A North Texas Family Has Sent Roses for Every NASA Space Flight Since 1988

Categories: Science

It took more than two years following the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion in 1986 for NASA to launch its next manned space flight. Shortly before it returned to earth, a bouquet of roses arrived at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

"I didn't actually decide to do it until the day the STS-26 mission was to land, and I didn't know that I even could get it done in time," Mark Shelton, who sent the flowers on behalf of his Dallas-area family, later told NASA. "I called information to find a florist near the space center, and then I asked the florist if they could deliver roses to Mission Control. At first they said they couldn't do it ... but then they said they would try. But I had no idea if they actually made it or not."

Since then, the Sheltons have been more prompt, making sure the flowers -- a colored rose for each astronaut on the mission, one white one to commemorate those who have died -- arrive before each of the 110-plus NASA-led space flights have launched. The upcoming launch of Expedition 39/40 is no different.

Mark, Terry, and Mackenzie Shelton touring the Johnson Space Center in 1990.

Some things have changed over the years. The space shuttle program has ended; Mackenzie, 3 when her father first took her to the Johnson Space Center, has grown up and married; Mark no longer has the righteous beard he sported when the family toured mission control in 1990. But the flowers have remained a ritual, so much so that, in NASA's words, "it would not be a space shuttle mission without these roses arriving."

With each bouquet comes a note.

"The handprints and heartprints of so many touch every surface, every moment," the Shelton family wrote in 2011. "Thank you all for sharing it all, the glory and the unspeakable pain, a grateful planet. Godspeed, godspeed, godspeed."

(h/t Mashable)

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.


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Water-boarding seems to be the only proper punishment that comes to mind upon reading this tripe.  Not only for the Shelton Family and that moronic libtard Eric Nicholson but also for the Florist who had the ever fucking nerve to make the arrangement.  A Florist who I am sure is gay and that NASA would NOT appreciate getting said flowers from said perverts.

Jeeesh who do these people think they are.  It was actually my grandfather who built the ladder that Neil and Buzz used to get on the moon.  He is also the one that wrote the "One small step" bit and he taped it to the ladder so that Armstrong moron would have something to say.

It was my youngest daughter, who I rarely mention due to the nature of her Black Ops work, who was the first woman on Pluto.   It is just not talked about because of Obama's hatred of all white women who carry guns as well as multiple babies to full term. 

If you are going to send any sort of gift to NASA or any government personal, you should start your note with, I love Jesus, he is my Savior, and he wanted me to write you in his holy name.  And end the note with, as long as the Lord Jesus in you Co-Pilot you will never go off course in your life.   Unlike those fucking moronic Malaysian's who clearly were not educated in America and have joined Obama's brown skinned evil doers.

And again Myrnnnnnah, this is not a conversation you should be a part of.  I can see how you could get confused when you saw flowers and flowers smell pretty and that is basically all you know about.  Please go look in the mirror and call yourself an idiot 1000 times.  But I do think you will agree than ruddski has gone above and beyond the call of doodie do in finding the blatant progressive evil in a flower delivery.  We are fools and he is so smart.  

Now, look at me dammit! 

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

Meh. How touching.

So when is that new blogger gonna start?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

 "I fucking hate Old Jewish white men." ---Ruddski, 11.6.2013


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I would suspect that would be his biggest fan base.  In addition to those who hate what they fear and fear what they do not understand. 

It is my understanding his great-grandmother was Annie "Ruddski" Frank. We must love him for his bitter hate and celebrate his non-entity status for every ounce of venom he pukes.  I love him.  He is great.  My BFF really.  Is there a SBFF?

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

Actually the middle. Had a full body massage at 10pm and slept like a baby.



There's room for controversy in this story. Firstly, the family receives Christmas cards from folks in Mission Control, not Holiday Greetings, and there's the repeated use of the term "godspeed", which can raise the ire of atheists - but you'll note it's not capitalized, which will give those of faith grist for the argument mill.



Your wit is still sleeping soundly, we see.



So you woke up every three hours or so screaming for food, crapped your pants and drooled?



You realize of course that blog items are most commonly in reference to the current news?

After all, Jim Schutze doesn't actually convene and moderate DISD board meetings, does that piss you off as well?

Talk about anal, sheesh.

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