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Profile picture of cramdesign
  • Member Since: May 15th, 2009
  • Portsmouth, Ohio
  • mattcram.com
  • Shawnee State University
  • Find me on:


I teach graphic design and do a bit of consulting (design or WordPress related).


I like drawing, clean code, elegant type and tacos.

  • Wrote a comment on the post 4.1: Call for Tickets, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Though it may be outside the scope of 4.1, I would like to see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/29724…

    1 month ago

  • Created a new ticket, #29724, in Core Trac:
    register new content areas

    2 months ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post Twenty Fifteen, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I'm in. Ping me. Where is the appropriate place to discuss the design? Here?

    2 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "can't type into notes", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    With a few email exchanges today, the plugin is now working as it should. Well…

    3 months ago

  • Created a topic, can't type into notes, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "PHP errors", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Got them all I think. I created a pull request with the changes on github.…

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "PHP errors", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    still some problems on the new staff edit screen... trying to fix those as well...

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "PHP errors", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    The second problem can be solved by referencing the_post_thumbnail rather than get_the_post_thumbnail and trying to…

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "PHP errors", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Ok... the edit screen was easy. You just need quotes around your wp_editor settings array…

    4 months ago

  • Created a topic, PHP errors, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Styling?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Any luck?

    4 months ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post Updated Media Grid UX/UI comps, on the site Make WordPress UI:
    I would like to see a grid view as an option for all post types…

    5 months ago

  • Created a topic, Amazing, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    8 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Wrong datatype for second argument", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    same error here.

    8 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #27376, in Core Trac:
    Gallery Live Preview img width css

    8 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Grid view and sorting", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Sorry. I certainly wasn't clear. I was thinking that a grid view would be useful…

    9 months ago

  • Created a topic, Grid view and sorting, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    9 months ago

  • Created a topic, Extend this to other post types?, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    9 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Select/edit/delete..?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    It would be great to be able to fill in the caption, description, etc when…

    9 months ago

  • Created a topic, Styling?, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, email links, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    1 year ago

  • Posted a reply to "3.6 Post Format Gallery", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    I think that something to the effect of a featured gallery would be nice.

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Great plugin but..., on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Perfect., on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "WP 3.5 - any way to default "Add Media" to "Upload Files"?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    http://wordpress.org/support/topic/uploaded-to-this-post-as-default-view :) Thanks.

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, "Uploaded to this post" as default view, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "WP 3.5 - any way to default "Add Media" to "Upload Files"?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Is there a way to default to the "uploaded to this post" controls?

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Can adjust sliders - frozen (WP3.5)", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    It would be okay if the slider options were even simple number fields... still would…

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Can adjust sliders - frozen (WP3.5)", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    YIkes. This is a great plugin... too bad is now broken.

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, updating for 3.5?, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, 3.5 media manager, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "[WooCommerce] Empty Cart Problem", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Same problem. Any solutions. Fresh wordpress install. Same on every theme.

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "WooCommerce Cart always says empty? Please help, major site needs to be up soon!", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    My cart is always empty. Anyone find a fix?

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Child Themes for P2, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Permalinks broken. Redirecting to feed.", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Broken again... nothing changed. Making me a little crazy.

    2 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Permalinks broken. Redirecting to feed.", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    .htaccess file: http://snippi.com/s/dgblp4r However, now the site is working again and I changed nothing. No…

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Permalinks broken. Redirecting to feed., on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, [Plugin: Gallery Metabox] drag sort, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    3 years ago

  • Created a new ticket, #20295, in Core Trac:
    Insert gallery options not loading

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Gallery option missing from media", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    WordPress 3.31. Fresh install. No gallery options for me either. Further, I cannot drag order…

    3 years ago

  • Created a new ticket, #20191, in Core Trac:
    Menu item parent class

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "[Plugin: File Gallery] thickbox not working", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Found the errors. I was making a call to a jquery plugin that I was…

    3 years ago

  • Created a topic, [Plugin: File Gallery] thickbox not working, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Private theme update notification and installation script almost complete. help", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    has there been any development on this?

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Replace/Override comment_form function", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    I guess that I am a bit greener than that... can you point me in…

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Replace/Override comment_form function", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Is there a way to do the same within a theme and what is that…

    3 years ago

  • Created a topic, Replace/Override comment_form function, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "Problem with magnify preview.", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Much better, thanks! Off topic, setting the featured image doesn't stick if there is currently…

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Problem with magnify preview., on the site WordPress Support Forums

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, [Plugin: Power Code Editor] resize editing area, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    4 years ago