1. Obama Said to Plan Moves to Shield 5 Million Immigrants

    12:15 PM ETIgnoring Republican protests, President Obama will assert his executive authority to order a broad overhaul of the immigration system, including a plan to give work permits to millions, officials said.

  2. Amazon and Hachette Resolve Dispute

    1:50 PM ETThe accord allows the publisher to set prices on its e-books, a major issue in a battle that led Amazon to discourage sales of Hachette books.

  3. Army Cuts Hit Officers Hard, Especially Ones Up From Ranks

    Faced with declining budgets, the Army has had to cut its force, and, for reasons the Army has not explained, the largest group of officers being pushed out — nearly one in five — began as enlisted soldiers.

  4. Lower Oil Prices Give a Lift to the American Economy

    12:02 PM ETThe effect of cheaper crude oil and gasoline is especially significant for those Americans largely left behind by an anemic economic recovery.

  5. Russia to Curtail Nuclear Security Efforts With U.S., Officials Say

    11:49 AM ETThe move could seriously undermine more than two decades of cooperation aimed at ensuring that nuclear bomb components on Russian soil do not fall into the hands of terrorists or a rogue state.

  6. Lincoln Center to Rename Avery Fisher Hall
  7. FIFA Inquiry Clears Qatar and Russia in World Cup Bids
  8. Shaking Off Midterm Drubbing, Liberal Donors Look 6 Years Ahead
  9. DealBook: Debts Canceled by Bankruptcy Still Mar Consumer Credit Scores
  10. Top U.S. General Says He’s Open to Using Ground Troops to Take Mosul
  11. ISIS Chief Is Said to Emerge, Urging ‘Volcanoes of Jihad’
  12. Comet Landing Bumpier Than First Thought
  13. Liberia President, Citing Ebola Gains, Ends State of Emergency
  14. Corner Office: Executive Women, Finding (and Owning) Their Voice
  15. interactiveCorner Office: Executive Women, Finding (and Owning) Their Voice
  16. Personal Journeys: A Guide to Tokyo, From an Outsider (and Insider)
  17. Noted: Racy Gay Scenes in ‘How to Get Away With Murder’ Draw a Following
Updated 2:11 PM ET




  1. Editorial: A Response to President Xi Jinping
  2. Op-Ed Contributor: Under the Ships in the Suez Canal
  3. Charles M. Blow: Race, to the Finish
  4. Roger Cohen: Mere Human Behavior

PoliticsU.S. Politics

  1. First Draft: Democratic Caucus Keeps Reid as Leader, but Airs Frustration
  2. First Draft: It’s McConnell, Unanimously