Tuscaloosa Marine Shale

Tuscaloosa Marine Shale
Tuscaloosa Marine Overview: Located along the Louisiana/Mississippi border, the TMS is very much in its early innings, and faces a significant amount of assessment drilling and development work in the months ahead. Read More

Tuscaloosa Marine Counties: LA:Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Catahoula, Concordia Read More

Tuscaloosa Marine Pipelines (natural gas): ANR, Columbia Gulf, Florida Gas Transmission, Gulf South, Kinder Morgan Louisiana, Louisiana Intrastate Gas, Pine Prairie Energy Hub, Southern Natural, Tennessee, Texas Eastern Transmission, Texas Gas Transmission, Transco, Trunkline Read More

Tuscaloosa Marine Acreage Table: A table detailing the net acreage owned by various companies in the Tuscaloosa Marine. View Table


Encana Hits 2017 Targets in 3Q, Cushioned for Volatile Prices, Says CEO

Encana Corp.'s strategic decision last year to balance its weighty natural gas portfolio with more liquids-rich assets propelled profits... Read More

Halcon Cuts Capex, Rig Count -- But Sees 2015 Output Rising 15-20%

Onshore independent Halcon Resources Corp. is slashing its capital budget and will drop almost half of its rigs in 2015, but production year/year still will jump by 15-20%, CEO Floyd Wilson said Tuesday. Read More

Rocky E&P Quarterlies Forecast on Oil Price Declines

Talk about natural gas oversupply may not be the big story when the domestic exploration and production sector unveils quarterly earnings reports over the next few weeks. Instead, conversations may center around the impact lower crude oil prices had on the third quarter, and how they may impact drilling plans into 2015, energy analysts said this week. Read More

Goodrich Completes Two TMS Wells, Nears Completion on Three More

Goodrich Petroleum Corp. said two wells it completed in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Mississippi had peak 24-hour average production that met at least 1,000 boe/d, and it is in various stages of completing three additional wells targeting the play. Read More

Goodrich's Latest TMS Well In Line With Play's 'Best'

Goodrich Petroleum Corp. Tuesday turned in results for its latest Tuscaloosa Marine Shale well, and they show improvement from some other wells recently drilled... Read More

Goodrich Hunting for Nature's Fracks in the TMS

Goodrich Petroleum Corp. and its peers have had some recent disappointments in the emerging Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) of Louisiana and Mississippi. Goodrich shares are off about 35% since mid-June, but CEO Gil Goodrich remains a TMS believer and said the industry's understanding of the play is advancing rapidly, if a bit unevenly. Read More

Halcon Reports Record Quarter, But Second TMS Well Sidetracked

Halcon Resources Corp. continued making gains on drilling and completion efficiencies in the second quarter, mainly in the Williston Basin, where the Bakken/Three Forks Shale accounted for more than half of its record-breaking 42,055 boe/d. Read More

Encana Awash in Cash as Oil, Liquids Output Jumps

Encana Corp. still reigns as Canada's top natural gas explorer, but it's quickly making a name for itself as a nimble onshore oil/liquids operator... Read More

First Sanchez-Operated TMS Well Hits a Snag

Sanchez Energy Corp.'s first operated Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS) well ran into trouble during clean out, and the well's lateral is currently being sidetracked, Sanchez said Wednesday. Read More

Goodrich TMS Well Makes Weak Showing

The latest Tuscaloosa Marine Shale well production results from Goodrich Petroleum Inc. continued a downward trend that began last month as the company's Beech Grove 94H-1 turned in a disappointing number. Read More


Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Gallery

A gallery of all of the images related to the Tuscaloosa Marine shale.