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Speaker vote looks more likely on lege's first day; Big Lake, a historic boomtown, roars back to life; Private sector an oasis for thirsty San Antonio; Abbott says he will name Cascos as secretary of state; George W. Bush, invoking father, urges Jeb to run.

John Reynolds with The Brief for Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014:

Today in TribTalk:
Texans deserve the truth about property taxes, by Kirk Watson

As part of our week-long Fall Member Drive, we're hosting a 5th anniversary member celebration happy hour at Frank in downtown Austin, this evening, 6-8. Enjoy a complimentary cocktail and delicious bites on us! We'd love to see you there. Not a member? No worries, we'll get you set up on your way in! Details and RSVP:
Scott Turner, the ;freshman ;state representative challenging ;Joe Straus ;for House speaker, affirmed on Tuesday that he will insist on a floor vote the first day of session, come what may.
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