Bambi International awards, a German media award ceremony. The other members of the band weren’t on the plane; Bono flew out early to attend a diplomatic function with the German minister of economic cooperation and development, Gerd Mueller.

Related: Bono Discusses Possibility of U2 Acoustic Tour

A source close to the singer told the Daily Mail: “He was extremely lucky, the plane could have gone down. About an hour into the journey they heard a big thud coming from the rear of the plane…The entire door along with Bono and his companions’ luggage had fallen out mid-air. They don’t know if the door and the contents landed over water or land but they were extremely lucky. They were at an altitude where anything could have happened and they are all feeling very lucky to be alive.”

The Mail reported that the door was outside the pressurized area of the cabin so there was no loss of pressure and no need to don oxygen masks.

On Thursday morning officials from the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigations Office were with police officers scouring fields around the area of Ostprignitz-Ruppin, five miles from the airport, looking for Bono’s luggage and material from the plane which would aid into the probe about how the accident occurred.

Bono and U2 will soon travel to the U.S. where they have a week long residency on The Tonight Show starting Nov. 17. A month later, on Dec. 14, they will play L.A. rock station KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas’ 25th anniversary bash, along with Imagine Dragons, Smashing Pumpkins, System of a Down and several other bands.




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