Articles by Carolyn Davis

White House Signals Support for Speedier LNG Export Approval

A bill to speed approvals for U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects might get the backing of the Obama administration, with a bit of modification, according to Republican Sen. John Hoeven of North Dakota. Read More

Small, Midsize U.S. Energy Firms Adding Jobs at Faster Pace than Overall Economy

U.S. energy companies, particularly small and midsize businesses, have been adding jobs faster than the overall economy since 2005, a pace that could quicken even more with expanded liquefied natural gas exports, according to the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council. Read More

Marked Production Growth Ahead for Deepwater GOM, Says Wood Mackenzie

Production in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico should hit a new peak of 1.9 million boe/d in 2016, driven by new developments and older field expansions... Read More

McClendon Affiliate Scoops Up Oklahoma Acreage

An affiliate of American Energy Partners LP (AELP) has completed a series of transactions that has built a portfolio in southern and central Oklahoma, better known as the South Central Oklahoma Oil Province, or SCOOP. Read More

Natural Gas Still Seen as Most In-Demand Fossil Fuel in 2040, Says IEA

The global demand for natural gas by 2040 is forecast to grow by more than half, the fastest rate among all fossil fuels, with an increasingly flexible trade in liquefied natural gas (LNG) offering protection against the risk of supply disruptions, the International Energy Agency said in its latest annual forecast, World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2014.

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Encana Hits 2017 Targets in 3Q, Cushioned for Volatile Prices, Says CEO

Encana Corp.'s strategic decision last year to balance its weighty natural gas portfolio with more liquids-rich assets propelled profits... Read More

Proppant Suppliers See No Slowdown for ‘15, With Sand Eclipsing Ceramics

Onshore operators have been pumping millions of pounds of sand and ceramic proppants into their fractures (fracks) at a furious pace this year to improve estimated ultimate recoveries (EUR) from new wells and recompletions, a pace that suppliers don't see slowing down going into 2015. Read More

Halcon Cuts Capex, Rig Count -- But Sees 2015 Output Rising 15-20%

Onshore independent Halcon Resources Corp. is slashing its capital budget and will drop almost half of its rigs in 2015, but production year/year still will jump by 15-20%, CEO Floyd Wilson said Tuesday. Read More

U.S. LNG Export Trade to Rival Qatar by 2020, Says Citi

Where U.S. natural gas and oil exports are allowable they are surging, and as plans progress to carry liquefied natural gas (LNG) and more crude oil overseas, dramatic swings in the U.S. trade balance swiftly will transform America into an energy superpower, according to an in-depth analysis by Citi. Read More

Macondo Spill Claims Boss Stays, Court Tells BP

BP plc on Monday lost an attempt to remove the court-appointed administrator who has overseen the claims settlement fund for the Macondo well blowout for two years. Read More