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The Associated Press

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AP Exclusive: Drones patrol nearly half of the US-Mexico border in a shift targeting remote areas.
SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. (AP) — The U.S. government now patrols nearly half the Mexican border by drones alone in a largely unheralded shift to control desolate stretches where there are no agents, camera towers, ground sensors…
Yitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photoMike Lavery's profile photoEnna Sonwat's profile photoMike H's profile photo
+Wolfgang Bayer Wake up!!!
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The Associated Press

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"By studying one in enormous detail, we can hope to unlock the puzzle of all of the others," said Mark McCaughrean, a senior scientific adviser to the mission.
DARMSTADT, Germany (AP) — Hundreds of millions of miles from Earth, a European spacecraft made history Wednesday by successfully landing on the icy, dusty surface of a speeding comet — an audacious cosmic first designed…
Yitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photoElton Costa's profile photoNancy Janes's profile photothomas pizzey's profile photo
Darmstadt-the place of the last Tsaritsa of Russia Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova,the wife of the last Tsar of Russia and the mother of OTMA&Alexei.
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Eight Indian women died and 20 others were in critical condition after undergoing sterilization surgeries in a free government-run program to help slow the country's population growth. A total of 83 women, all poor villagers under the age of 32, had the operations Saturday in a hospital outside Bilaspur city in the central state of Chhattisgarh.
Henshaw Arrey's profile photoAngel Bravo's profile photoCandice Silas's profile photoOfficial Stacy Lynn Myers's profile photo
/S stands for sarcasm, so I was actually joking.
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The Associated Press

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Federal employees and contractors scattered across more than a dozen agencies, from the Defense and Education departments to the National Weather Service, are responsible for at least half of federal cyberincidents each year since 2010, according to an Associated Press analysis of records.
They have clicked links in bogus phishing emails, opened malware-laden websites and been tricked by scammers into sharing information. Federal employees and contractors scattered across more than a dozen agencies, from the…
Lisa Winebrenner's profile photoAdARegional's profile photothomas pizzey's profile photoAaron Stevens's profile photo
Unbelievable. It has become the norm. It does not happen by itself!
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While Wall Street traders and software CEOs soared to enormous affluence, waves of people fell out of the middle class as manufacturing's share of the economy shrank. Following the downside arc of the wealth gap was inevitable for many who stayed in stricken factory towns. For others, though, escaping meant separating their own fate from that of their hometowns.
DANVILLE, Illinois (AP) — This Illinois city already was struggling when Tara Holycross and her friends were kids riding their bikes to Custard Cup, swimming at the park district pool and hanging out in the Wendy's parking…
Mark Bedard's profile photoelizabeth steadman's profile photoMichael Bertocchi's profile photo
Yes so then the super wealthy can subjugate us further by using the time honored strategy of divide and conquer. 
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A central Massachusetts town of 7,700 has become an improbable battleground in America's tobacco wars. On Wednesday, the Board of Health will hear public comment on a proposed regulation that could make Westminster the first municipality in the United States to ban sales of all tobacco products within town lines.
WESTMINSTER, Mass. (AP) — The cartons of Marlboros, cans of Skoal and packs of Swisher Sweets are hard to miss stacked near the entrance of Vincent's Country Store, but maybe not for much longer: All tobacco products could…
Kerry Amburgy-Dickson's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photothomas pizzey's profile photoWaren Patrick Castonguay's profile photo
You outlaw tobacco only outlaws with have tobacco. Besides if tobacco is so bad why isn't it regulated by the FDA? Think about that.
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Every neighborhood with a critical mass of bearded hipsters, bike shops and vegan cafes calls itself "the new Brooklyn." Ballard is the Brooklyn of Seattle. Glasgow and Melbourne both claim Brooklyn cool. And Oakland, California, has been called the Brooklyn of San Francisco. There's even a Brooklyn of Paris: the once-gritty suburb of Pantin.
NEW YORK (AP) — For more than a century, cities around the world have compared themselves to Paris.
Garry Speake's profile photoCarol Stafford's profile photoArticle Bellis's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photo
How interesting. What other U.S. city? 💪👍50 to choose from. 1 out of 50. How interesting.
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A look at key moments in the European Space Agency's space probe Rosetta's 10-year journey to link up with comet 67P:
DARMSTADT, Germany (AP) — Europe's unmanned space probe Rosetta on Wednesday released a lander toward comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. If successful, it will be the first time that a spacecraft has landed on a comet. The…
Vlad Markov's profile photo
Dear +The Associated Press, I don't believe you have a right to add or overwrite non-exclusive license to copy on a top of Copyrighted material from  *ESA/Rosetta/Philae/ROLIS/DLR*
I noticed a lot of your pictures from +European Space Agency, ESA  carrying AP marking.
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Security agents train for their most dangerous diplomatic posts in a mock city at a Virginia base.
lawrence auls's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photo
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The Associated Press

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People, many of them long dead, built structures in which they could work or live or play. And then they moved on to other, newer places. Sometimes the wrecking ball obliterated all evidence of the past, but often the carcasses remained, growing majestic in their decrepitude.
Our ghosts are with us, for all to see. All we need do is look carefully. People, many of them long dead, built structures in which they could work or live or play. And then they moved on to other,...
Christina Hoffmann's profile photo
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Malaysia's separate Sharia law prevents mothers from getting kids even if they win custody.
IPOH, Malaysia (AP) — It was the last round of a recurring argument: M. Indira Gandhi's husband wanted her to convert to Islam. A committed Hindu, she refused. He threatened divorce. Both started shouting. Neighbors came…
Jorge Letria's profile photoshelley lewis's profile photoMark David's profile photoJonathan Savar's profile photo
The Family Law/CPS/Foster Care Industrialists seem like the only winners. See what these brave parents are doing in standing up to the Sharia-like California Judicial Council and Chief Justice:
Court Reform Advocates Address Judicial Council of California- Public Comment Period, 10/27/14
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Twenty-five years ago, the Berlin Wall, which represented the East-West divide around the globe, came down. Explore AP's coverage of the event that symbolically ended the Cold War.
FatherJ13's profile photoAmy Terry's profile photoTee Moo's profile photoNhan To-Doan's profile photo
Berlin is in a cold winter climate. 
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