22 Words

4 other states love themselves like Texans love Texas (and a few states hate themselves that much)

May 1, 2014 By Abraham 7

A U.S. map based on a Gallup poll from last year shows the relative interest residents of each state have in moving out of that state. Texans are predictably happy right where they are, but some of the others states might surprise you…

US Map of Residents' Happiness with Their State


    1. Geoff says:

      5 *other* states: Hawaii, Oregon, Montana, Maine and *New Hampshire*. Plus Texas makes 6 states *total*.

  1. Steve Long says:

    Illinois is boring and corrupt, so not too surprising that people want out.
    Indiana is boring and next to Illinois, so that might explain the higher than average desire to leave.

    No surprise that both residents of Montana like it there.

  2. Darcy says:

    I lived in New Hampshire for 7 years, thought it was super depressing, and couldn’t wait to move back to my home state of Illinois. I have no desire to leave here anytime soon, so I guess I’m the exception to this map.

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